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WineCape's Wine Tourney

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tom & I have finished our game - 52 to me and 36 to him, with 3 of 4 flags showing neutral!

A bit of a bloodbath - IRC I had 120 casualties, he had 140, but he only had 40 men left, I had 80 or so. Each of us had 1 vehicle left - a Jynx with no HE Ammo vs a Stuart!

I'm happy to get a win from a rugged game!

Any time you want revenge Tom.... ;)

Edited 'cos I got the scores wrong!

[ 07-31-2001: Message edited by: Stalin's Organ ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Sock Monkey:

Hey, can somebody post the email addresses of the people in the tournament?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This is what I have:

Here is the list of players participating in the "Combined Arms CASH

Tourney". Each one of you must play one game against every person on

the list. It is the players' responsibility to contact each other and

iron out the game details. As you complete the games both players

should send the final score to me so I can update your total points.

Having a final from both players in a contest will insure that both

players agree on the final score.

All games are limited to 25 turns +/- 4 using the BER (The secure

version of the BER will be out very soon)

All games are limited to a maximum of 1,500 pts.

All games must follow CAL Rules as posted at TH.

All games must be completed by September 1, 2001. PLEASE try to make it

by this date.

The_Capt k.lan@roadrunner.nf.net

aka_tom_w tom_w@mac.com

KelsieD ruhlir@home.com

Stalin's Organ mikecampbell@paradise.net.nz

Sajer malcock33@aol.com

Sock Monkey bbaker@biomail.ucsd.edu

Kiwi Joe richy@xtra.co.nz

GClement gclement@amtelecom.net

Bog user853818@aol.com

labappel bappel@triad.rr.com

Post to the tournament thread if you have any questions or problems.

Send game results to Mikeman@cablelynx.com

Good Luck Gentlemen!!

Treeburst out.

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Wow!! That must have been some fight between Stalin and Tom W. Three of four flags contested! The BER must have had them pulling their hair out. IIRC the game ended on turn 26 but could have ended on 21. I will post the updated standings shortly.

Thanks Tom for helping Sock Monkey out with the email addresses.

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OK, here's how we stand now:


Kiwi Joe.........232...3...77.33

Stalin's Organ...189...4...47.25





Sock Monkey.......28...1...28.00

Sorted by average:

Kiwi Joe.........232...3...77.33


Stalin's Organ...189...4...47.25





Sock Monkey.......28...1...28.00

Kiwi Joe needs to be stopped cold. If the 5 of you who still haven't finished your game with him can keep him down to 40 points or so we'll have a really tight race here. The tourney is moving into the last month now so it's time to get busy if you've only completed a couple games.

Labappel, are you going to make it?

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Kiwi Joe will get 80-90 pts out of me when our game finishes some time this week

Labappel is now away for a week's vacation and he and I are at turn 2 of one we just started.

I will be away for the middle two weeks of august after next weekend.

Kiwi is looking very strong at this point.

he plays VERY well!

-tom w

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Congratulations, The_Capt, on your victory!!

Here's how we stand now:


Kiwi Joe.........232...3...77.33

Stalin's Organ...189...4...47.25





Sock Monkey.......28...1...28.00

Sorted by average:

Kiwi Joe.........232...3...77.33


Stalin's Organ...189...4...47.25





Sock Monkey.......28...1...28.00

I'm expecting GClement to take down KiwiJoe a notch. Are you out there GClement? I haven't heard from you for awhile.

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Thx for the praise Tom smile.gif

I've messaged GClement about setting up a game twice over the last month and have not heard back from him. We did touch base quite some time ago but never got a game going. I want Labappel to post whether or not he thinks he can finish all his games by Sep 1 before I play him. Some how I think he'll struggle, pitty cause he's a pretty good player. Other than those 2 I have all my remaining games well underway.

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Congratulations, Sock Monkey!!

Here's how we stand sorted by average:

Kiwi Joe.........232...3...77.33


Sock Monkey......103...2...51.50

Stalin's Organ...189...4...47.25





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The highest point total at the end wins. This person will also have the highest average score per game at the end. ;)

Average score indicates a player's POTENTIAL to do well in the tournament. Because there is significant variation in the number of games players have completed, the actual score of players is less meaningful IMO.

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The Stalin/Sajer game has been recorded. I'll update the standings tomorrow. Right now we need to talk about the FINAL Deadline for the completion of this tournament. I'm going to extend the tourney to November 1st. ANY player who has not completed ALL his games by then will be disqualified, ALL his completed games thrown out, and ALL players' scores adjusted accordingly.

The whole idea of this tournament is for everybody to play everybody else one time, giving all players an equal number of games (chances to score points), with those games being against the same opponents.

If you cannot complete your games by November 1st you need to DROP OUT of the tournament so your buddies don't get screwed because they couldn't finish their game with you. As soon as you determine that you will not finish by November 1st you need to email me so I can drop you.

If a player drops as described above, ALL his games will be void and players' scores adjusted accordingly. Yes, this means if you scored 90 points against him you will lose that 90 points. If a player drops it is just like he never participated in the first place.

Please, if you find you can't make the November 1st deadline (you should be able to tell a couple weeks earlier IMO) you need to drop out. Otherwise, those who didn't finish their games with you, through no fault of their own, will be disqualified for not finishing. If you have an opponent who is only managing a turn or two per week you might want to lean on him a bit.

Remember, November 1st is THE deadline.

[ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

[ 08-10-2001: Message edited by: Treeburst155 ]

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Hey Treeburst,

Why don't you set a deadline for START of last game. IE All games with all players must be started or finished by 01 Sep. If TCP is the flavour than an agreed "play date" should suffice by 01 Sep.

That way if there is a problem than we should know earlier.

It is unfair if I only have time for PBEMS to be forced into a TCP (which I may not be able to find 3 hrs to commit to, especially on short notice) game because someone is out of touch or simply taking his time.

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The_Capt has a very good point. This is a PBEM tournament with TCP/IP optional if BOTH players agree. Players should not be forced into an 11th hour TCP/IP game.

Therefore, all games must be past the setup phase (Turn 1 orders plotted and sent by the first player) by September 15th. This allows six weeks to complete the game, once underway.

Any player who has not reached this point in ALL of his unfinished games by September 15 will be dropped from the tournament. If it is not your fault that you can't make the September 15th condition for your games I need to hear from you so you don't get dropped. I may need email showing that you tried diligently to comply with the September 15 deadline. In most cases I think it will be easy to tell who is holding things up; but keep email sent to people who you suspect may cause you to miss the September 15th deadline, just in case.

Now for the standings after including the Stalin/Sajer draw (48-40):

Kiwi Joe..........232...3...77.33


Sock Monkey.......103...2...51.50


Stalin's Organ....229...5...45.80




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Hi Folks

Sorry I have been REALLY tied up with work, for the past five days.

We just hosted the Apple Summer Camp here, (Tech geek conference for all Apple Software Engineers in toronto) and I have not had time to play or check e-mail for the past while.

I will return all my PBEM turns starting tonight.

I have EVERY intention of getting ALL my games started by Sept 15.

I think I need to play one more opponent but I don't know who that is as I can't remember all the folks that have beat me smile.gif so far.

Kiwi Joe, I hope we can finish up our game in the next few days.

Sorry all but I ahve been EXTREMELY busy with work, but its OVER now! smile.gif

-tom w

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