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Another Panzer IV mod

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M. Bates:

The turret hatch and mesh are superb!!

I'll wait for the Maximus Seal Of Approval b4 downloading it though ;)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, you asked for it, and you shall receive. smile.gif I do give credit where credit is deserved.

I do like the paint job for once. ;) And the visible detailing is nice. But still just one question. Tiger, why don't you work off of a hi-res mod to begin with, such as the MDMP-2 version and just do a repaint? And this goes for all of your mods, really. For example with Fernando's latest StuG mod based off of Kwazydog's StuG. Nice repaint, but retains all of the hi-res detail.

DISCLAIMER: Now I haven't looked at the MDMP-2 PzIV lately, so I'm not sure about what hi-res detail was included or not. I'm referring to the road wheels in this instance.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>...why don't you work off of a hi-res mod to begin with, such as the MDMP-2 version and just do a repaint?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I think I can do it better than just repainting someone else's mod ;) , and in the case of the panzer IV, my mod has more detail than the mdmp-2, including the mgs, ports, shadowing, pixel clean-up, highlighting, and nice custom textures combined with some weathering. Apparently I'm the only modder who adds weathering to my mods.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>And this goes for all of your mods, really. For example with Fernando's latest StuG mod based off of Kwazydog's StuG. Nice repaint, but retains all of the hi-res detail.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

And imho in some places it does not have enough detail or the detail is covered up too much with textures and there aren't any shadows where I'd want them. In most cases the original detail was simply cut and pasted from a picture of a plastic model someone did, then textured over. I do this too though mainly I work from b&w photos, mostly for the wheels-suspension; and have to work alot with the contrast and general cleaning them up to get them to like they should in game (b&w pictures are tough to work with b/c of the extreme contrast). In all cases I start them from a gray base then texture them myself. Example: the dirt on roadwheels on some of my tanks. I added the dirt to the wheels.

I guess I'd really rather do it on my own than use KwazyDog's mdmp works, though I see nothing wrong with doing that. I'd probably drop him an e-mail asking if it was ok not because I have to but out of courtesey. I certainly do not think my mods have suffered any because I've not used KwazyDog's work as a base. Quite the opposite, actually. I've learned alot more doing them on my own.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>ISCLAIMER: Now I haven't looked at the MDMP-2 PzIV lately, so I'm not sure about what hi-res detail was included or not. I'm referring to the road wheels in this instance.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

These roadwheels are taken directly from a period b&w photo. Not sure how much higher-detailed you're looking for. There is a problem from the pixelization you start to get when sharpening any bmp. The method I use is to increase the ppi to twice it's normal level (288ppi) and double the size of the bmp as well (taking a 256 bmp to 1024, for example). Then add detail and texturing, etc. Then finally when you're finished reduce the ppi and size back to onlt 1x the normal levels (144ppi and 512, for example). This will usually reduce any pixelization greatly, as long as you do all your sharpening at the 2x level of detail before you reduce it to 1x.

No matter what you do though, you're going to get a little pixelization the more you try to sharpen a bmp. I can get right up close to any mod and see pixelization, even on KwazyDogs.


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I apologize Tiger, I just loaded up the bmps of the MDMP-2 PzIV in my paint program and you're right. Your's has better detail. Like I said, I haven't looked at that one in a long time, so I had forgotten its level of detail. Your's is definately better. Be looking forward to downloading it soon.

But about your weathering. IIRC, there was some discussion about weathering in mods EARLY on. Some thought that textures should have it and others didn't. Because remember these tanks were not 60 years old at the time of use. They were more or less a few months or a year out of the factory. Granted they're going to get dirty and whatnot, but for the most part, the paint jobs aren't going to get "ratty-looking" if you know what I mean. For instance, your latest Cromwell. Dirty road wheels look good, but isn't the paint weathering just a wee bit too much? I don't I could be wrong, but it just looks like these tanks shouldn't be as "beat up" as some would think. Anyway, your PzIV *does* look good. I'll be happy to use it when you get it on over to Manx.

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Maximus wrote:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Maximus:


And this goes for all of your mods, really. For example with Fernando's latest StuG mod based off of Kwazydog's StuG. Nice repaint, but retains all of the hi-res detail.


Tiger’s answer:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:


And imho in some places it does not have enough detail or the detail is covered up too much with textures and there aren't any shadows where I'd want them. In most cases the original detail was simply cut and pasted from a picture of a plastic model someone did, then textured over. I do this too though mainly I work from b&w photos, mostly for the wheels-suspension; and have to work alot with the contrast and general cleaning them up to get them to like they should in game (b&w pictures are tough to work with b/c of the extreme contrast). In all cases I start them from a gray base then texture them myself. Example: the dirt on roadwheels on some of my tanks. I added the dirt to the wheels.


I NEVER criticize the work of another fellow modder, but it seems you are criticising my mods now. IMHO you are criticising it when you downgrade it with expressions like “In most cases the original detail was simply cut and pasted from a picture of a plastic model someone did, then textured over” . I think you take confort thinking so. Here’s a pic of my StuG III/StuH42 tracks/suspension (top) and your StuG mod tracks (botton one, I got it from the mod “stug_stuh_by_tiger.zip”, file 3270, dated Feb. 16th). I think we used the same b&w photo by chance. I scanned it from the “Encyclopedia of German tanks of World War II”, pic 262, page 85. Tiger, do you still think I simply cut and paste?


[ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: Fernando ]

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Fernando, I was talking about KwazyDog's orignal mods. For example his Tiger mod he showed us the model pictures on the website that the maker let him use. Neat stuff. If you think I was trying to criticise you you were wrong. Sorry it sounded that way. Maximus has a habit of nitpicking my stuff and I don't have a problem with that, though occasionally I do try to answer his criticisms. And yes I do think using someone else's mod as a base will sometimes cause too much underlying textures to be left on it; I was not referring to you, I was referring ot Maximus's asking me why I don't just use KwazyDog's high-res mods as a base.

I'm sorry that I have to explain that to you, I should have been more clear. I don't think I have any history criticising other's work; I generally won't say anything even when I have positive suggestions, as I'm afraid people may take it the wrong way.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>I think you take comfort thinking so.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

this wasn't a very nice thing to say Fernando and I hope you didn't mean that :(


ps~ after re-reading my post indeed I should have made it more clear. I was referring to using KwazyDog's mod as a base, which was Maximus's question to me in his post, not your Stug mod. Your Stug is one that Maximus used as an example as to why don't I use KwazyDog's mod and just repaint that.

[ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: Tiger ]

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Hey Tiger...i can see now where the confusion crept into this wee discussion....and how if you read it a certain way it would give the impression of a criticism.....but having read it the way i think you meant it to mean i can see your line of thought more clearly smile.gif and that there were no "88s" aimed at Fernando in it :D

This damn internet and interaction with others through it without personal contact will always lead to misunderstandings.

And as for using other peoples mods as a basis for new work...well some people just prefer to strike out on their own to see how well they can do it themselves.



ps Tiger.....5 is the magic number seperating us ...can i call u cousin ??? smile.gif.....but who has 2500???

[ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: Måkjager ]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

Fernando, I was talking about KwazyDog's orignal mods. For example his Tiger mod he showed us the model pictures on the website that the maker let him use. Neat stuff. If you think I was trying to criticise you you were wrong. Sorry you've taken it that way. Maximus has a habit of nitpicking my stuff and I don't have a problem with that, though occasionally I do try to answer his criticisms. And yes I do think using someone else's mod as a base will sometimes cause too much underlying textures to be left on it; I was not referring to you, I was referring ot Maximus's asking me why I don't just use KwazyDog's high-res mods as a base.

I'm sorry that I have to explain that to you and hopefully you'll quit looking for a fight where there isn't one. I apologize if you have some reason to come after me as well. Whatever I might have done to you in the past (I have no idea what) I'm sorry.


After reading your reply I have no reason to come after you. I was wrong indeed. Well, I wrote my message because I thought you were talking about my mods (yes, I know they aren’t the best ones, but I’m also proud of them as, I’m sure, you’re of yours) and the overall tone of the message could be taken for a criticism to them, so I simply reacted to the perceived attack to my work. Now I know that you didn’t attack my mods at all, so I apologize if you feel the tone of my message was too harsh (well, actually, I wanted to be polite AND harsh smile.gif ).

BTW I think it’s good to have people working on the same mods because this allows CM people to choose the mod which best suits his taste among a wide range of mods. As a professor told us the more important thing on life is to be able to choose smile.gif

[ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: Fernando ]

[ 04-21-2001: Message edited by: Fernando ]

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Actually my whole nitpicking comes from that I guess I'm spoiled with Marco's mods, so that's where I get my cinicism. Basically I took note on how many mods you do and the frequency that you do them. For example a little while ago, it seemed like Manx had a new mod from you about every other day. Yes the paint jobs were interesting, but the detail was kinda laxidasical (sp?). Meaning that they they could have been better if you had spent a little more time on them.

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