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The Deaths of Over a Million German Prisoners in American and French Camps...

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I read a book and still have it and its called "Other Losses" By James Bacque. This Book has caused international scandal in 1989 because it revealed that The Americans and French P.O.W camps allowed almost a million prisoners to die of starvation. The American and French governments could not explain how so many died, as it is acknowladged by them as fact. The only reason why this author found out the deaths is because of the newly opened KGB archieves. The governemnts of the world now see these deaths as truthful. The suppression of the truth by the French and American governments is well documented.

German prisoners often screamed to British Vehicles to help them. In the End, and this is 100 percent fact and widely admitted in all Military and historical circles, the British kept much better care, and indeed treated Germans better than in US/French camps. The treatment was so bad that Britain stepped in and took over many American camps and were horrified at the treatment of the prisoners in American camps. Many died that day of starvation.

In the end, British camps were better and treatment alot more fair then in the American camps where prisoners died at a rate of over a thousand a day *in all French and American camps combined*

P.S the book got good reviews from the Time Magazine and the New York Times said it was "A must read for any WW2 fanatic"

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Yeah, but...

Not modeled, not wanted, not needed here, not what the Game nor the board are about, and hopefully moved to the General Ignorum or better, closed altogether, because this is a war game/combat sim BBS and the wrong place for a sermon on a topic of which no good whatsoever can come, as we have all learned at least a hundred times before.

There were many atrocities on all sides in WWII but this is the Combat Mission: Beyond Overlord game forum.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smack:

German prisoners often screamed to British Vehicles to help them. In the End, and this is 100 percent fact and widely admitted in all Military and historical circles, the British kept much better care, and indeed treated Germans better than in US/French camps. The treatment was so bad that Britain stepped in and took over many American camps and were horrified at the treatment of the prisoners in American camps. Many died that day of starvation.


Gee I don't recall the British having forces in America in WWII to take the camps over. Don't recall seeing any large graveyards outside camp Perry (in Ohio, which served as a POW camp) to bury those 1,000 a day dead.

Sounds like crap to me.

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This book is wildly popular on Holocaust denial sites -- maybe you should post this crap there. FWIW, the authors book is not based on KGB archives (it was published in '89), is not widely believed, and was trashed in the NY Times book review. Here's a link: http://www.nizkor.org/hweb/people/b/bacque-james/ambrose-001.html

(edited to fix bad link)

[ 09-01-2001: Message edited by: Andrew Hedges ]

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Well whatever guys. Seemed like an interesting book, but its funny how the victors automatically put themselves above any wrong doing. Thousands died in overseas American/French camps and you guys dismiss it on a whim? Asking for the topic to be closed makes no sense, thats like saying the holocaust didnt happen. Its a factual book and it has recieved flak from people who dont want to believe that it happened. This isnt the first time ive come across atrocity stories about post WW2 Europe in Camps for Prisoners. In Fact, History Television had a large show about it. How can something like the deaths of almost a million soldiers of starvation not warrant talking about?

Lets not put ourselves upon a pedestal and look down and say "I dont like that post because it isnt true"

give me proof that what I have writted isnt true! Dont just say "Sounds like Crap"...Do reserch boys and girls. Prove me wrong, but lets not ignore what is being said...

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You should speak to the German P.O.W's...I know I have and they said Treatment in American camps was awful, and when the British took over it was remarkably better. It is funny how a country that is bombed and blitzed can afford to feed its prisoners while a country that is left alone and not bombed cannot?

And I dont see how this can be attributed to the "Holocaust didnt happen?" Mr Hedges. I have been to Auchwitz (spelling?) and I KNOW that the holocaust happened! I think you all realize now that your above posts make no sense to the topic at hand and should be re-writted to state your opinion. This book has givin me reason to believe that an atrocity did occur, lets keep an open mind...and prove me wrong.

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He Gives the names of all the archieves and Books cited. In all about 20 Archieves were visited, and even more books consulted. and of Course he interviewed a large number of German ex prisoners who are all thanked.

he's also got alot of charts of prisoners death rates, from American Archieves. Which is quite a large amount of deaths. It seems they weren't fed for a long period of time and starved. The Excuse is "food shortages and all Red Cross parcels went to the Displaced Persons". Which is of course stupid, because the British fed there men, and same with the Canadians. American officers who had put in requests for food were denied food for thier prisoners.

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Its a really neat book, even if you dont believe it, you shouldnt dismiss it out of hand.

Anyone read "The Rape Of Nanking?", its a neat book, disgusting though. But anyway, the JApanese people look upon the "The Rape Of Nanking" Book much like the people of this board look at "Other losses". They ignore it, because its something they know there country has done wrong and they don't really want to believe it has happened.

Keep Open Minded, if there's anything I want to get across to young people it is to keep an open mind!! Never close your mind off to anything, no matter how far fetched it seems, sometimes you find truth in very unexpected places.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Smack:

Well whatever guys. Seemed like an interesting book, but its funny how the victors automatically put themselves above any wrong doing. Thousands died in overseas American/French camps and you guys dismiss it on a whim? Asking for the topic to be closed makes no sense, thats like saying the holocaust didnt happen. Its a factual book and it has recieved flak from people who dont want to believe that it happened. This isnt the first time ive come across atrocity stories about post WW2 Europe in Camps for Prisoners. In Fact, History Television had a large show about it. How can something like the deaths of almost a million soldiers of starvation not warrant talking about?

Lets not put ourselves upon a pedestal and look down and say "I dont like that post because it isnt true"

give me proof that what I have writted isnt true! Dont just say "Sounds like Crap"...Do reserch boys and girls. Prove me wrong, but lets not ignore what is being said...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

A Million prisoners died in American and French POW camps? That sounds like an incredible claim given the over-all German troop levels, those who fought in Russia...hell, let's take a look at that number. The Allied armies in the West took enough German prisoners during the course of the war that a Million of them could die without being noted until very recently? That's a hell of a claim. How many German troops were taken prisoner, overall, by the Western allies? Do you know? I don't, when it comes right down to it. But I find it difficult to believe that a Million of them starved to death. I imagine there was a certain amount of neglect and abuse, as isn't uncommon in wartime, but a Million deaths through abusive negligence? This sounds like utter ****e. Can you site the number of Germans under arms? The number taken prisoner? The number interred in American and French POW camps? Given that the Soviet combat dead for the war was in the nature of 30 Million, combatants and non-combatants, the claim of a Million starved German POWs in the hands of two of the Allied powers, sounds like a load of fetid dingoes kidneys.

Perhaps before referencing inflamatory and patently questionable sources, and a single source, at that, you might do some other research?

I worked construction with a former Panzergrenadier who said they ran all day in an attempt to find American or British troops to surrender to, as opposed to the Russians. He and his lads were finally taken captive by the Americans. As he was laying brick and barking at me to slop the mud boards more quickly, I can't remember him mentioning word one about watching untold numbers of his fellow POWs starve to death because of American neglect or brutality.

A Million dead POWs at American and French hands? Do us all a favour and do a quick report on what the total population of Germany was during the war years.


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How could the French/American Hegemony keep over one million POW deaths a secret for so long?

Not even Pol Pot was able to pull that stunt, and he sealed off his entire country.

Sounds a little far fetched to me...Add that one million to the other million dead German POW's in Russia and one ends up claiming nearly half of all German deaths as having happened while in captivity.



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