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A quick shake of the head to both Aitkin and Abbott. Your attempts at Pawbroonian prose do not capture the original at all well. David, be careful over the next few days, your attempt might have resulted in pulled groin muscles.

Sorry, gentlemen, but your attempts sounded like the standard 'running Mensch's posts through Babelfish to translate them into English.' Quaint, but nothing like the original Pawbroonian.

Though a despicable and harsh man, the cad Lawyer has correctly characterized Pawbroon's prose as unique. We will accept no substitutes.

And, in tribute to his perceptions (however loathsome he might be in general), I will soon attempt something on the 'Pool in a style he might recognize. But for now, I must send a setup to the man desperately dog-paddling in the shallow end of the gene pool, Stuka.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Phillies Phan:

Sir Seanachai,

That was simply unacceptable. Verbiosity is expected from such a personage who would carry your moniker.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Not all topics, lad, permit of discursiveness. With some, you must simply hammer home the nail and have done. It is my keen ability to distinguish those which require a more lengthy, rambling treatment from those that deserve the bon mot that raises me above the beasts. Some never do aught in their discourse but meander, and others limit themselves only to the mot. The former rarely come to any good point, and the latter rarely achieve the mot juste. It is only those like myself who, through the proper balancing of all the elements, achieve breakthroughs of both pith and wit (pith Bauhaus, pith and for Gods love, stop that damned giggling).

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

it's never what was quoted which is lacking in veracity but what you said that wasn't up to what others wanted to quote in the first place...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This cannot be duplicated. It contains its own parody. Satire is at once profane, and redundant.

Initially it rattled against my monitor like a handful of marbles, hurled by a spiteful toddler. Yet I was drawn inexorably into its considerable depths, and I'm not sure I have fully emerged yet. To those who take language seriously, this is a major paradigm shift, on the order of falling out of the Time Tunnel into the middle of the Terror.

It is linguistic guerilla theater, and an unfair tactic while we still have an extant game on the books. This is how England felt when first viewing the work of Turner- queasy, challenged, disoriented, undone. I had to have some sherry and go for a walk.

Perhaps he should cut off his ear?

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What with that sudden bout of literary sycophancy?

I'm French, which could only mean that eventhough I had been gifted with an all around general purpose handsomeness, while cursed with a priapic appendage only suited to fend off the foreigners while retaining their women, it has nothing to do with writing skills.

You could always try to provide a bucketful of ink, no matter how willing, no matter how mobile that swivel mounted device is, it is still neither a quill nor a calamus.

We left calami to foreigners for they are calamitous...

Boy am I proud with that last part!

I'll have to go fondle with myself under the shower since it got me in love with my English prowess again...

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Seanachai:

I must send a setup to the man desperately dog-paddling in the shallow end of the gene pool, Stuka.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, come on then.

Step lively m'boy!

You think I've got all night to sit here waiting for your set up?

I've got to go cut the muffler off of one of my motorcycles so I can ride past your house at 2 am, in first gear and at full throttle.

(I may even smash a beer bottle on your footpath, but I'm not sure about that yet as I use the empties for my home brew, ahhh decisions, decisions)

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Comes gift wrapped, does it?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


When you're wearing dick under your kilt up North, you will most certainly end up with what is quite aptly described as a Blue Ribbon.

The idea of being gifted while retaining a blueish and shrivelled shrimp is a Scottish concept.

All those McShrunken lads deserve a Purple Heart really...

[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Lawyer wrote:

You grovel at the feet of the English, which even the Paki's in India threw over 50 years ago.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I was about to agree with the jist of what you said, until I realised that you evidently aspire to the presidency. Pakistan and India are separate countries...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Seanachai wrote:

A quick shake of the head to both Aitkin and Abbott. Your attempts at Pawbroonian prose do not capture the original at all well.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's not what Abbott was doing – rather, his Mum was busy, so he had to type for himself this time.

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So you are Fakin' Achin' and not a real Brit at all. Real Brits call everyone of Indian subcontinent heritage a Paki. Perhaps you are just Mace posting in feigned anger from a remote server in England.

Maybe we need a few more trivia questions to identify infiltrators so they can be executed by poisonous gas generously supplied (like it or not) by Joe Shaw.

How much does Fergie weigh now? (trick question)

Is Prince Edward gay? (trickier question)

What is bigger than Paul McCartney's ego? (unanswerable question until quantum numbers theory advances for anothe 50 years)

etc. etc. etc.

Sorry, Achin'. Off you go to Sir Shaw's Gaseous Emporium for extreme termination.

Any last words?

[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Lawyer ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lawyer:

How much does Fergie weigh now? (trick question)

Is Prince Edward gay? (trickier question)

What is bigger than Paul McCartney's ego? (unanswerable question until quantum numbers theory advances for anothe 50 years)

etc. etc. etc.

Sorry, Achin'. Off you go to Sir Shaw's Gaseous Emporium for extreme termination.

Any last words?



For the viewers at home, the correct answer is:

'Who gives a sh*t, they're all a load of pommie bastards!'


A Mace public service notice

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Err btw Lawyer,

Quantum mechanics is the study of eensy teentsy minute things (like Stuka's thingy), Cosmology is the study of bloody immense thingies (Seanachai's posts).

I think you should be comparing Paul's ego to Cosmology.

Don't thank me, it was my pleasure!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Lawyer wrote:

Real Brits call everyone of Indian subcontinent heritage a Paki.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And we also think that in the US, practising lawyers are all just hoping for a part in Ally McBeal or Perry Mason. Or maybe that's just me. That's why the legal profession is so theatrical and ultimately ridiculous, isn't it – because it's all just fodder for Hollywood and CBS? (Is CBS a TV channel? Put any three letters together and you can't go far wrong... NBC... FOX... CNN...)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by David Aitken:

And we also think that in the US, practising lawyers are all just hoping for a part in Ally McBeal or Perry Mason. Or maybe that's just me. That's why the legal profession is so theatrical and ultimately ridiculous, isn't it – because it's all just fodder for Hollywood and CBS? (Is CBS a TV channel? Put any three letters together and you can't go far wrong... NBC... FOX... CNN...)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, strangers do often mistake me for George Clooney. And, come to think of it, jd does look a little like Raymond Burr, or is it Heinrich Himmler? They look so much alike.

You're just jealous because lawyers make money without creating wealth. But bloodsucking has proven to be a successful survival strategy for leeches, mosquitoes, and other species. Why change a good thing?

BTW, your past comment about my wanting to be President, and therefore I should know the difference between India and Pakistan, is false. George W. Bush has never bothered with such trifles, and he is (more of less) President. Voila! Is this a great country or what??

I made a typo on "more or less" to read "more of less" and then realized it was the Hand of God guiding me to a more accurate expression of truth. So I left it.

Moreover, I do know that India has great food and beer, whereas Pakistan does not. Nor, from what I read, are Pakistani's any fun to party with unless you have an AK-47 with lots of ammo to fire off. It's the only country where one goes from President to death sentence and back again as a career path.

Plus, everyone in India is named Patel, and soon everyone in Britain will be named that too.

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BTW, your past comment about my wanting to be President, and therefore I should know the difference between India and Pakistan, is false. George W. Bush has never bothered with such trifles, and he is (more of less) President. Voila! Is this a great country or what??<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's why I made the comment. I don't know how to say it in legalese, so you'll just have to take my word for it.

The rest of what you said was nonsense.

David Patel Aitken

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Nonsense, in the Peng Thread! We cannot have that.

Nor can, nor should, we have tri-tip roasts, nor topplements, nor kaniggetts, nor thingies and sheep.

Instead we should be at the forefront of the movement to re-equip the US Army with all BARs, M1911 .45 pistols, and every man in a shiny new Pershing tank. Helicopters, phooey. We didn't need no stinkin' choppers at Normandy. The minute we got into helicopters, we started losing wars. Anyone else notice that?

Regards to Prince Patel, btw.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

The minute we got into helicopters, we started losing wars. Anyone else notice that?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

As history would have it, the first ever use of choppers for military assault drops were done by the French paratroopers and Foreign Legioneer during the war in Algeria.

Funny enough we lost that one also...

There might be some kind of mad mojo thingie with those huge bananas we used.

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Let me tall ya a story about a thread named "Peng"

Written by a poor Sysadmin with a help from a guy,

who a always held his currly haired (armornut) freend,

Then one day as he wasa postin to the boord,

Up popped Mace with his hariy little whores,

Sheep they was, a couple purty one’s too,

Now the other poster’s said Seanachai gets awaay from thare,

bauhaus has bean seen sniffen ‘round yer rear,

The mainboard a’postin is the place ya oda be,

With BAR’s a gunnin and JasonC.

[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by PawBroon:

You do not seriously expect to earn much out of copyrights do you?

That would do wonder with Foobar's MP3...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey!!! What in the HELL do you expect from a undereducated, ill spoken, barely litterate Wargamer?

Maybe a setup would settle this!

...and my Mum was gone!

Are all Frenchmen still watching American '60's reruns, Sheesh!

[ 05-05-2001: Message edited by: Abbott ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV:

You mad frenchman, we are one turn away from The End of a game that was started a year ago, and you are posting here??!!!

Light 'em up, monsieur!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I can understand Foobar and Abbott lust for fame and catchy tunes but you are NOT about to sing THIS IS THE END OF THE WORLD AS WE KNOW IT are you?

In any case you're more a REMF than a REM.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Abbott:

Let me tall ya a story about a thread named "Peng"... <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Some of you guys start these little ditties again and I'm gonna come up (so to speak) with another Cesspool Song....

Consider yourselves warned!

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