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Simple factual question

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Can anyone tell me the actual download size of the "imminent" Gold Demo-----as we all know "size is important".

N.B. This is not intended to provoke any "Off Topic" statistical or mythical discussion---------

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Steve said in a post one month ago:

"Whoops! Misread Lewis' quetion. I thought he asked if the Gold version could be downloadable (been asked many times in the last year ), but rereading he asked about the Gold Demo. No to the final, yes to the Gold Demo. Size of that sucker will probably be a bit bigger due to the larger textures we are now using. Dunno how much bigger though.


Search is a wonderfull thingy! smile.gif



Our's is not to reason "why", our's is but to do and die!

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Guest KwazyDog

Actually Fionn, I would have gone for a guess more around the 30.3mb mark wink.gif

Just guesses though wink.gif

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Guest KwazyDog

Hehehe, this is sorta like one of those count the jelly beans competitions smile.gif

How many bytes do you think there is in that jar wink.gif

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Guest JonS


just whiling away the wee smalls, wondering if anything interesting is likely to happen in, say, the next hour or so wink.gif




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Guest tom w


31 megs great

Are talking hours or Days here?!

Tell me its not weeks!


The natives are getting restless, as you can see some of them are diverting their attention from this wonderful game just long enough to down load other new games like SP W@W. Oh My!

BTS should nip that unfortunate trend in the bud by releasing that long awaited CM gold demo right away....


-tom w

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That'd be an EXE (self-extracting EXE)..

Of course, that's only my ROUGH GUESS you understand wink.gif.

When you double-click on the exe I imagine it would create a Combat Mission Demo folder and then extract itself into that folder.

That's what I'd guess anyway wink.gif

SPWAW is a couple of hundred meg isn't it? Hell, at that rate it'd take me ten hours to get the first hundred meg and then I'd simply have to stop d/ling SPWAW and start downloading something else by that time (probably).

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

Hell, at that rate it'd take me ten hours to get the first hundred meg and then I'd simply have to stop d/ling SPWAW and start downloading something else by that time (probably).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

From Chambers English Thesaurus:

cruel: sadistic, inhuman, malevolent, callous, unfeeling, pitiless, painful, excruciating, stony-hearted etc.pp.

Take your pick, gentlefolk biggrin.gif Actually there are lots more...

When going to a BBQ, do you like a slow roast Fionn? I thought so. smile.gif



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Thats a damned good way to spend another few minutes in this atmosphere of electric tension.-----"What is the best way to attack bunkers?"

----And if the demo fails to appear "Whats the best way to demolish Fionn?"

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Guest hunt52

Note: According to Common Law, Title IX, Section (iii), paragraph 2, lines 6-11:

"...and furthermore, any who shall falsely proclaim the imminence or propinquity of a Combat Mission Gold Demo shall be met forthwith with castration enacted by a pack of rabid weasels."

Wherein "proclaim" can be interpreted to mean "hint at" or "bait" or "drive the forum into an ecstatic frenzy".

- Bill, CM Forum Legal Advisor

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:


I only slow roast if the thing being roasted is alive wink.gif.

Seriously though.. You guys should be reading up on how to attack bunkers etc instead of looking up dictionaries. wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ahh, I knew you were a cruel one (imagine Irish accent). But in your slight of hand dismissal of the dictionary, you forget the most effective German weapon, which was available even when they started running out of kitchen sinks - harsh words. I think I look up all of them now, and then shout them at my machine when my PBEMs go awry.



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Guest Ol' Blood & Guts

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Germanboy:

you forget the most effective German weapon, which was available even when they started running out of kitchen sinks - harsh words.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Them's are also known as "Fightin' Words" smile.gif

But in a comparison note, isn't it funny, how a big 3D game like CM can be so small in file size, which a 2D game like SP:W@W has a download the size of nearly 300 MB?

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Guest Germanboy

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ol' Blood & Guts:

But in a comparison note, isn't it funny, how a big 3D game like CM can be so small in file size, which a 2D game like SP:W@W has a download the size of nearly 300 MB?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Err, isn't that b/c SPW@W is a full version, while the CM gold demo is just that? The full game will be quite large, too.

Good review at www.download.com OB&G. All you others, come on, there must be more of you there than just nine to push the game!



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Ok... you know the exact size of the **** demo...

which means you have it already (I know, I'm quick)...

PLEASE release it tommorrow... its my Birthday for christ sake!!

come on... you only have 1 18th birthday...

*bambi eyes wink.gif*

(thats a Calvin and Hobbes Reference for any of you who arn't obsessed with them)



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Guest aaronb

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:


Fast wink.gif. Very fast wink.gif.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hey, think of your old (well, newish) PBEM buddies, and just use a splitter program(3Mb chunks), then email the pieces directly to me. That way you'll have one less person hammering on the download server.

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Ahhh, to be a Young Buck again..... Seriously, though, you were a bit young when Calvin & Hobbes were in their prime, aren't you? - Or am I really getting that old. Christ..... don't answer that. I miss them two - Still have my framed copy of their final Sunday strip. They brought cartoons to a new level.

CrapGame out,

(trying to figure out how to transmogrify my wife into something else when the Gold Demo is released)

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Gold demo ?

Spaceman Spiff interplanetary explorer extraordinaire grabs his frab-ray blaster and sets out to prevent any alien from obtaining this powerfull relic and thus save the sanity of theentire wargaming world !

End yes this is another Calvin & Hobbes reference. 'sniff' miss those two.

Grtz S Bakker.


Hobbes: Do you think there is a god ?

Calvin: Well, somebody is out to get me. biggrin.gif

[This message has been edited by Bakker@home (edited 05-09-2000).]

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