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<big>How to Use the Forum</big>

First off, Probably the Number One Most Frequently Asked Question

How do I take a screenshot?

"On a Mac press Command + Shift + 3. A file will appear on your hard disk called Picture 1. Subsequent screenshots take subsequent numbers.

On a PC press Print Screen. This saves the screen to the clipboard. Then open Paint and use Ctrl + v to paste to a new document."

Now then,

Look at the FAQs! Also a very good search function is available above. It is sometimes quicker at answering your questions then waiting for a reply.

Your best bet is CAR_12's excellent FAQ at his webpage(look for a FAQ link there)

CAR_12's CM for Macs Webpage

wargamer.com's FAQ, based on posts by Steve and Charles

The Wargamer CM FAQ

Big Time Software's CM FAQ(way out of date):

Big Time Software's CM FAQ

Mina's Combat Mission Site

Combat-Mission.com FAQ's and also useful is the Terms page.

<big>Board Culture, Usage, and Vocabulary</big>

How do I use the UBB Board?

How to make smillies, urls and images, bold, etc.

How do I look at the UBB with no frames?

How do I become a member?

You need to post 30 messages.

How many posts do I have?

Look at one of your messages. There is an icon of a face with a question mark. Hit that button to get your current number of posts.

What's with all the Peng threads?

After a certain while a Peng thread (aka the Cesspool) gets so big that the UBB crashes(bad). Hence, new Peng threads.

Who moderates/represents the BTS BBS/company?

Big Time Software(Steve or Charles), Madmatt, and KwazyDog.

Where can I test my signature?

Try the General Forum. There is usually a "Test" post. Just reply to it to test your signature and avoid starting a new thread. If you do need to test, just mention that there's no topic(n/t) so people don't have to click on it.

What's with all the "Hi Mom!" responses in certain threads?

The moderators lock down threads that threaten to spiral out of control into flamefests. Posters who think this is going to happen sardonically post "Hi Mom!" since you want to say hi to mom before the thread's locked.

What's with all the gerbil and hamster talk?

Most probably from the SS are overpriced hamsters! thread. Now it's part of the board vernacular.

What's an UberTank?

The biggest and baddest tanks in the game. Mostly German, they are the heaviest tanks in the game, and are almost impervious to smaller enemy tanks. A few examples are the Tiger, Panther, Jumbo, and Pershing. There are others as well.

What's a mod slut?

Someone who always searches for, downloads, and uses new mods for the game.

<big>TCP/IP and PBEM</big>

Where's the TCP/IP patch?

<a href="http://www.battlefront.com/downloads/index.html">Da' Patch<a/>. Scroll down till you see Combat Mission in Patches.

How do I find an opponent?

There is an opponents forum at battlefront:

CM Opponent Finder. Also try the Tournament House Gaming League and Combat Mission HQ chat rooms.

How do I tell my IP address?

1) Use this URL: http://www.babygrrl.com/ip.shtml

2A) choose RUN from the Start menu and type "WINIPCFG". Then click one of the connection devices, and it will reveal your IP.

2B) If you are using Mac, look at the TCP/IP setting in the Control Panel.

3) Host a TCP/IP game, then your IP address is shown automatically.[last two from GriffinCheng+]

How do I switch from TCP/IP to PBEM?

What are Fionn's Short 75 / Panther-76 Rules?

Fionn's Rules can be found here. They were rules set up to prevent every engagement from being an uber tank battle(ex. all King Tigers vs. all Super Pershings).

How is scoring done?


How do I order infantry mounted on a vehicle to a fixed spot and disgorge the troops?

Order the troops to move to the spot you want, and add some pauses so that it covers the time of the trip, plus command delay.

Why did my embarked unit not get off that tank?

If the tank had movement orders or was completing a previous movement, the units on board cannot get off until it halts.


My King Tiger/Super Pershing/Uber tank missed fifteen times and got killed by a Stuart/Lynx/wuss tank! How did that happen?

Sometimes bad luck happens, even in war. The little units may be computers but they act like men, so there will be screw-ups, chokes, and bad karma. On the technical side tanks have weak spots, poor armor quality, or even design flaws. Plus, the Allied tanks have and now use tungsten rounds in the new 1.1 patch, a major tank killer.

How come my tank fired at a nearby target and died when nothing hit it?

If the target was too close the main gun's blast knocked out the tank. You can check if this is so by clicking on the unit, pressing ENTER, and clicking "kills". The tank should list itself as a kill.

How did a machine gun take out my tank?

Depends on how close the machine gun was and it's ability to penetrate armor. Angle and armor quality also factors in. For example, a Hetzer's side armor cannot withstand a .50 caliber machinegun at medium to close range.

The .50 caliber was designed to take out light armor. Here is an example of the MG42 and .50 caliber's penetrating power:


Do machine guns on vehicles jam or get damaged?

No, but they get knocked out if the main gun gets damaged.

Do machine guns jam or get damaged at all?

Yes, a machine gun can indeed JAM. What's cool is that the gun crew can unJAM it given enough experience and time. Machine guns can also be immobilized.

Why can't my light/heavy machine gun run?

They have to carry the machine gun(heavy), spare gun barrels(a bit of weight), and ammo(really, really heavy). See the links so kindly provided by Lindan: spur of the moment complaining and David Aitken: Light MG 42's speed

Why do the firepower stats not add up for some German squads?

Most likely the squads have a light maching gun, the MG42, which requires two men to man. One soldier with a rifle will drop his rifle and help with the more deadly LMG.

Does anyone know where one can get good topological maps of European battlefields?

Of course, there is also Topozone.

Do vehicles provide cover for infantry?

Only if they are knocked out and burning because the smoke blocks line of sight(LOS). The calculations are too complex for CM to do it while the vehicles are on the move.

Why can't I have a roster of all my troops?

Why can't my artillery spotter hide and fire at the same time?

It can. It will have reduced accuracy and longer response time.

Why does the artillery clock countdown at 2 sec for every second in real time?

That will happen if the oberver doesn't have a clear LOS. it will only move at 1 sec/1 sec if there is a clear LOS to the target. Unit experience also is a factor I believe.

How much does it take to destroy a bridge?

Generally wooden bridges blow up in a few turns. Stone bridges are tougher. The large heavy stone bridge needs 14 inch guns or 300mm rockets to destroy in any decent amount of time.


How do I take a screenshot?

Possibly the most asked question.

"On a Mac press Command + Shift + 3. A file will appear on your hard disk called Picture 1. Subsequent screenshots take subsequent numbers.

On a PC press Print Screen. This saves the screen to the clipboard. Then open Paint and use Ctrl + v to paste to a new document."

Why are there only three men max shown per squad?

It takes too much computing power to show all 8-12 men. A lot of polygons go into those little men so tripling the number will tax almost any CPU/videocard.

Why isn't a bloody corpse shown for every casualty?

Again, too much computing power is required. Not only that but BTS felt that too much gore will detract from the game.

Can we have sandbags in the foxhole graphics?

Sorry no, the big, dark crater is the same picture as the foxhole picture.

How can I make 3D rubble?

Sorry, in CMBO it is a flat .bmp, not a 3D object. However you could place several roadblocks on top to simulate a pile of rubble, since they use the same bmp file.

<big>Mods & Sounds</big>

Where can I get some cool mods?

There are numerous places. Try this post, for beginner tips. The major mod palace is CMHQ. This is where most mods start off or wind up. Another place I go to is CM Outpost. Be sure to read this great article on CM mods, written by one of this board's very own members!

How do I change .bmp & .wav files to use on a Mac?

"The Mac Combat Mission Mod Manager (MCMMM - MCM3 for short) and the MacMod Manager are both at CMHQ under third party dl's iirc." -jd

How do I change that background grass that stretches to infinity?

Where can I find a list of all the .bmp files?

Right here.

Why does the .wav file I added crackle and squeal in CM?

The .wav file should be at Mono 16bit 44100 samples.

How do I change that really loud exit sound?

Change file 00000171.wav and either use a computer sound recorder program to reduce the noise level or copy in a different sound like the sniper sound 00000410.wav or the end of battle sound 00000129.wav.

Where can I find a sound map of the .wav files?

The above link goes to a thread where I posted a general sound map. Scroll Down till you see a listing...

<big>Scenario Editing and Work-arounds</big>

How do I increase a scenario map to the South and West in the scenario editor?

On the width and height buttons, hold SHIFT and click the height and width buttons to increase/decrease map to the south and west.

How do I:

o generate a random map?

   There's an "Auto Generate" random map button at the top of the editor.

o turn off the numbers indicating height in terrain mode?

   There's a "Don't Show Height" button at the top left of the editor.

o add bocages, walls, hedges, etc.?

   There're more tiles than can be show in one screen. Hit the button with the down arrow above the tiles.

o edit a unit?

   In the unit listing double-click the unit you wish to edit, or click the edit button at the bottom of the screen.

o liiiive without yooooou?

   I waaant to knooow...

How do I set the initial view for each side when thescenario starts?

Before you exit the editor, move the camera to the view what you want the Allied player to see when the game starts. For the Axis player, press "\", no quotes (not the turn 180 degrees key, other slash), then set the camera view.

How can I make 3D rubble?

Sorry, in CMBO it is a flat .bmp, not a 3D object. However you could place several roadblocks on top to simulate a pile of rubble, since they use the same bmp file.

How can I edit a vehicle so it is immobilized?

No actual editor commands for that but I found a work arounds (I hereby claim credit for the rubble immobilization technique now and forever!). First, take the vehicle and padlock it exactly where you want. Go to the terrain editor and place a rubble tile on top. The vehicle can still rotate, but it can't move out.

How can I put a gun in a house?

Same as above, place unit where you want, then put a terrain tile over it.[note: this worked for an earlier version of CM. I haven't ever tried this, so be warned.]

How can I edit a vehicle unit so it is gun damaged?

Edit the unit so it has no ammo.

How can I edit a unit so it has wounded?

Use split squads and make some of them shaken. That's the best idea I heard as of yet.


<A HREF="http://www.battlefront.com/discuss/Forum1/HTML/014130.html" TARGET=_blank>When will my copy get here?

</A>"Answer is that normally it takes about 3-5 days for an order to arrive in the US, about 10-15 elsewhere." -Steve

Also says it takes 2-4 times longer during the holiday season. Not to mention that BTS sometimes runs out of stock due to demand. Overseas can be even longer: for example, three weeks for Finland.

How can I watch all the movies together?

You probably can't. Unless you do PBEM(which saves movie files) you can't save movie files since a saved turn has a different outcome each time. If you do have PBEM files, KMan made a PC utility that works on some computers to play all the files.



Self-Proclaimed Keeper for Life of the Sacred Unofficial FAQ.

"They had their chance- they have not lead!" - GW Bush

"They had mechanical pencils- they have not...lead?" - Jon Stewart on The Daily Show

[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 03-09-2001).]

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Top Posters In This Topic

Originally posted by Germanboy:


The only post truly worth reading is the first one. All the other posts are a public service mostly provided by people from the Peng Thread to keep the first post afloat. If you have any moral/legal/tastal/mammal or any other issues with the Peng Thread and its occupants, please refrain from reading on, since even JD Morse will not be able to get damages for you in that case. We will write a harmless story and promise to try very hard to behave and self-police this. Honest.

If you read on, you have been warned, don't come a-crying later.

[This message has been edited by russellmz (edited 02-22-2001).]

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....reached up and at his hairline (at least what passed for it) and digging his nails into the flesh slowly began peeling of the latex mask revealing his true identity..Aragorn, son of someone and something, but now come to claim his rightful inheritance. Casting aside the disguise that had allowed him to infiltrate the castle keep, he immediately.....

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Originally posted by jd:

...he immediately.....

...quoted passages out of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings, especially reading aloud the songs that no one else could be bothered to read.

This of course inspired some of the more intellectual of the CMers to study the penetration ratings of the Riders of Rohan, Orcs of the White Hand and the large hell-spawn beasty with sharp gnashing teeth (no, not Madmatt, but that Nazgul thingy).

The one person who did rise to the task was none other than our own...

[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Moderator. Fire in the hole, the cesspool's getting blasted off the face of the earth at last, our bald bouncer screamed with joy at the shocked crowds of...


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Originally posted by M. Bates:

Doesn't sound right. I think it is Command + Shift + 3...

...or 4 or 5. Im not too sure. I have been foolish enough to DISTURB the mutha-freckin' faq thread and have an imbecile respond to my harmless little messege instead of Gustavs! Argh! Im such a fool. Well, pardon while I shoot myself.

And just when Bates was about to pull the trigger...

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Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

...he realized that he was shooting blanks, as usual. To remedy the problem, he reached into his handy dandy...

...beaded medicine bag, given to him by a grizzled old mountain man. He was shocked to discover, however, that all that remained in the bag was: a BMT subway token, some perfectly good but slightly used gum, a sense of disgust at having to edit this post, a roach clip, and a...

[This message has been edited by Old Dog (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Originally posted by jd:

signed picture of GunnyBunny " To my Hero. Love always" he crooned, suddenly....

...from around the corner ran out a ravenous, screaming mob of middle-aged men covered in a fine layer of what appeared to be cow doo-doo.

Mace, caught quite literlaly, with his pants down, could only mumble

"W-what de feck's all this, now, wot?"

"We're from the latest Maneuver thread" babbled one of the maniacs.

"Listen here, mate, do you believe that maneuver is a fine art with which one can (insert 6 hours worth of boring theories here)?"

"Frankly, lads" Mace said, yawning wide from his recent nap, "I think the lot of you are bonkers! Forget the whole bloody thing and go take a chill pill or somefink! You'll give yourself a heart attack. Just play the damn game and shut the feck up!"

The maneuverists looked at each other, completely stupified.

"Why, for a sheep-shagging little freak, Mace, you're quite the..."

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

...The maneuverists looked at each other, completely stupified.

"Why, for a sheep-shagging little freak, Mace, you're quite the..."

...attritionist, if I must say so myself. The next thing ya know, you'll be countering your enemies with hanging chads, dimpled chads, and - hell - maybe even pregnant...

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Originally posted by some nong who interjected before I could post my ultimate masterpiece:

...attritionist, if I must say so myself. The next thing ya know, you'll be countering your enemies with hanging chads, dimpled chads, and - hell - maybe even pregnant...

...chads?", questioned Mace.

Mace wondered why dangly bits from discarded election cards were suddenly the topic of discussion.

Was it because...

[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Originally posted by Mace:

...chads?", questioned Mace.

Mace wondered why dangly bits from discarded election cards were suddenly the topic of discussion.

Was it because...

[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]

...that commi person who posted milliseconds after me had to edit his beautiful work-of-art messege? Mace thought about that.

Wouldnt it make that freak mad? Wouldnt having his ingenious nature bested by a bestiality-inticed fruit like myself make him very, very mad? Do I care?

Just then, out of the corner of his eye, Mace witnessed some sort of weird creature leaping at him, tire iron in hand, screaming "I'll kill you for making me edit my post, biatch!"

Mace had a second to react...

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

...that commi person who posted milliseconds after me had to edit his beautiful work-of-art messege? Mace thought about that.

Wouldnt it make that freak mad? Wouldnt having his ingenious nature bested by a bestiality-inticed fruit like myself make him very, very mad? Do I care?

Just then, out of the corner of his eye, Mace witnessed some sort of weird creature leaping at him, tire iron in hand, screaming "I'll kill you for making me edit my post, biatch!"

Mace had a second to react...

...but he was... too late... the tire iron swung down, describing an arc that ended...

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Originally posted by The Commissar:

......but he was... too late... the tire iron swung down, describing an arc that ended......

... about an inch above Mace's head, fortunately his skill in redirecting the blame elsewhere (and rewriting posts to yet another interjection) was finely honed, the result of a long and prosperous career in Government service, and instinct kicked in mere milliseconds after The Commissar lunged!

“It was Mannheim Tanker!” screamed Mace. “He posted while I was preparing my response, and I had to completely rewrite my post, which meant you had to change yours as well!!!!”

“Kill him, but please don’t harm me! What would Australia do without me. Think of the outpouring of grief when the world realises that Mace won’t be around anymore!!!!”


The Commissar stopped, thought about it, and then…

[This message has been edited by Mace (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Was brutally slammed against the side of the boat by an angry fishermen! "You misdirected my thread," 109 Gustav howled as he proceeded to chop off various parts of The Commissair with...


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

[This message has been edited by 109 Gustav (edited 02-22-2001).]

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Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

109 Gustav howled as he proceeded to chop off various parts of The Commissair with...

...the razor-sharp chads that Mace left strewn about the floor when he frantically tried to change the topic of discussion.

Mace cried out, "Just because I'm a long-time government employee, that doesn't mean that you have to put your"...

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Originally posted by Mannheim Tanker:

...Just because I'm a long-time government employee, that doesn't mean that you have to put your...

Wool friends under custody for fear of having me...


You are not Obsessive-CMpulsive, you are Allied-Retentive.

Mark IV

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...Velcro gloves, and picked up a large salmon to brain 109 Gustav with. Chortling wickedly, he snuck up behind Gustav's boat. Observing his hapless victim eating a cold can of macaroni and cheese...


Well my skiff's a twenty dollar boat, And I hope to God she stays afloat.

But if somehow my skiff goes down, I'll freeze to death before I drown.

And pray my body will be found, Alaska salmon fishing, boys, Alaska salmon fishing.

The Last Defense- Mods, Scenarios, and more!

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Originally posted by 109 Gustav:

...Velcro gloves, and picked up a large salmon to brain 109 Gustav with. Chortling wickedly, he snuck up behind Gustav's boat. Observing his hapless victim eating a cold can of macaroni and cheese...

...Mace opened up a can of chilly. "Mmm-mmm, nothing beats Chilly!" Mace thought. "Well...maybe that threesome I had in the back of the barn with Farmer Ted and his best sheep Nilly, but that's besides the point."

With one mighty swallow, Mace gulped down the cold, slimy contents of the can. Then, with jet power quite literlaly behind him, Mace was launched out of the water with a loud and foul smelling sound right at his unsuspecting and totally grosed-out victim, who at that very moment...

[This message has been edited by The Commissar (edited 02-23-2001).]

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