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What to do?

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I'm hopefully receiving my copy of CM before weekend (shut up Borg, you are just annoying) and I am waiting it eagerly. I just can't wait to play full version after playing the two missions of demo about 20 times as both sides.

This sounds nice and dandy but it isn't that easy. My girlfriend is going trough a bad period of time and she really needs my company (not the company in the military sense you geeks).

What to do? I could play CM all days and nights but I think that would not be too productive idea on the long run, completely ruining my caring image. On the other hand I could try not to think CM at all and only install the game after emergency has ended. That would be a real test of self dicipline frown.gif

Hmmm, I guess I have no real choices here... Anyways if anyone has hints or tips for situations like this, please share them. I guess someone in this board has a girlfriend or wife. Right? Right?!?!

Ps. Why the PzKw III is not in the german OB? I think N model was quite used even after D-Day? PzKw III is my favourite German tank!

Another Ps. I noticed that there is plenty of folks with Jochen handle (with some variations). I decided to use it as my handle too because it has been my handle for two years in WWII online flightsims like Warbirds and Aces High.



Kids today! Why can't they fetishize Fascist military hardware like normal people?

Ladysmith wants you forthwith to come to her relief

Burn your briefs you leave for France tonight

Carefully cut the straps of the booby-traps and set the captives free

But don't shoot 'til you see her big blue eyes

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"See, look, honey, now this is an M4A3(76)W HVSS Easy Eight Sherman. Now the M4A3(76)W HVSS has..."

No, I guess not.

"Honey, can't you see I'm busy doing important military research for the U.S. Govt??!!"

Nah...not caring enough.

She : "Darling, you seem distant, like you're thinking of something else. Perhaps that's the reason why you can't..."

Looks like you got a real problem on your hands there, bud.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Ps. Why the PzKw III is not in the german OB? I think N model was quite used even after D-Day? PzKw III is my favourite German tank!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Regarding Pz III in Normandy in general has to be said that 116th Panzer Division had 6 Pz III, which where used in the Regimental Staff Co (3 Pz III) of Panzerregiment 16 and in the Staff of its II. Abteilung (3 PzIII). AFAIK these 6 were the only PzIIIs which saw service in Normandy (basing on Tom Jentz and some other sources).

You see the reasoning not to modell the PzIII was obviously it´s rarity on the Westfront in 1944-45.




Sbelling chequed wyth MICROSOFT SPELLCHECKER - vorgs grate!

- The DesertFox -

Email: desertfox1891@hotmail.com

WWW: http://www.geocities.com/desertfox1891

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I quess "I'll be done in a minute" will not work anymore. :-D

Some ploys I have used:

1. Move the machine to the (insert preferred type of room)room and play when she is in the room. Sound turned off when she is sleeping of course if you are playing in the bedroom.

2. Wake up 2-3 hrs before her. Pre-prepare breakfast and when she turns up swicth to desktop and resume breakfast. When she goes to take a shower end turn and exit game.

3. Go to sleep 2-3 hrs after her. Keep the TV on (but do NOT tune into a porn channel). Discovery is good, especially if there is a WWII documentary on.

4. Demand (implore,beg) "personal time" you can spend alone. Not more than 2 hrs a day though.

I have found #4 works best in most cases. #2 and #3 backfire sometimes as you can stay alert and awake only so long.

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right I kinda know where your comming from Jochen, I got me a wife or shes got me.. hmmm na ja. heh shes going through a hard time in school (shes student teacher here in germany) ooh and its tough, I don't know what for a hard time your girlfriend has but me wife can be very ticked off at my computer (its ok it doesnt like her either). I find time when she has to get her work done for the next class and so on.. best bet if she comes to you while your playing and say "hi, boy my day was tough". I would suggest to put the mouse at rest and ask her how her day was going.. often I sat there just saying "wow" "uh huh ...interesting" heh mistake 1.

if its something more personal (health or something) hey take the time and do stuff together - I made a mistake long ago not doing that and now I miss my dad.. kinda stupid but the game will aways be there you don't know how long others are (ok cut it out guys I'm not going cushie on you just plain facts)

and on your free time give gas play your game(s?? there any other games aside CM?)

right I'm no expert in life, if anything I'm still trying to figure it out heh..I'm just lucky I have no kids right now oooh... so hope this helped a little.


"A man must not deny his manifest abilities, for that is to evade his obligations."

-William Feather, The Treasure of Franchard

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-12-2000).]

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-12-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>4. Demand (implore,beg) "personal time" you can spend alone. Not more than 2 hrs a day though.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

This sounds best solution for me. I think there is something really really different between men and women thinking regarding "personal time". I need to do things alone (scale models, reading and playing games of course), otherwise I get nervous and bit angry which is not good. Sometimes I feel like my girlfriend does not understand that and thinks I'm a freak (or was it a geek?).

About PzKw III... Ok, I thought PzKw IIIN's were used in SPzAbt supporting Tigers but apparently this was before D-Day, maybe in North Africa and in Easter Front. Can't wait for the CM2, Russian front with Finnish troops! biggrin.gif



Kids today! Why can't they fetishize Fascist military hardware like normal people?

Ladysmith wants you forthwith to come to her relief

Burn your briefs you leave for France tonight

Carefully cut the straps of the booby-traps and set the captives free

But don't shoot 'til you see her big blue eyes

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Guest Rollstoy

Lieber Jochen!

You will find out that the physical presence of the Combat Mission CD alone will ease your mind enormously. There are so many scenarios and operations that you have to distribute them over a long time anyway, so any excessive gaming session will lead you nowhere. My advice: fire up the editor, put all the vehicles you can find on a map, admire them, and then tend to your woman!

Again, the arrival of CM alone will free a lot of emotional resources, because most of all it is the waiting that makes you feel uneasy.



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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

right I kinda know where your comming from Jochen, I got me a wife or shes got me.. hmmm na ja. heh shes going through a hard time in school (shes student teacher here in germany) ooh and its tough, I don't know what for a hard time your girlfriend has but me wife can be very ticked off at my computer (its ok it doesnt like her either). I find time when she has to get her work done for the next class and so on.. best bet if she comes to you while your playing and say "hi, boy my day was tough". I would suggest to put the mouse at rest and ask her how her day was going.. often I sat there just saying "wow" "uh huh ...interesting" heh mistake 1.

if its something more personal (health or something) hey take the time and do stuff together - I made a mistake long ago not doing that and now I miss my dad.. kinda stupid but the game will aways be there you don't know how long others are (ok cut it out guys I'm not going cushie on you just plain facts)

and on your free time give gas play your game(s?? there any other games aside CM?)

right I'm no expert in life, if anything I'm still trying to figure it out heh..I'm just lucky I have no kids right now oooh... so hope this helped a little.


"A man must not deny his manifest abilities, for that is to evade his obligations."

-William Feather, The Treasure of Franchard

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-12-2000).]

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 09-12-2000).]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Great advice Mensch,and something we should all do! smile.gif

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Guest KwazyDog

Ahh, this is something I have plenty of experiance with Jochen since Ive been working on CM stuff for over a year now. This was my daily routine last year when things were really hectic....

8am - 5pm work

5pm - 10pm spend time with girlfriend

10pm - 3:30am Combat Mission

Now, youll only be able to do this for about 2 days in a row before collapsing so be careful wink.gif On top of this I think youll need at least a couple of whole nights free to play CM as well, hehe.

My best suggestion is that if you work a day job use my above schedule and start drinking coffee. smile.gif

Seriously though, if your girlfriend is having a bad time spend the time with her and keep the manual at hand. Hopefully your girlfriend will understand the CM need, but it sounds like she will need you to be there for her too.

Good Luck Jochen!

[This message has been edited by KwazyDog (edited 09-12-2000).]

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Hi Ski, -Jochen- biggrin.gif

Hehe, wife is GM of a store in major resturant chain, SHE doesn't have time for me! She's glad I stat home and play computer games, instead of going out boozing cool.gif



"Confucious say, it is better to remain silent, and be thought a fool, than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt"

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Just move the computer to a high traffic area(mine's on the route between the kitchen/front room and living room) so she doesn't forget what you look like.

Worked for me.

Also encourage her to keep in touch with her family, as that tends to keep her on the phone for many hours per week.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Howdy Jochen... we meet again.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Ski! I should have guessed you and your crazy poles are somewhere near! smile.gif

After I learn to play CM properly (might tkae several years) we might play some PBEM's and then discuss about modeling of Wehrmacht Panzers and other conspiracy theories smile.gif



Kids today! Why can't they fetishize Fascist military hardware like normal people?

Ladysmith wants you forthwith to come to her relief

Burn your briefs you leave for France tonight

Carefully cut the straps of the booby-traps and set the captives free

But don't shoot 'til you see her big blue eyes

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Rule no.1 when dealing with women: When it comes to the crunch, suddenly everything you ever did is wrong. Acting normally isn't enough - this is too easily construed as being mean or selfish. Doing anything you might consider risky is a DEATH SENTENCE.



They lost all of their equipment and had to swim in under machine gun fire. As they struggled in the water, Gardner heard somebody say, "Perhaps we're intruding, this seems to be a private beach."

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Hey guys,

Uhhh, my wife just entered the room and read this thread. Great! Now she has vowed to create a new support group called WACM (or Wack 'em) Women Against Combat Mission. Expect a new website on this one! Way to go guys........

PS, She is here with me getting a chuckle out of it. She's been a computer widow for over 10 years now.



"The Lieutenant brought his map out and the old woman pointed to the coastal town of Ravenoville........"

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Hi all

I've found a different approach:

The game comes with a "hotseat" option, that allows you to play CM with your beloved as opponent.

My girlfriend was very sceptic against any game that involved killing things in any way, but I managed to persuade her that CM is more a game for the mind than a game of violence. More like Chess than Doom.

Then she opposed against the game being so complex and difficult to learn, but I showed her the basics and finally she agreed to try it once.

We started with the Tutorial scenario. She played the US and I German. About halfway into the game she asked "what is a spotter?"

I thought "uh oh, this will turn ugly for my troops..." and answered "your best asset!".

Then she shelled the wits out of my infantry.

The last turn we both made a gamey rush for the flag. I used my remaining tank, and her infantry was too far away, so I won a marginal victory. With the forces remaining she would have wiped me out in two turns, so she thought of herself as the morale victor.

Next game was a QB. There I had a quad 20mm that managed to pin most of her infantry for several turns. Actually my gun was pinned 99% of that time, but she was afraid to assault it. I also had a conscript 75mm spotter. What a piece of crap! More than seven minutes response time, and less effective than the 81mm mortar...

Again I won a marginal victory because she was too caucious.

Now I've taught her a bit more about tactics, but she still feel that CM isn't a social game to play ;(.



[This message has been edited by Olle Petersson (edited 09-12-2000).]

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Get a second computer and get the little lady hook on computer games also. That is the ONLY solution that ends with boths sides feeling good and not with someone feeling like they are always giving up something.

But I wanna ask something... Why does it always seem like women don't EVER have a hobby that is so self-absorbing as much as men do, huh?

Women always sit around and claim they are bored or this or that. Sometimes (I am not married...yet...) I feel like some freakin' entertainer. "Anything I can do to pass the time for you, honey? Juggle? Have you paint my toe nails? Look at fashion magazines with you? Loose my self deep inside while I hear you drone on about your silly girlfriends, who I don't like anways?

Okay.. Rant over.... I just need to blow off some steam here...

Just do your best. If it isn't enough you will find enevitably.


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Divorce lawyer to the CM stars at your service smile.gif

For me it's get out pbem's 6:45-7:30 am. Play while she's goes to bed, so gives me 9pm-12

But ya got to make room. I keep emphasing that CM is what I do to fill otherwise dead time and that I won't use it to "avoid" her. So if there are things to do, I'll do them, but also make clear to her that this is something I do for me, as I do for her>


"The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers"

-- King Henry VI, Part II, Act 4, sc.2, l.86

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

But I wanna ask something... Why does it always seem like women don't EVER have a hobby that is so self-absorbing as much as men do, huh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Haven't you ever watched a mother in action? From the time the first baby arrives until the last one goes off to college or whatever, they hardly notice you're alive. One of the reasons men acquire mistresses...


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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by -Jochen-:

This sounds nice and dandy but it isn't that easy. My girlfriend is going trough a bad period of time and she really needs my company (not the company in the military sense you geeks).

What to do? I could play CM all days and nights but I think that would not be too productive idea on the long run, completely ruining my caring image. On the other hand I could try not to think CM at all and only install the game after emergency has ended. That would be a real test of self dicipline frown.gif

Hmmm, I guess I have no real choices here... Anyways if anyone has hints or tips for situations like this, please share them.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Tell ya what I'll do, pal. Since I've had the game for three months already, I could free up some time. So why don't you send her over to me for a couple weeks, and I'll console her on her loss of your attentions. I wantcha to know that I wouldn't do this for just anybody, but as part of the CM Fraternity, I guess you rate special treatment. I promise to take her mind completely off you, guaranteed. biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Michael emrys (edited 09-12-2000).]

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You have CM and a computer! What do you need a girl for anyway?

Does anyone else predict that virtual reality will be humanity's last invention, because people will stop reproducing after that?


There is nothing certain about war except that one side won't win.

-Ian Hamilton

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jshandorf:

But I wanna ask something... Why does it always seem like women don't EVER have a hobby that is so self-absorbing as much as men do, huh?

Women always sit around and claim they are bored or this or that. Sometimes (I am not married...yet...) I feel like some freakin' entertainer. "Anything I can do to pass the time for you, honey? Juggle? Have you paint my toe nails? Look at fashion magazines with you? Loose my self deep inside while I hear you drone on about your silly girlfriends, who I don't like anways?



You missed "Try not to lose conciousness while watching the Lifetime (television for women rolleyes.gif ) network with her."

My wife once asked me why I didn't like Lifetime. I told her "it's television for women, not men." Of course, she got mad. smile.gif


Canada: Where men were men, unless they were horses.

-Dudley Do-right

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