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What, did we get a new locksmith?

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Croda, what are you doing out here? And what the bloody blazes are you doing in The Peng Thread? That's no place for vermin like you! Get in the Cesspool right this instant!


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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Guest Madmatt

I have found that the ratio of locked threads is directly proportional to the amount of inane, inappropriate, or just plain off topic threads.

Funny how that works...


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yeah all these locked thread's piss' me off to no end. these guy's are worse than friggin microsoft the game has been discussed to death I come here for some off the wall laugh's and it's all "not politically correct" these guy's are democrate's plain and simple.

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I don't know, it seems to me that Madmatt is starting to turn into a weenie! Hahaha! biggrin.giftongue.giftongue.giftongue.gif He's lost his sense of humor. frown.gif One of the funniest threads I have read in a long time was locked up by yours truly.

Slack off on the padlocks, ol' buddy. smile.gif


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Well thank goodness we know what all the 2nd-string board members think. Keep us informed guys and if any of the starters get injured, remember that you may actually go into the game.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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lol, A little common sense please.

Locks from the last few days Have all been on the same topic (just worded diffrently). Just read the post. They may start out diffrent, but within half a page you can't tell one from the other.

The other lock on the US navy ship being attacked. That was locked for the simple fact that people didn't want to discuss the incident, they wanted to discuss politics and the upcoming election.

I think before you complain about locked threads you really ought to take a hard look at what is in them.



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak:

lol, A little common sense please.


That coming from you?!

As far as I am concerned, BTS can lock up whatever they like and then some (as long as they keep their grubby paws off the Peng thread), it is their board, remember?



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

That coming from you?!

As far as I am concerned, BTS can lock up whatever they like and then some (as long as they keep their grubby paws off the Peng thread), it is their board, remember?


seems like pigtail pulling to me.


Did someone compare this to the Peng thread? I've apologized for less.


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Imagine how much the signal to noise ratio would increase if people quit crying out to BTS to lock the latest thread up.

Come on. It's pathetic. If you do not like the subject, then ignore the post. Why does everyone feel like they have to run around crying "BTS! Lock this thread up!" Do you people really think Matt or Steve is sitting around thinking, "Gosh, sure wish some people would let me know whether I should lock this thread or not!"

They are going to lock or not based on the content. Everyone piping up about their opinion on whether a thread is ready to be locked is pointless.

If you do not like the subject, there is a simple solution. Don't read the thread. And certainly do not waste everyones time by feeling the need to let BTS know that you have given your approval for locking it up.

Jeff Heidman

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Guest KwazyDog

Hi Guys.

I think it is important for people to remember that there is a 'General Discussion' forum available on our web site where a lot of the discussions popping up lately might be more suitable, and thus probably much more likely not to get locked.

This is a Combat Mission forum afterall, and it needs to be kept at least somewhat on topic. Yes, some of you may have discussed CM to death, but what about the folks logging on for the first time today? They dont come here to see discussions on politics or national pride (there are plenty of forums where they could go for that), they come here to read about CM and ask questions.

So guys, if youve had a thread lately thats been locked down, feel free to go over to the General Forum and give it a run. Flame wars will of course still be kept under control, but you will also have much more room for discussion over there, too. smile.gif


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Only one problem there, Kwazy. I dont have time to constantly check multiple boards to find something of interest to discuss. I dont think very many other people do either. Just look at how many hits you get on the other boards compared to this one. I would think you would want to urge as many to post here as possible, especially since when a newbie does come along with a question he's guaranteed multiple answers. GUARANTEED!! ;)

So what if we get off topic sometimes. You can shut us down whenever the whim strikes. I really think you're just exacerbating the problem since it seems like now as soon as someone posts something that someone else doesnt agree with they scream to have it locked down. Basically what you're saying is we cant discuss stuff that really interests us but we have to suffer through weeks of this Peng BS. Just my typical windbag opinion, Kwazy. Lock it down and throw away the key!

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Kwazy and Lorak: I understand that many of the locked threads were locked because they were erupting in flames. To lock a thread just because it's OT (Lorak gave the US Destroyer thread as an example), is hypocritcal (sp?). With all of the Peng threads, Hamsters, favorite movie threads, etc out there that don't get padlocked, I find it amazing that a thread is closed for discussing the impact of the upcoming US election on the military. As long as the posts are respectful and involve an exchange of ideas (as that thread did), I see no reason to lock it. If you're going to lock a thread for being OT, then all of the SS Mormon Hamster threads should be locked too.

Before anyone pipes up to defend the SS Hamsters, I just want to make it clear that I'm not advocating locking all of those threads - just asking for some even-handed standards here.

Face it: Until CM2 is fully under development, there is less and less to discuss on this forum in the way of game-related material.


"Gun damaged are rare on Shermans because they die like red shirts on Star Trek" - Slapdragon

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Mannheim Tanker,

You might be surprised but I agree with you.

But there has always been a case here of OT threads getting locked.

I brought up the china/taiwan issue a long while ago. While having some good discussions I can understand it being locked for it being off-topic. Same with the Kursk incident. Now with the US navy vessel. They are in no way related to CM or WWII and I understand them being locked. Granted the other ones took longer to get locked, but in my opinion it was because there were less people to watch the board.

The latest locked topics, Which were about WWII, I feel got locked due to the flamming nature of the post. Granted I enjoyed reading some in all of them, but they seemed to turn in to fights and insults too fast.

As for our Peng/cesspool thread. As crazy as it is.. In a way it is on-topic in that everything in it is related to PBEM games. Even if silly. Every fair, no matter how great the rides or food, has to have a freak show. wink.gif

I also think KD is right in pointing to the General disscussion forum for the OT post. The reason I feel that it is not visited is because of its lack of content. If more people started posting topics there, I'm sure people would come. Same as I always check the tips/tactics area ect.

One possible solution would be to post a thread here stating that a topic is there. Then people would know of it and migrate over. Maybe even giving it a bump every now and then to keep people informed.

For example:

The US navy incident today.

Post the thread exactly as he did, outline the information as he did. Then at the end add a " Join the disscussion in the general discussion area." Maybe even link the thread in the message.

I have no idea how BTS would treat this. But I feel it would be a great compromise.

Your thoughts?



"Do not wait to strike till the iron is hot; but make it hot by striking."--William Butler Yeats


[This message has been edited by Lorak (edited 10-12-2000).]

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Guest KwazyDog

Lorak, I cant speak for Matt or Steve (whom really have more to do with the forum than myself), but I think that would be a good compromise, and I agree with your other points too.

Scout, Ive only locked down two threads ever, and its not something I like to do. The first was a CC vs CM thread that had the sparks to turn into a flame war (as the topic has a dozen times before), and the second was a post that was started just hours after Steve shut down the same topic becuase it too was on course to becoming nasty (and note it was left open for 176 posts). Is that really so bad?

Remember guys, I was purely making suggestions that I thought might be helpful to all. smile.gif


[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 10-12-2000).]

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I'm not surprised at all that you agree, Lorak, just surprised to hear you admit it! biggrin.gif Just kidding... seriously, though, your suggestion for cutting down on the BS - ahem, I mean OT - threads is a good idea. I should probably venture over to the other boards more often, but then maybe I'd NEVER get any work done!


"Gun damaged are rare on Shermans because they die like red shirts on Star Trek" - Slapdragon

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Guest Big Time Software

This thread is an example of why we lock stuff up. There is an identical thread going on just like this one now smile.gif

Why was the Peng thread allowed to continue? It is a Taunt thread, and that does have something to do with CM. We felt it was far better to have ONE place to have Hamsters go on and on than to have many keep popping up. Anybody that has been on the ball for the last couple of weeks would have noticed me closing up probably a dozen threads that were spill overs from the Peng thread.

Our policy is about as consistant as can be unless we allow people to post anything they want or to lock up any thread that is not 100% on topic. Something like the destroyer terrorist attack was not on topic in any way, so it got locked up.


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