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Boriskova Station:

Hiya all.

I managed to win this scenario first time as Soviet by dumping my prep barrage rockets on the German positions (estimated location) facing the woods on my far right flank. I moved all my tanks in line along the ditch that leads off to the same right flank woods. Keep them in the ditch to avoid observation. Then I had the tanks drop their infantry riders and assault across the open field towards the woods on the Hun far left flank, with tanks in support. Assault in line (as much as possible) into the woods, then extend the assault into the factories; and then to the objectives from behind.

Watch out for the tank-killer planes; avoid them by getting in close to the factories. Let your tired troops rest in stages as you advance them forward. smile.gif That's it!



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"The (Dream) Seam"






Played as Allies vs Axis A.I.(as is, no bonus, etc.)

Seemed to give a realistic re-creation of actions I have read about of East Front.

T-34's strike fear in enemy.

Lack of flexible soviet, (or perhaps my own), command forces pre-planned assualts/arty, sometimes w/un-happy results.

Axis cavalry shows up and kicks butt.

Hit cease-fire button after turn #40 for draw.

I may have flunked combined arms class but I still think this is a great scenario.

I would like to see more big scens like this.



[ October 11, 2002, 11:05 AM: Message edited by: kenfedoroff ]

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The Move Back















I played this as the Sovs against the (Finns) AI, as recommended in the briefing. Problem is, the recommendation is almost certainly wrong. This is especially true since the briefing also says that in a two-player game, the more experienced person should play the Finns (which is probably true).

As the Sov, I had no problem exiting my four early-model tanks off the opposite edge of the map. I had 3 truck-mounted infantry platoons to help me, as well as 3 armored cars. Not much more to say, as the outcome was never in doubt. I didn't even have to use one of the platoons. The Finn AI surrendered - total victory.

Side note: First time I saw ski troops in action, which is actually the reason I played this scenario in the first place. They sure move fast.

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Thanks for the great Scenario (Gefechtsaufklaerung).






















I decided to blow up most of the town before advancing anything. Set my arty strike on the town as a pre-bombard, and systematically used my stug and infantry gun to blow up most of the buildings. Thought to myself...ok, that ought to soften them up.

Then I tried to advance my infantry, a squad at a time, in command, through the scattered trees by the road....and got pinned down by guys in both fields, as well as some guys shooting from rubble. Ack! I hit them with the stug, the infantry gun, the halftrack, the MG, the 50mm mortar...ran out of HE on almost everything, finally tried to advance again...and there were STILL too many Russians left and they crushed me. Argh! Definitely going to play this one again :)

LongTom tongue.gif

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Gefechtsaufklaerung spoiler:
















Played this scenario last night (against the AI) as my first non-tutorial CMBB scenario. I managed to get a decisive victory as the Axis player (79-21 I think), although the game was much closer than that. At the end I had lost about half my infantry, the remainder of all three squads being brittle, and the StuG that I had sent over to the left flank to silence the remaining enemy troops in the field died to a tank hunter team and the gun, but only after the enemy there was dead or routed off the map.

All my troops except the MG were low on ammo by turn 18, when the Russians auto-surrendered.

I really like these small scenarios. Great work!


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Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu:

[QB]Berisovka Station:

I have played this one four times, mainly as a proving ground for various combined arms tactics. I have tried several different strategies against the AI, and have never done better than a draw. The reason for this is something I have mentioned on the main forum, to whit:






The Luftwaffe

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  • 4 weeks later...
Originally posted by Dschugaschwili:

Gefechtsaufklaerung spoiler:

All my troops except the MG were low on ammo by turn 18, when the Russians auto-surrendered.

I really like these small scenarios. Great work!


I've tried this scenario a couple of times as Axis, the second time after reading the spoilers in this thread, and I still suffered a Tactical Defeat :(

I've lost my StuG both times, I think I'm moving it forward too much.

Anyone have suggestions on specific tactics?

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[spoilerS for Borisovka Station]

















I'm enjoying Borisovka Station too (from the Russian side). I don't think I'll want to play it too many times (I think the air support is probably frustrating for BOTH sides in this one - you just never know when the hand of God is going to reach down and smite thee mightily, no matter how well you're doing otherwise).

At least both sides have AA capability too. Or had. I think we're both out at about the turn 18 mark. ;) Unfortunately, I don't think the Germans have run out of air attacks, while I think I have :( - but I think I'll still have some armor left by the time they're done - at 50% now - and I did shoot down one plane. But mine made bigger booms (Tobacco Factory ripped to shreds with PART of the Pe-2's drop), so I can't complain too much. :D:D

At least the one definite mistaken attack I saw didn't inflict any damage - Il-2 bomb (or was it rocket? I forget) attack on a buttoned-up T-34 was surprisingly on-target with two or three little explosions within 10 m of the tank but still did nothing.

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Originally posted by Andreas:

All, thanks a lot for the feedback. Keep it coming!

I posted a review at the SD yesterday (The Bridgeheads)... or two days ago? Well, "in the past."

I realized, btw, that if I can be sarcastic in a review I'm more likely to post one.

And remember Andreas, re: the review - you owe me one. ;)

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Gefechtsaufklaerungs AAR













Interesting one this, I tackled it by setting up a firebase (IG, HMG, Mortar) on the left flank in the scattered trees, and sent my infantry up through the woods on the left, as I could see a roadblock and wire blocking the direct route. The HT and the Stug hunted forward in the trees to either side of the road, as this was quite a nice keyhole to the clump of buildings. Killed the AT gun before it got my HT - lucky, then dropped the 105 arty on the near edge of the village, intending to use the dust raised by collapsing building to cover the infantry crossing the wheatfields.

The Soviet infantry in the furthest wheatfield messed my timing up though, and I only managed to get to the foxholes mid-field (along with a couple of 105 craters) before getting pinned by stiffening resistance.

I managed to gain a victory by breaking the deadlock with my armour rolling up to the village without inf. support. Fortunately the Ruskies were too busy being very scared to do anything bad.

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OK, I'm not the greatest tactician around, but I think I have picked up a few things about CMBB. Then why can't I figure out how to beat "The Bridgeheads"? :(

I've played it five times now. On my latest attempt...


















... I split my two companies, "A" taking the right flag, "B" the left. I used a couple of split squads as scouts to draw fire. I moved my platoons using "Move to Contact" then once they were close enough, I assigned suppressive fire on a ratio of two squads surpressing to one moving. On the (Russian) right, the Germans were defeated fairly easily. At about turn five I was able to dispatch about five healthy squads to go help out on the left.

On the left flank there was more enemy fire, so I assigned arcs and laid on fire. I did move one platoon forward at a "sneak". By about turn six however one platoon was out of action and another pretty ragged. I left the other platoon in a supressive fire mode and waited till the "A" squads moved into position. Then I advanced them from the center woods while maintaining supressive fire from the survivors of "B" company. At about turn eleven the "A" company squads had advanced and destroyed the Axis defenders of the left flag. I had eliminated all the German squads I could see and both flags were mine. Unfortunately I suffered a Minor Defeat because of excess casualities.

Can someone give me some pointers on what I'm doing wrong in this scenario? I'd love it if someone has a few saved games for show-and-tell :D

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I managed to win the Bridgeheads quite easily with the use of the new human wave command. Basically I moved carefully forward on the first turn and then gave every single unit a human wave command. End result: lots of dead soldiers, but all the alive ones were Russian. The next time I tried it, everything went pear shaped really fast, so it may have been just dumb luck...


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Originally posted by Zakalwe:

I managed to win the Bridgeheads quite easily with the use of the new human wave command. Basically I moved carefully forward on the first turn and then gave every single unit a human wave command. End result: lots of dead soldiers, but all the alive ones were Russian. The next time I tried it, everything went pear shaped really fast, so it may have been just dumb luck...


Zak, did you split your forces and attack both flags at once?
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Borisovska Station SPOILER












I'm currently finishing this good little it as German in PBEM.

My opponent choose to attack from the left end of the village (my left wing, seen from the german point of view). It is apparently a clever tactical choice for human opponents from what i read above.

Unfortunately all my set-up was prepared for a frontal assaut...

So my defense was taken 'in enfilade' from the start.

The Luftwaffe did quite a good job destroying 3 russian tanks, immobilizing a couple others.

Then, one by one, the flags fell because i tried to reorganize my assets to face the danger but i couldn't move my squads without them being immediately slaughtered by the heavy assault guns overwatching the slow progress of soviet infantry that was coming from left and behind my lines.

2 of my ATGs killed 1 tank each in a suicidal unhide.

Another 88 turned 180 degrees and took out 2 T34 in the field behind the main street. (i think this one will deprive the Ruskis to reach the station itself and the big flag because it cannot be targeted, they don't have the good angle).

The russians have captured first the small wood patch, the factory, and are approaching the Church. We are in the + turns and it could end anytime.

I didn't give many orders in the all game, just cancelling covered arcs when i wanted my ATG to enter action and unhide some infantry, only to see them immedialtly suppressed and killed.

Because all action from german troops was suicidal for them. (even a section HQ who tried to sneak acrooss the road at the other end of the map).

Opening fire meant be immediately targeted by half a dozen guns including 122mm !

Lately, an attack from a russian dive bomber destroyed many houses with 1 bomb, taking out one of my 75.

I find the scenario fun and entertaining, but maybe slighly frustrating for the german player if he likes to plot many orders. I don't really mind so that is not a problem for me.

But i guess it also depends from the tactic choosen by the attacker, in my case it was a massed map edge careful approach.

And i still don't know who will win ! ( most probably a allied minor). So it is interesting until the end. Thanks for that one ! (i didn't play the others yet)

[ November 14, 2002, 11:57 AM: Message edited by: Thin Red Line ]

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Originally posted by markgame:

Zak, did you split your forces and attack both flags at once?

Some spoilers















Yes, about evenly. The assault on the right (from the Soviet perspective) had very good success, while the other attack was initially repulsed, but the pressure from the flank swung it in my favour.

Like I said, I tried it again, and this time my troops got nowhere fast, so the first victory may have been just dumb luck. Two squads managed to take out the German MG on the right on the third turn, so that helped a lot.


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Borisovka station minor SPOILER:
























Lately, an attack from a russian dive bomber destroyed many houses with 1 bomb, taking out one of my 75.
That may have been the Pe-2, not a dive bomber. I believe it actually drops about 10 or 12 bombs - in my playing, there were two definite clusters of hits (the, um, urban renewal was serious).
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  • 2 weeks later...

"The Bridgeheads"....I have absolutley no idea what the correct tactic is to use with this scenario. I have tried human waving, moving to contact and sneaking. Each time the result is the same. The Germans' open up then the Russians go into auto-sneak and die where they wriggle or runoff the map.

There is no suppression, because any Russian who gets into a position to fire on the German foxholes goes into auto-sneak when the Germans fire back and they then either die where they wriggle or run off the map.

Unsupported infantry attacking over a ridge against a reverse slope defence are supposed to get the crap shot out of them, and they do. It amazes me how anyone has managed to win this scenario, yet apparently they have. Half the time I only had "sound contacts" to return fire against.

Has anyone beaten it more than once?

Now "Cemetary Hill" was a no brainer, after the first couple of tries...... smile.gif

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"The Bridgeheads"...*SPOILERS*










Okay, I just tried again. I assaulted / sneaked one Russian squad forward on the right. This squad was fired upon, went into auto-sneak and died at the hands of "sound contacts". I assaulted the other two squads and the platoon leader forward to help and also to try and spot where the fire was coming from, and they came under fire from "sound contacts" and went into auto-sneak. So an entire platoon trashed for no intel other than there are dangeroues "sound contacts" out there.

Obviously I am a tactical cretin, and I don't want the game engine "fixed" or anything. What I want to know is, what are the uber tactics available within the constrainst of the game engine that will let me advance my troops and engage the enemy in this scenario? The problem seems to be chicken and egg: in order to lay suppression fire on the enemy, I have to know where they are. When I try and find out where they are, my Russians are either trashed by "sound contacts" or by actual troops. In either case, they are not suppressing but being suppressed / eliminated.

So, what are the correct tactics which should, on balance, produce a successful outcome for the Russians?

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"The Bridgehead"

I have tried six more times to make some headway in this scenario.

I advance a platoon on the right and hide without appearing over the crest of the ridge. I follow with another two platoons, trying to concentrate my troops for a Human Wave assault.

The AI can see what I cannot see (my troops hiding in the grass beyond the ridgeline) because the graphics are "abstracted". But it doesn't open fire on the turn it sees the enemy. It waits until the very start of the next turn to fire. My troops go into auto-sneak, down the hill towards the enemy. I understand it is very realistic for "rested" troops to behave this way the instant they take fire, and obviously not BFCs' fault. I understand it's my faulty tactics that are making them do it.

So I order the rest of the company to human wave. I take up camera position down by the river to watch the spectacle. I can only see the occasional head appear in the grass on the ridgeline, which then drops or moves sideways off the map. I hear a blood curdling "Oooorrraahhh!!" and see a single squad appear on the ridge line and be eliminated instantly. The turn ends. A check of the company reveals that it has moved about 10 yards, and is entirely panicked, pinned, routed, eliminated or auto-sneaking.

So....I try yet again, this time assaulting the entire two companies against the left hand flag. Success!! Over-ran the position. I will now give them a couple of turns to get it back together, then move along the river bank and clean up the other location from the flank.

This tells me that this scenario is a bit of a crap-shoot. If the player attacks on the right, they get their butt handed to them. If they attack on the left, they have a chance. So the uber-tactic is to be lucky enough to pick the correct flag to attack first.

Ten turns does not really allow enough time for scouting and probing to determine the weakest section of the defence. Nor is there sufficient infantry to even do that.

PS I got a minor defeat in the end. I took too many casualties. There were 5 Germans left, a HMG team in fact and they still held the second flag - I ran out of time. However, even if I had taken the second flag and killed the last five Germans, I still would have not won because of the way the points are calculated. I suffered less than 50% casualties, but too many guys died running down the open hillside into small arms fire.

[ November 29, 2002, 01:36 AM: Message edited by: OGSF ]

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Originally posted by OGSF:

[QB]"The Bridgehead"


This tells me that this scenario is a bit of a crap-shoot. If the player attacks on the right, they get their butt handed to them. If they attack on the left, they have a chance. So the uber-tactic is to be lucky enough to pick the correct flag to attack first.


As I recall this one wasn't too difficult although I did better on the second attempt.

I just divided up the troops, one company to each flag, identified the sections which had LMGs and reserved those for fire support then moved the entire lot to contact over the ridge, keeping the fire support sections back a bit so they weren't shot at immediately.

The Germans opened up, my guys stopped and fired back, then the assault sections 'advanced' their way forwards covered by the LMGs and providing their own suppressive fire. First time I got the right flag but not the left, the second time I got both. A few sections were shot down, but there were plenty more guys where they came from - once the Russians got into the woods it was reasonably easy to mop up the Germans piecemeal.

Embarrasingly I did manage to lose to the AI whilst defending! Same problem, once the Russians got into the woods they managed to overwhelm the German split squads fairly easily.

Not tried it with 1.01 though.



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