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definition of gun/howitzer

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ahhhh so its a swear board now fine by me although at the english 4 inna morning even that jab at the english buggering rabbits doesnt even anger me ahhhh well my top three insults apply as needed

1 are u readytobe****ed now???? (kingpin-the jesus)

2 turn the **** around (king pin)

3 ****ing welshman (bravo 2 zero the film)

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I sincerely suggest you knock off the language. The moderators here don't take kindly to this kind of behaviour, and by registering it, you agreed to terms of use that clearly outlaw the behaviour you have displayed in this thread.

To spell it out, you are running the risk of getting yourself banned. And you would not be the first one to have a one-thread appearance on this board.

I suggest you display some maturity and apologise alround.

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All great civilisations eventually have to face up to the barbarians at the gate. It's very heartening to see such a robust defence; we obviously aren't ready to give in yet. Frankly, I doubt scootfridge has the brains to be helped, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try.

In Peng we Trust.

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ps to bts If ever there was a prime example of a bootable person, this is it, get rid of him now before we are barraged by his low class; sorry thats insulting to low class people; to his no class remarks.

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: NightGaunt ]

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Hey Night, Lorak, and Germanboy what is up?

Anyways I was just passing by when I noticed that we have a new person on the board that asked a question that I wanted cleared up. Heaven's to Betsy and it sure did get cleared up. Now shootdodge (which is slang describing a tactic in most FPS games) I have visited the forums that you seem to come from. They all tend to be machismo sessions. Unluckly you will not find that here. Here you will find offers for games to settle differences and for the most part be sorry afterwards. Also let me forwarn you that not only will the moderators ban you (forever by you IP if needed) but also that threats concerning the computers of forum members is really (and I mean really) stupid. Hmm lets see on this post already how many professional "computer" people. Well I count two right off the bat. Seems like bad odds to me. Here is an idea. Start over now and be civil or be banned. You will be forgotten within minutes. It is sad that one such as yourself thinks that you are cool and that you are "debating" with the other "stupid" forum members when it is you who is acting (but may not be) an idiot and it is you who started this all. John S was helping out and admitting that it was a guess and if you and yours are sooo computer literate then why did it take you three months to type "Howitzer/Gun differences" in any of the major search engines? I just did and guess what I found my answer.

Now how about we listen to some rock'in tunes as we wait for baldy. We may get the famous BAN/LOCK THREAD COMBO that we rarely see these day.

Oh yeah HI MOM!

We have handled idiots before you will be no different!

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How is it that people like soapdodger can storm around issuing profanities and insults, and then breezily claim that it's other people who are flaming them? Looks like another opportunity to employ my new pet work, 'psychosis' – I'm right and everyone else is out to get me.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ParaBellum:

I actually think he's funny.

Like a really bad movie.

Does anyone know "Plan 9 from outer space"?

Ah, and a big hug to you all

*Hi mom!*<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The problem is of course that every village can only accommodate one idiot, and here the job is currently occupied (I am sure that different people have different opinions as to who that is).

If you leave people like him run around behaving like this, he may even bring some friends (assuming the concept means something to him (assuming he understands the meaning of 'concept')), and down goes the neighbourhood.

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ahh theres no winning with u people so lets lighten the mood (i would prefer u didnt do little underhand jabs like soapdodge and imply we all bugger rabbits if ure going to insult me dont be a coward about it) anyway now one of my fave jokes

SCENE-under a star-lit sky sherlock holmes and his assistant watson lie in sleeping bags and look up at the stars

sherlock-watson, what do these stars tell u?

Watson-well, astrologicly they tell me there are hundreds of thousands of galxies and millions of stars theirin. AND theologicly it tell me god created everything. AND meteorlogicly it tells me it will be a fine warm day tommorow.

sherlock-(dispairing) NO watson u dik-hed someones nicked the tent!!!!! tongue.gif

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The most humiliating part about it is that this induhvidual is from the UK. Yes, you read it right here, Wallasey.

Please, dear fellow, do us all a favour:

1) If you swear, you get banned. It isn't clever.

2) Stop trying to talk like an American gangster. That isn't clever either.

3) Read through a range of the posts on here, and you'll learn how people address each other. Flaming is not acceptable, if somebody upsets you, you walk away from the PC, and then walk back when you've calmed down.

4) Threatening to get your sad, "I spend 9 hours a day so I'm anally-retentive and have no mates or life" brother onto our computers isn't scary. Spending all day getting Lara Croft to jump a bit higher does not make you an IT guru.

Are you really a student? What are you studying? I hope it's easy to spell or you're in real trouble.

Do you also say "W00t"? We had a really witty guy who said that alot. He lasted, oh, all of two days.

(I haven't fed a troll before. I thought I would before this gets locked).

Greetings, mater!

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Get off the board, people don't like you now, and you put a tag on yourself so they won't like you after. The most mature thing you could do is leave.


Get the f*** off the board, no one likes you here. Stop your idiot spelling and 1337 talk and get out.

for others:

one of the ways could work, we tried telling him nicely to leave or be more mature, well, this time I'll try another way.

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Kirill S. ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soddball:

Are you really a student? What are you studying? I hope it's easy to spell or you're in real trouble.


Maybe that's how to improve the UK's schools, offer A levels in l337 and h4xx0r1ng. All exam answers must be submitted via texting. Extra credit if you can name a national figure that's neither David Beckham nor the Queen Mum.

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I think the reason you were targetted goes like this:

You asked about the difference between howitzer and gun. Somebody with no specialist knowledge did their best to answer. Your reply was:


how does bagged and fixed ammunotion factor in then and if ure not an authority on it then why the **** post it I SAID NO MESSIN ABOUT <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Compare this to a post earlier where someone is asking about fighting the Tiger tank:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Howdy,

I need some tips on fighting Tigers with Sherm 5s, Fireflies and Stuarts. Also, is it worth targeting them with 25pnd barrages? I have lots of arty and I'm wondering if they would blow a track or at least get them to button up. And... has anyone taken out a Tiger with a rear shot from a Daimler?




Let's see how you asked your question:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>well i wrote a friggin' huge post bout' this and then my machine flew off the handle so it's like this the definition of gun/howitzer plz and no messin about <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Can you see the difference?

If you plan to keep using and posting to this board, I will offer you advice, gratis, free, for nothing. The average age of a poster to this board is 31. Almost everybody that posts here avoids swearing, uses correct grammar and punctuation as best they can, and says please and thankyou. They are good-humoured and whilst there are disagreements they are rapidly resolved.

You may be used to a particular lifestyle on some other forums, but this place has a class all its own.

We always welcome new members, and hope that you will choose to stay - but when you're here, you abide by the rules of the moderators. This is not a public board, it is provided by the game designers.

Best of luck in your gaming.

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i understand what ure saying sod ball and i did right a massive post and i had all ready had a VERY bad day so im sorrry and i did infact apologise to jeff however seeing as everyone one else has been insulting my very schooling and my country i think its not only my appology thats overdue aggree sodball?

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Things got onto a bad footing from the word go. I suggest we drop this, let the moderators lock the thread, and forget the whole affair. Waiting for people to apologise to other people is yawnworthy.

BTW - they insulted my country too. I live in the UK, if you'll check my details. I just shrug it off (mostly by remembering that Americans have terrible inferiority complexes ;) ). I'm sure you can aswell.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR> Things got onto a bad footing from the word go. I suggest we drop this, let the moderators lock the thread, and forget the whole affair. Waiting for people to apologise to other people is yawnworthy.

BTW - they insulted my country too. I live in the UK, if you'll check my details. I just shrug it off (mostly by remembering that Americans have terrible inferiority complexes). I'm sure you can aswell. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Good idea, I'm gonna drop this now. (FYI I'm not American)

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soddball:

Things got onto a bad footing from the word go. I suggest we drop this, let the moderators lock the thread, and forget the whole affair...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

That's a good idea. I think you will find that the folks on this forum are a forgiving lot, and will let bygones be bygones. Much of the counsel given here was well advised. This is a highly respected forum and includes mostly mature and talented people from all over the world. When you post here you are addressing folks that have had an interest in military history and wargaming for many, many years. Quite a few are veterans of wars past, including WWII. I suggest you keep this in mind when posting in the future.

I wish you a pleasurable CM experience.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Soddball:

I just shrug it off (mostly by remembering that Americans have terrible inferiority complexes ;) ). <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Are you making fun of my inferiority complex?

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Oh and to attract Matthew I will sing a song!

MPHPHHPPHHHH! (clears throat)




Though the forum is flooded

Keep those HIGH MOMS! roll'in


Trolls, viruses, and PENG

Hellbent forever

Wishing CMBB was by my side

All the things I am missing

Family, work, and resting

Are waiting at the end of the game (unless I start another one!)

Write'em down Lock'em up

Write'em down Lock'em up

Locked Thread

Lock'em Up Write'em down

Lock'em Up Write'em down

Locked Thread

(sung to the tune of RAWHIDE)


[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]

[ 08-08-2001: Message edited by: Priest ]

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