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Close Combat 5 Demo out

Guest Pillar

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Guest Pillar

Test your CM skills, see how you fare.

I suspect I'll be a lot better at CC now that I've been playing CM.

This should be fun, but of course CM will always be my true love!

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Guest Pillar

Unfortunately, the scenario they included hardly gives a good sampling of the units in the game. For example, you only can choose from 60mm mortars for arty, no tanks, and only a Company sized engagement.

After playing the Demo for an hour, I have concluded that CM is still my love smile.gif

One really great thing about the CC series is their maps. They are very detailed, since it's all just artwork. Perhaps someone could take it upon themselves to try converting the maps to CM?

It would be neat to see how results differ with similar tactics on identical maps in the two different games.

(Bold used for ease of read)

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Guest Pillar

Forgot to mention, one other observation I made was that CC was a lot *EASIER* than CM.

I beat the computer as the allies using only one BAR Squad, One Command Squad, and a ".30 MG" Team.

Took out the Entire German company with that alone.

The STUG got it from a zook I had positioned by chance, but the zook played no other role.

I loaded it up a second time and purposefully setup so that the computer would fare better. They didn't use their stug AT ALL. The AI is really bad with AFV's in this one it appears.

[This message has been edited by Pillar (edited 10-06-2000).]

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Guest MikeToth

Hi guys,

I picked up CC5 yesterday at EB (Cleveland

Ohio) .... I've always been a fan of the CC series with CC3 being my favorite... so far it looks pretty good, although as everyone will agree, it sure don't beat CM as the top dog!!!.....


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pathfinder:

uhm...where is the d/l? I went to all the sites I know and couldn't find it.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Go to ssionline.com


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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Beware of the Stuart 37mm "Assult gun".

Why can't I kill a infsquad(in a bunker) in less than 20 seconds in CM ? Works like a charm in CC5.

Stuart vs infsquad(in open ground) 10-15 sec.

2 infsquads vs 1 infsquad(in open ground)

out of ammo.

But it's fun, acctually, in some strange way.....much better than CC4

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Pillar wrote:

(Bold used for ease of read)

Actually, I find using normal text much easier to read. Bold text indicates to me that something is emphasized and my brain goes through a few loops trying to sort it out.

- Tommi

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I downloaded this late last night, and played a quick game against the AI-- which I thrashed tongue.gif ...I must say tho It was alot of fun. I was pleasantly suprised as I expected their usual rubbish (cc3 & cc4) and it appears that they have finally made some much needed improvements.

here is my views so far

1. tank VS tank combat ... unkown entity -- no alied tanks included

2. infantry vs tank... I managed to whack both with bazooka teams

3. tanks vs infantry... my infantry held up well in the buildings ... but my infantry placement stopped the tanks getting far enuff in

4. Command Called mortar strike... ouch!

5. explosions, smoke look awesome

6. The AI shouldnt try and cross an open field underr fire :P

7. Superior graphics to any thing released so far, maps were sweet.

After CM I dont take it as a serious wargame but It is intense and fun.. I hope the full version is as good .. I may buy it if so smile.gif

It will be a good game for me to play afer wracking my brain in CM TCPIP



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Well, I must say that although the AI needs some tweaking, this seems like a return to CC2 style gameplay. I played the demo and found that it was fun again. No more of the CC4 - Red alert like crap.



"Ah-ah, I know what you're thinking. Did he fire 6 shots or only 5"

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>What do you guys mean when you all talk of the differences between CC2 and CC3/4?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, I can't talk smack about CC4 since I never bought it, but the difference between CC2 and CC3 is huge.

CC2 was beautifully designed with exception to the "dancing tank" problem. There was a very balanced mix of infantry strength vs. tank strength meaning tanks did not rule the battlefield. You could be out of armor and still sneak up a German recon team and take out a Sherman with your faust without him seeing you. I think that was what I really liked about CC2 was the fact that infantry was not easily spotted. It seemed like there was always high grass to hide in or something else that would provide good concealment.

In CC3, all this changed. Infantry were easily spotted and they became nothing more than walking corpes who succumbed to enemy tank fire.

There were little places to hide since it took place in Russia which makes sense but even in buildings they seeemed to be in jeopardy, not unlike CM apparently. :P

What really made everything worse though was that the LOS in CC3 stretched on forever. Tank battles would occur off screen because there was nothing in their line of sight. Hence, you could line up an assault gun from 400m back and pummel the opposing men from almost any angle.

Another thing I hated was the new look of the tanks in CC3 (and I see it's carried over to CC5 too.) If you examine the tanks, it looks as though a 4th grader drew them. I dunno if Atomic's art department hires graduates from the nearby elementary school or what but the tanks look like sh*t now.

Yes, it's a 3-D game but in CC2 the tanks had a dimensional look to them. In CC3 and now CC5 they look flat. Very flat.

One more thing...christ, I could go on forever about this issue...the fighting had a different style in CC2 than in CC3. This is hard to explain and I'm not really gonna try to do so. All I can say is, I had more fun using the infantry in CC2 than in CC3. The men in CC2 seemed more like...real men, and you felt their agony when one of them died. In CC3, this feeling was lost somehow. Anyone else get this impression?


Yeah, but in Close Combat...

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I downloaded the demo last night/early this morning and just played the demo four times, three as americans and one as german. While the game is fun there is no comparison to CM. My biggest problem is taking in all of the action going on at once and not being able to pause the play in order to issue new orders. Why make such a big thing over suppression fire, smoke and manuever when there's little oppertunity to use these tactics in an actual battle. Too much happens too quickly to make decisions. Maybe there is a pause function but I missed it? You CC gronards excuse me when I say, I don't see the big deal about this game. CM is a much better game that allows you to use some knowledge in tactics and not just have a five minute shootout against the computer. Maybe against a human opponent would be better, but I doubt it.

It's CM for me all the way. I would'nt waste $40 on this game. I'm not trying to flame anyone, this is my honest oppinion of Close Combat V.


Blessed be the Lord my strength who teaches my hands to war and my fingers to fight.

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I bought the game and it's ok. But why don't the tanks make any sound though? They do when they fire but there are no movement sounds.

Infantry die very quickly. If your infantry units died like this in CM, battles would be over very quickly. This is not a bad thing as infantry were quite vulnerable. Just takes some getting used to. I've alays liked how CC displays a unit info panel that lists each soldier, his status and the weapon/ammo he has.

It is hard to tell elevations since it is in 2-d. The maps are beautifully hand-drawn though.

The CC5 ai seems almost non-existant. I may be wrong in this but it seems the computer heads towards objectives on the map in very straight lines; it does use whatever cover is available in-route. Almost like the maps were drawn to compensate for the ai.

I did notice computer units trying to get across a bridge via each flank and straight over it, so my first impressions may be faulty.

I ordered a stug to a point on the map not too far away and when I checked back in a minute or so, he was immobile in an awkward direction on some brush (he had not been fired on). I suppose it was a hedgerow but why did the driver get stuck on this and not try and go around?

I guess vehicles need constant attention when manuevering. Vehicles do seem quite powerful but with all the cover they can be quite vulnerable.

There's no replay. There's no individual unit statistics (that I've seen yet). There are no quick battles (the one thing I liked about CC3). There are several campaigns and numerous battles and operations. The game covers the period of june-july 1944 in Normandy. Hence there are no Tigers, Panthers, or even PV IVs, though the latter two are included for scenario designers. Atomic should be commended for sticking to historically correct units. It was an infantry battle and this is mainly what CC5 is.

It looks and feels, and plays quite solid though. If you're a big fan of the Close Combat series, I would reccomend this. It has the look and feel of the other CC games, but is more like CC2 than 3 or 4, which is a good thing. Example: one of my stugs got taken out quite violently by a bazooka that I never saw till it fired.


*added later*:

ok you can kind of do quick battle type games but you have to make it in the editor. You will have to choose a battle group and map, both of which are somewhat unknown quantities until you've played with that group/map.

Another gripe I have is the lousy manual. It's only 54 pages and that's including the credit and tech pages. Come on Atomic. Whatever happened to awesome manuals like the CC2 game had? There's no historical background at all, very little unit or map info. There's about 4-6 "quotes" from various historical personas, but nowhere near the quality of the CC2 manual.

What's up with the manual/game boxes cover artwork? The two young fellows stepping off the Higgins boat who are in the water look like they're in middle school. If you look closely at the rear lower packs, you can see where they were matted in. Not a big deal it's just artwork (doctored photo really) but christ he looks like he's 12.

I am kind of disappointed, but CC5 is still worth it if you like the CC series. It won't grab hold of you like CMBO, at least not for me it didn't.


[This message has been edited by Tiger (edited 10-07-2000).]

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AI in CC2 never much mattered to me because I only ever played TCP/IP, which was always a real hoot.

Col. Deadmarsh is right about the comparison of CC3 to CC2. In CC2 infantry were more valuable because they were needed to flush out AT weapons or zooks, schrecks and fausts. German infantry usually carried fausts, and were lethal to allied armor at close range. A much more balanced game than CC3.

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

No, its not a total snore-fest. The real-time urgency is something that I enjoy, but I think there was a bug in the demo...

I was stuck in view #5, and I couldnt get down to the soldiers view... wierd, huh?

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Well I can't believe it the demo swayed me and I bought the full version, something I never thought I would do.

The maps are very nice and the effects, AI blows but that was expected... But I bought it for the multiplayer which is alot of fun , I playe d a few games int he zone tonight and had a great time ... been a long time since i gamed till 2 am :P

I still love CM the best but I am awaiting multiplayer ;p I've only played a few games and havent explored it totally but it is far better than CC3 or CC4 which is why I bought it. The Air strikes are pretty sweet as well smile.gif

Its nice to see atomic made some worthy changes ... maybe some of BTS rubbed off on them smile.gif. Hopefully they will continue to improve and we will get a super RTS one day in the ww2 genre



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by SS_PanzerLeader:

Well I can't believe it the demo swayed me and I bought the full version, something I never thought I would do.

The maps are very nice and the effects, AI blows but that was expected... But I bought it for the multiplayer which is alot of fun , I playe d a few games int he zone tonight and had a great time ... been a long time since i gamed till 2 am :P

I still love CM the best but I am awaiting multiplayer ;p I've only played a few games and havent explored it totally but it is far better than CC3 or CC4 which is why I bought it. The Air strikes are pretty sweet as well smile.gif

Its nice to see atomic made some worthy changes ... maybe some of BTS rubbed off on them smile.gif. Hopefully they will continue to improve and we will get a super RTS one day in the ww2 genre


Gotta agree with you. CC5 is actually a pretty fun game, with some wicked intense firefights now that tanks don't rule the world.

What I dislike about it, so far, is the beach invasion maps. It seems weird that only 15 squads are used to take out 5 bunkers, strongpoints, a beach wall, and five victory locations, and a defensive force of(go figure) about 15 squads...

Maybe I'm just weird that way. I don't know.

Overall, though, it's a pretty good and quick game so far. No CM, but what is(except for CM, natch).

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