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Question on abandoned guns

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But then shouldnt it be knocked out?

For instance I had a 75 crew that was being shot at by rifle squad pretty good. They were routed and the gun abandoned.

2 turns later they are back to normal and the gun is not knocked out but just abandoned. They should be able to reclaim the gun. If the gun takes damage it should be knocked out.


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There has been at least one long discussion on this. Try a search.

I never really understood BTS reason for not implementing it, could have been game technical issues.

Willing abandonment of a gun during was combat was a tactic employed by the Russians at the very least. When the gun came under fire the crew would hit the foxholes and then re-man it.


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I think from the long, drawn-out conversations that I remember from before, that if the gun is "abandoned" it is left by troops that have been frightened away. In the small timespace that CM models, it would not be very likely that a shocked crew would recover and reman their gun. I don't recall if they can be reused in operations but I believe they can.

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Yes, they can. And that is also the biggest difference between knocked out (destroyed for good) and abandoned (light damage, can be repaired between the battles of one operation). Crews abandon a gun only if there is light damage OR if their morale is really shattered. Both occurrances mean that the gun won't be remanned within the typical timeframe of a CM scenario.

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hmm...so why cant we abandon guns without crew morale breaking up. For example to save crew. Or hide crew for while and reman the gun. I think these were common tactics.

If gun is in hopeless position it feels little stupid to leave crew to die there.

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Do you recall what gamey uses that would be?

I mean uses that go beyond what one can already accomplish with the crews of abandoned vehicles and guns?

I can imagine possible game engine related problems with implementing this, but not uber gamey ones.


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