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New " Monte Cassino Style " scenario finished

Guest Tom

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Hi all ,

new to this board and total addicted to this incredible game. Thanks to BTS for the best tactical WWII simulation ever made and - imho - the best pc tool ever.

Today I finished my first scenario. I would be glad to hear some opinions about it.

My " Battle of San Martino "scenario deals with a fictional engangement between a Polish regiment and German paratroops in Italy 1943/44. The Germans have to defend the so called " Gustav Line " to prevent the allies from reaching Rome and so they have made the old Abbey San Martino to their center of defence.Without taking this stronghold , the allies can´t advance to the north.....

Reminds you of " Monte Cassino " ? Well..that was my intention.

( an original Monte Cassino scenario wouldn´t fit to CM´s scale )

I suggest to play the German defenders against the AI in your first game.

If you think it´s boring to play against the attacking AI ? Wait and see...

You will encounter nasty surprises for both sides.

I haven´t playtested this scenario for PBEM , so I can´t say wether it´s balanced or not.

P.S.: There is no OOB in the mission briefings , so it´s VERY IMPORTANT to check your troops before the battle starts.

You can download this new scenario from my CM website ( under construction ). Go to " scenarios " and choose the " fictional " section.

Thanks in advance ( and...excuse me for my poor english )




[This message has been edited by Tom (edited 09-02-2000).]

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Dear van Lucke ,

thanks for THAT hint.... I am still struggeling with that strange suffix: the file on my server is correctly named " SanMartino.cmb ".. no idea what causes this " cmb.cmb. " problem. I guess I should zip my scenarios for future releases.

Btw: thanks for all the friendly comments concerning my website design , but.... as you may have noticed the whole stuff is actualy very basic. Unfortunately I have a real life ( job , wife etc. ) so it will last until end of this month till everything is " in place ". Again: everybody is invited to send me new scenarios/operations , mods etc. to be published on my site ( Take a look on the scenario section/Ardennes 1944 to see in which form I will present your stuff ) - I am also thankfull for any corrections on my terrible english :))


Thomas Klimisch

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von Lucke:

Mssr. Bates (if that is indeed your real name), try this: The SanMartino.cmb file has a double file suffix (ie; it looks like this "SanMartino.cmb.cmb"). Just eliminate one of the .cmb and it should be fine.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Don't click on the link with your left mouse button as this will make your browser attempt to open the file. Not knowing what type of file it is your browser will probably assume it is plain text and try and display it as such. Use your right mouse button and select save target as or shift click the link/picture.

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