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It's Possible!

Guest Moiety

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Guest Moiety

It is possible to totally slaughter the Allies as the Germans in VoT, even a human opponent. You just need to concentrate your forces where the shermans can't get them and wait it out for the Panther biggrin.gif


and here's the map... (Yes, I had the audacity to chase off the remaining Allies with the Panther wink.gif)


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Guest tom w


Of course I'm curious to know how you survived such intense arty?

If the American player directs the arty wisely how could you manage to hang on until the panther arrived?

It is interesting to see a German victory in this scenario.

-tom w

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Moiety:

Sorry, I didn't realize how much the JPG's got cropped... You get the idea though smile.gif



<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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> Of course I'm curious to know how you

> survived such intense arty?

Just a guess...

Keep the bunkers and ambushes out of sight of that monster hill on the US side where the spotters usually hang out. It's difficult but possible - you're sacrificing the long range attacks to be able to stay out of sight longer.

Use the 81mm mortars to completely smoke/shell the top of that hill - making spotting from it impossible. You can do it for about 6-8 minutes or so. There really aren't any other great places to spot from.

Also, separate your units so that one barrage won't knock out more than one thing at a time. The default German setup has the infantry gun right next to a bunker and one barrage will knock them both out - really bad setup. Also separate those German mortars so that a counter will only take one out not both.


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Guest Moiety

92 to 8 ?!?!! Damn! smile.gif

As for surviving artillery... Here's what I did.

I concentrated all my forces around the town or in it. Nothing in the flanks at all. Men in the large row of buildings facing towards my right flank. Men in the other buildings with varius firing solutions on the guys coming through the left flank.

All bunkers near town and behind hills etc.

Inf Gun was not positioned well, it was behind the hedge. Maybe then I'd get that 92 to 8? wink.gif

Anyhow... all my men remained hidden for the first half of the mission while my bunkers kept most of the Americans at bay..if they got to close to my hidden men (enough to spot), I 81mmerd there ass.. smile.gif

There was a few exchanges, once I lost the main 75mm and the machine gun concrete bunker I had to start worrying.. luckily, just at about that time my Panther showed up and with some carefull manouvring I took out the remainder of his shermans.

Then Blitzkrieged his men and flanked them on the right, driving the Panzer on through with assistance from infantry to avoid AT teams. It was clockwork. I hope I can do it again some time.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by tom w:


Of course I'm curious to know how you survived such intense arty?

If the American player directs the arty wisely how could you manage to hang on until the panther arrived?

It is interesting to see a German victory in this scenario.

-tom w

Originally posted by Moiety:

Sorry, I didn't realize how much the JPG's got cropped... You get the idea though smile.gif


Tom W,

Another way to mitigate the arty is to attack the hill on which the first two FO's are located. I have sent a German platoon around the right flank several times and they always make it to the top of the hill and kill or panic the FO's...takes a few turns, but it isn't hard to do and they seldom meet much resistance. You can do a similar movement on the left flank thru the woods...even outnumbered the attacking Germans usually either surprise the US or tie down large numbers of them.

[This message has been edited by ARCHANGEL (edited 05-25-2000).]

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I played a game as germans vs the allies set at +150%. The allies came at me with an amazing 1000+ infantry of all sorts and 10 tanks. The huge mass of GI's rushing the center village was unstoppable. I caused hundreds of casualties...dozens of little dead figures littered the ground. My 150 fired into a massive cluster of them. The effects were horrendous.

I managed to pull out a draw...point spread was only like 2 or 3 between us.


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Guest Moiety


It's very difficult to get a near perfect score.. it requires a good setup and good tactics. If I recall, Bill was playing against himself when he got the 100-0 and it was on CE. What impresses me is what Renaud just said - surviving the Allies when they have 150% bonus! That's what I'm striving for next time of course hehe wink.gif


Do you rush them to the hill from the Flanks or sneak them up, stopping to avoid being spotted?


That's incredible. biggrin.gif See what I wrote to Doug...

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On the left flank I run them until they are in the woods (not too far to run) and move them carefully after that, always using "hide" and only employing them when they are most needed in a flanking movement...(I also send a schrek along)

On the right side, I move them from the position that the AI sets to the extreme right side, then "move" or "run" as the situ dictates. They are usually near the top of the hill before they get spotted but even if they are spotted, they usually don't have too much to contend with...the bazooka team is generally slower (understandably) and "weary" regardless of which movements commands are used. In the meantime, if your 75 is positioned appropriately, use either HE on that hill top or smoke to minimize the damage until the assault platoon gets to the crest. You 81mm's can also put a little smoke up there then hide. I keep the 150mm on the left flank in the trees and also on "hide" until the US is well up the valley, then open up with a 150mm surprise.

"DEFENSE" needn't be passive. wink.gif

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"Defense need not be passive"

You're right AA. In my last game of CE as Axis vs +25% Allies, I started the game by wide shelling the advancing enemy, and as soon as that finished, charged (walked) my entire force under the cover of MG and Stugs from the ridgeline to the distant objective. Lost a few squads, but really whacked the hell out of the Amis. They ended up running and surrendering, and the reinforcements never got more than 25% across the map before scattering. Very entertaining part was the last Sherman refused to come out of hiding so my Stug could plug it, so I sent 4 Panzershrecks, an infantry squad and a HQ through the woods to flank it. The Sherman spotted the group, MG'd three of the 4 shreck teams (cool to watch) but fell from a 'faust from the infantry team. Too cool!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Renaud:

I played a game as germans vs the allies set at +150%. The allies came at me with an amazing 1000+ infantry of all sorts and 10 tanks. The huge mass of GI's rushing the center village was unstoppable. I caused hundreds of casualties...dozens of little dead figures littered the ground. My 150 fired into a massive cluster of them. The effects were horrendous.

I managed to pull out a draw...point spread was only like 2 or 3 between us.


I'm impressed -- I played VoT as Germans with the Allies getting +100% and it wasn't pretty. The US started with 6-7 M4(105)s. I tried to hide my bunkers behind slopes and still none survived past turn 6. After the US reinforcements arrived I could see 15 tanks. Plus the first shot against the Panther hit the tracks and immobilized it, then the US used ALL their artillery to smoke it in for 9 turns. The high point of the scenario for me was when a Sherman hit an antitank mine.

The only way I kept any men alive was to hide them. I don't think any German unit survived more than one turn after firing - the combined firepower of an entire company of tanks was phenomenal. There wasn't much left of the town of Plomville.


Leland J. Tankersley

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I played VOT as the axis first time last night and won. I kept most of my troops hidden in town with one platoon in a reverse slope defence of the right flag. I put the IG in the woods to the right of hill 109 and the two mortars nearby out of sight but within CC of the company HQ which had a good view of things. My intent was to hit the Allied hill everything I had assuming the observers were there. On turn one, the AT got one 105 ( it was in its default position ) and the IG got a couple of rounds into the hill. Next turn, I lost the IG to mortar fire, but the AT got the other 105. It was itself killed by the same 105 ( simultaneous kill ).Anyway, the main thrust was down the mined valley and into town. I fought a retreating action until my Panther showed up. In the next two turns the panther took out three tanks. At this point in came a 105 smoke barrage around my panther. I tried to get out of it to get the last sherm, but the barrage followed me around ( like pigpen in Charlie Brown. Anyway, they ran out of smoke, and I toasted the last tank. I cruised from there, even pushing them out of town. I won a tactical victory. The strange thing is there was no HE barrage, only smoke.

Anyone else had this happen?


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My favourite game of Axis Vs. Allies in VoT was when I just attacked, three platoons on a line in the first minute of the fight. Luckily, my platoon on the left got the drop on two platoons of Amis and their Co. HQ, and my other platoons went one for one with other Ami platoons, both winning, but with extremely heavy casualties. After that, I schreck'd one Sherman and faust'd another. I sent the remnants of my two right platoons up the big Ami hill and cleared out some FO's, then proceeded to set up a beautiful ambush for the reinforcements. A couple of turns later, the two platoons of reinforcements should up. The infantry platoon was slaughtered mercilessly, reduced to only three men in two squads in one minute, and I got two more Shermans in the first minute. Next minute, I had the other two. I waited another turn for it to end, but it didn't.

Perplexed, I plotted moves for my platoons to spread out and head back to base, looking for whatever was left.

My guys didn't even get a chance to move, before a pair of flame thrower teams and a bazooka attacked my remaining strong platoon(the one from the left). The attack routed and nearly wiped out that platoon, but the attackers were eliminated after their first shots by my other infantry. The match ended next round. I think the score was around 65-35 for me. Oy.

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