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We want a link to "The First Thread"..I am talking about Thread #1. The Alpha Thread. The Word. The "Let There Be Light".

We are but orphans of history on this forum...GIVE US A LINK TO THE PAST!!! Resurrect the GENESIS THREAD!! Let us see, touch and feel the beginning that we may know that we are a link in a chain of addicts. And not lone losers with too much time on our hands.

Thanking you in advance

All of us.

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Hear our cries and lamentations. Give us the First Thread so that we may bath in it's glory and wisdom. The one that started it all, the Holy First Thread of the CM Forum.

Second Request Bump,

Thanking you in advance,

All of us.

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That thread was from Nov 99 but it cannot be the First Thread...it's is not enlightening enough.

OK they forced me to do it. I am forming a spin off wacko cult called


Our mandate is to search for the Genesis Thread. Thread #1. The begining of the CM Forum universe.

When we find it we will bask in it's wisdom and dance naked around our computers and chant in rapture.

Memberships available now.

Madmatt, give us our past!!!

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While I support your cause and your ambition. I am afraid that what you are seeking can not be found.

There were a lot of post about CM when they were using diffrent forum software.

So the latest post you'll find here is just when they changed software, which will be nowhere near the first post.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:


While I support your cause and your ambition. I am afraid that what you are seeking can not be found.

There were a lot of post about CM when they were using diffrent forum software.

So the latest post you'll find here is just when they changed software, which will be nowhere near the first post.


I am pretty sure that the old messeges were transfered to the new forum. I have a few messeges from the old BBS that are searchable (when the search function works) and show up as a topic.

EDIT- However I am not sure if all were saved. Its possible that some were lost.

[ 08-07-2001: Message edited by: Freak ]

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Although I can't swear to the exact date, ISTR that the first mention of CM (although it was first referred to as Computer Squad Leader--CSL) was on the old BTS Forum back sometime in mid-1998. Don't know if there are any archives from that forum still in existence. Cyber life forms are so ephemeral. :(


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While your quest for the past is noble, my friend, I'm not so sure it is one you should embark upon. Suppose the knowledge you find is too much for you young mind to handle, and you go into a comatose like state. On the otherhand, what if this first thread you seek contains nothing but "Hi Mom smile.gif" or "Bump" posts, thus shattering your lifelong goal once you attain it.

I say leave the past to the past and live for the present.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt:


We want a link to "The First Thread"..I am talking about Thread #1. The Alpha Thread. The Word. The "Let There Be Light".

We are but orphans of history on this forum...GIVE US A LINK TO THE PAST!!! Resurrect the GENESIS THREAD!! Let us see, touch and feel the beginning that we may know that we are a link in a chain of addicts. And not lone losers with too much time on our hands.

Thanking you in advance

All of us.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Here is the oldest remaining thread

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This is not the 1st thread. It aludes to another Board and obviously the poster had experienced the suffrage (his opinion) if the new board for some time.

We are close but the Primorald Thread is out there and I will find it...GOD IS ON MY SIDE!!

Now a wise out there cautioned us all about the dangers of finding the truth of the First CM Thread. But I will take precautions.

I will not touch the keyboard with anything but my nose.

I will sacrifice the blood of two Newbies and bathe in it.

I will eat a big bag of cornchips without drinking water.

I will not sleep for 6 days so that I will be in a proper state to receive the Truth.


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Here's what I got by displaying all topics and going to the page that was responded to longest ago, and then playing around with which topic number I was looking at by hand:

oldest on this board

As you can see, it's topic number 15. It looks like topics 1-14 were overwritten in Jan 2000 during a crash.

I know there's a link somewhere in this bbs to the old bbs, and at least some bits of it were still online within the past year.

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Don't you guys realise that splinter religions and civil wars start this way. We must be united in our Search for the First Thread or we risk throwing humanity into chaos.

There must be a link somewhere..

The QUEST continues. SPFT's rally on!!!

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The_Capt:


Don't you guys realise that splinter religions and civil wars start this way. We must be united in our Search for the First Thread or we risk throwing humanity into chaos.

There must be a link somewhere..

The QUEST continues. SPFT's rally on!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

in my best "doubter guy from waterworld" voice:


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While on the subject of the Board, has anyone else noticed that it seems to have slowed down its snail's pace even more in the last month? It take me fifteen to thirty seconds to open a thread or almost any new page now, sometimes longer than that even. That's about twice to three times as long as I feel comfortable with.

It seems like I spend as much time waiting for a page to load as I do reading it, though I'll concede that's somewhat of an exaggeration. I don't know if folks with DSL or cable modems have any problems like I do. It seems to me (though it may be a mistaken impression on my part) that the server on which the Board lives takes a longer time to search for data. Could that be a result of the huge accumulation of posts? Or is it just that the server sucks? Or should I just go and spring for a cable modem?



[ 08-09-2001: Message edited by: Michael emrys ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

Maybe the server is infected with Code Red I/II?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That thought has occurred to me too. I noticed a significant slowdown after the Red Scare. I don't know whose responsibility it is to check on such things.


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