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BTS- Immediate Revenue Opportunity

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Steve & Charles,

Contact your lawyer:

from Lowell Ponte:

USA Network has also agreed to split revenue with ("Survivor" creator, Mark)Burnett for “Combat Missions,” which, as Carter describes, “features teams of ex-Green Berets, ex-Navy Seals and other elite-force types dropping from helicopters, storming rooftops and braving staged explosions to rescue simulated hostages.”

I'll bet if you wander over to the 'Pool, you'll be able to get jd to represent you for his usual contingency fee.

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Guest Mikey D

Sorry, nobody here knows from 'reality TV". Too busy playing CM all the time.

By the way, if this show ever happens BTS should sue their asses (go for a million-billion bucks) for stealing their trademark product name!

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Originally posted by Mikey D:

By the way, if this show ever happens BTS should sue their asses (go for a million-billion bucks) for stealing their trademark product name!

Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if the TV network asked BTS to pay because they are getting free advertisement! eek.gif


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Originally posted by Mikey D:

Sorry, nobody here knows from 'reality TV". Too busy playing CM all the time.

By the way, if this show ever happens BTS should sue their asses (go for a million-billion bucks) for stealing their trademark product name!

In the legal world, I am sure there is a world of difference between "Combat Missions" and "Combat Mission."

I would like to say "hey, not to worry, a show that stupid in its concept can't possibly appeal to the masses and won't last long", but you just know the pork rind set will be drawn to it like flies to a sugar cake, thinking they're watching something real.



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Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

You don't want to open up a copyright infringement can of worms here. The Saving Private Ryan sound bites would get thrown back in BTS' face. And I do think the "s" would make a big difference.

You can't copyright a name....

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You can copyright a title, which is what we are talking about here. When I sell Errors & Omissions insurance policies to film production companies there is always a title exclusion until a title search report is done. The title search checks to see if a particular title has ever been used before.

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I would like to say "hey, not to worry, a show that stupid in its concept can't possibly appeal to the masses and won't last long", but you just know the pork rind set will be drawn to it like flies to a sugar cake, thinking they're watching something real.

You mean to tell me "Temptation Island" isn't real?!?!?!?!

LOL! biggrin.gif


"The mass of the [Red] army stationed in Western Russia is to be destroyed in bold operations involving deep penetrations by armored spearheads, and the withdrawal of elements capable of combat into the extensive Russian land spaces is to be prevented.

By means of rapid pursuit a line is then to be reached from beyond which the Russian air force will no longer be capable of attacking the German home territories."

- - - Directive 21 "Fall Barbarossa"

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Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

You can copyright a title, which is what we are talking about here. When I sell Errors & Omissions insurance policies to film production companies there is always a title exclusion until a title search report is done. The title search checks to see if a particular title has ever been used before.

Interesting as the US Copyright office says Several categories of material are generally not eligible for federal copyright protection. These include among others:

Titles, names, short phrases, and slogans



Or as their FAQ states:

How do I copyright a name, title, slogan or logo?

Copyright does not protect names, titles, slogans, or short phrases. In some cases, these things may be protected as trademarks. Contact the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office at (800) 786-9199 for further information. However, copyright protection may be available for logo art work that contains sufficient authorship. In some circumstances, an artistic logo may also be protected as a trademark.


Perhaps they are wrong, maybe you should write them.

[This message has been edited by CavScout (edited 01-31-2001).]

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>>Sorry, nobody here knows from 'reality TV". Too busy playing CM all the time<<

I like the Mole, thats a great show. And Survivor 2 is going to be good. But I take time away from CM to watch reallity TV.

[This message has been edited by ntg84 (edited 01-31-2001).]

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Here's one I never understood -

There was a pro football player with the last name "Abdul-Jabbar" and he had that on his jersey - - until the lawyers for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (the basketball player) "convinced" him to change it to "A. Jabbar" or somesuch - would this have been a trademark issue? Anyone know the particulars of this situtation?


- Jeff


"The mass of the [Red] army stationed in Western Russia is to be destroyed in bold operations involving deep penetrations by armored spearheads, and the withdrawal of elements capable of combat into the extensive Russian land spaces is to be prevented.

By means of rapid pursuit a line is then to be reached from beyond which the Russian air force will no longer be capable of attacking the German home territories."

- - - Directive 21 "Fall Barbarossa"

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Originally posted by Purple4Ever:

Here's one I never understood -

There was a pro football player with the last name "Abdul-Jabbar" and he had that on his jersey - - until the lawyers for Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (the basketball player) "convinced" him to change it to "A. Jabbar" or somesuch - would this have been a trademark issue? Anyone know the particulars of this situtation?


- Jeff

One probably trademarked their name. Also, as I understand it, trademarks only protect similar business interests or would affect ones business. A show called "Combat Mission(s)" probably wouldn't interfer with BTS's Combat Missions.

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Originally posted by CavScout:

He wouldn't as he probably knows what a trademark is. It is obvious some of you don't.

Lose the attitude, dude.

I believe CavScout is correct - there are many movies that recycle titles - from a marketing standpoint, it can either be a good or bad idea. Bad movies sometimes use proven titles even if they are not a remake or even close to the original movie. I saw a Russian movie called "Adam's Rib" that had nothing to do with the original movie of the same name - it was (is?) a common ploy for Russian filmmakers to use English titles that have been used for succesful American movies in the past.

Look at all the books that have been called "GIs" or "GI" for example, for an example closer to home. If you wanted to, you could make a movie named Star Wars, but you'd be pretty foolish to.

I think the porn industry has other examples of recycled titles as well....

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Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:

Lose the attitude, dude.

It is the correct attitude when someone jumps and claims you are wrong by claiming it is "their job" to do it. It either means they don't know their own job or that they are slinging B.S. on the forum. Either is unacceptable in my view. JMHO.

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Originally posted by CavScout:

He wouldn't as he probably knows what a trademark is. It is obvious some of you don't.

Had a bad then? Drop the attitude and go take a chill pill biggrin.gif

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Originally posted by WolfLord:

"Lose the attitude, dude"

LOL! If CavScout did that, he would evaporate to nothingness...a singularity from which even light could not escape.

Sorry, another one I could not resist.

I'd respond but then I'd have to hear you whine about it on the news group...


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Originally posted by CavScout:

I'll take a cold one instead. biggrin.gif

Cool....... make that two then. Nice to know there is no big chip on that shoulder of yours. smile.gif

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