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No Motorcycles\sidecars in CM?

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Guest rune

Anyone on a motorcycle or sidecar at the front line would last...oh...about 5 seconds. Used behind the line to transport troops, couriers, etc.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Good point, opinions anyone?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

You know, I thought about that just today because of someone's post (that I think was making a veiled reference to the "Great Escape"...or maybe "Chicken Run"), and they don't seem to be modeled. The main reason I can think of is that they might provide the basis for a lot of 'gamey' behaviour (putting a sharpshooter into a sidecar, and racing them to weird places, or using them for way unrealistic recon), but maybe it's just felt that, like horses and such, their impact within the context of CM weren't significant. Or maybe they presented special problems with modeling behaviour correctly. Probably been some sort of thread on this in the past, although I'm not aware of it. God knows, it seems like everything else in the multiverse has been discussed here, from the most minute details regarding weapons systems on up into infinity. I wouldn't be surprise on this site to do a search on: Wallabies (comma) Mating Habits (comma) Philosophical Implications, and come up with 2 or 3 threads.


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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Guest Mirage2k

IMHO (and bear in mind I've never seen a motorcycle and sidecar outside of "Raiders of the Lost Ark"), you'd only be able to use them on roads, which doesn't present a whole lot of tactical possibilities. And I'm not sure what kinds of weapons they carried, but they seem just way too vulnerable to be used as a unit.

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There was one very famous ASL DYO in our gaming circle in Houston that was one of the all time gamey tactics I've ever seen. One of the players bought nothing but motorcycles and demo charges. Lots of motorcyclists lost their lives that day, I can tell you. But eventually the other guy ran out of residual firepower and rate of fire shots, and there enough demo charge wielding motocross dudes to obliterate him. Yeah it could get real gamey alright. It was fun and funny. But gamey as can be.



Scouts Out!

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I'm currently reading a first hand account of life in the gross deuschland divison on the eastern front 1942-1945. In this troopers account of his experiences in a motorised company, motorcycle units were used to probe ahead of the main body of the force if they were operating in open country.In the event of enemy contact one unit would race off to report back while the others would attempt to gather enemy size and positions while harrassing the enemy with their MG42(?). The bmw cycles were tough as nails and could go like hell over fairly rough terrain.

Not much use in the front line I agree, but they were certainly not limited to transport/courier work. BTW, anyone got any info on the use and success of the Kettergrad(?) The half track motorcycle outfit?

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Stuka mentions the BMWs' being used for recon work. I guess in the context of CM battles, the recon work has already been done. You know the enemy is out there, and you already have the available intelligence at hand. So I figure the BMWs' have done their job already and moved off to the rear. In a DYO, I wouldn't be wasting money on them. Offensively they could tackle an infantry squad. Defensively they would be mush.




"Them Yankees couldn't hit the broa..."

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"motorcycle units were used to probe ahead of the main body of the force if they were operating in open country.In the event of enemy contact one unit would race off to report back."

Yes. This is exactly how I would use them in the game - if they were available.

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Guest Michael emrys

Seems I recall (though I might be in error) that in the French Campaign of 1940 the Germans had entire battalions on motorcycle. It was a cheap way to motorize troops and they may have functioned somewhat in the way of light cavalry. I believe in 1941 there was a motorcycle company in each recon battalion of motorized divisions. I think after that the usage trailed off as they became too vulnerable. Like some other aspects of the German army, they functioned best against an inferior enemy that was already in confusion and/or demoralised.


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By 1944 the German recce units that were motorised, such as the Panzer and Panzer grenadier Aufklaerung/reconnaissance Abteilung were also armoured. Armoured in this context means that all the troops are ensconced in half-tracks and sexy 8 wheeled armoured cars. You have to remember the Panzer Divisions in France were the ones being refitted as per the latest German OOB and some such as Panzer Lehr received neat new and scarce toys such as the Puma. Wait for CM2 and 4 to see Motorcyclists as part of spearheads. If memory serves this has already been discussed, try a search for more info.

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There's a great Finnish movie about the travails of a bicycle-mounted platoon in the Continuation War. A few unrealistic scenes at the end, but most of it is quite tense. The English title is The Ambush, the Finnish one is the Road to (someplace beginning with an R and followed by Ks and Hs and stuff). I'm definitely rooting for lots of two-wheeled and four-hoofed transport for CM2.

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Guest Michael emrys

ISTR that there were a couple of German battalions mounted on bicycles in Normandy at the time of the invasion. I don't think they lasted too long though.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Michael emrys:

ISTR that there were a couple of German battalions mounted on bicycles in Normandy at the time of the invasion. I don't think they lasted too long though.


Bicycles for transport and bicycles for combat are two different things... the former a movement expedient, the latter suicide. Actually, I believe there were also some bicycle mobile units during the Wacht am Rein operation as well. (Imagine what a pain in the arse that would have been... sheesh)

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