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Playing CM on 21inch monitors

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I have not owned a 21" yet, but I can say for sure that a 19" is a huge improvement over a 17". As someone mentioned above, it is critical to get a good monitor. Monitors are so cheap that you can pick up what was previously considered a professional level monitor at a very reasonable price.

I have owned four monitors so far and used I don't know how many at work. Try a CTX PR960F Professional Series. This is a True Flat Display (TFD) 19" Trinitron that can handle most any resolution you're likely to use. The screen really is flat, and this monitor is priced just right - about $380 (US). Look for the best prices at http://www.pricewatch.com

If you're going to "go large," remember to hook it up to a good video card. A Geforce 2, or a Voodoo 5500.

If you're interested in speakers, try the Klipsch Promedia set. They are probably the best PC speakers available at any price under $1000. These are the only four speaker souround setup that is certified with the THX certification from Lucus. Believe me, if you are using some crap you picked up from the local computer store, you are in for one big suprise when you hook these up! I had a Cambridge Audioworks 4 speaker setup before I bought the Klipsch set. They were decent, but after playing one CD with the Klipsch set, you're whole idea of good audio goes up a notch. You ought to hear Saving Private Ryon on DVD on these things. It's almost scary...

Don Panzertruppen Maddox

CM Deputy Custodian

Blitzkrieg Wargaming Club

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I just moved to a Viewsonic E790 and I have to say it is awsome. Good digital controls, great color and very high refresh rate make this a great buy. It runs about $320. The only problem I have is that is is massive and takes up a lot of desk, I imagine the 21" would be worse. I have used 21" at work and they are real nice as well but I dont think I would want to lose the desk space for it.

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21" is a tad large for my tastes, for all the reasons stated above (it's particularly irritating with fixed-resolution games--you haven't seen pixels until you have to play 640 by 480 games on a 21" tube...). I do love 19" monitors, though; I use Dell's trinitron 19" for my CM games and it's gorgeous. Much better than my previous 19" even (then again, I don't mind the trinitron horizontal lines, either).

Gotta echo what everyone is saying though: get a good monitor. After all, every single thing you do with your computer will involve that screen....

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NEC XP21 and nothing else will do from now on. With a V5500 and FSAAx4, its a must. What pixels? More important, its got to be a high refresh rate at high resolutions that delivers good color. In other words, its going to cost you.

This thing about having to move your eyes being annoying. What? Is it better to be viewing your virtual world through a small tube? I think we move our eyes in the real world, right? And you can back off on a larger screen and see more realistate without squinting or moving your eyes if you want to.

Besides, I like moving my eyes around a bit. Keeps them from sticking in one position due to being stationary for too long and then having your friends call you "zombie eyes".

[This message has been edited by kump (edited 11-13-2000).]

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I have a 20 or 21" (not sure and too lazy to look it up) Compaq P110. I absolutely love the big screen. Max resolution is only 1024 x 768 @ 80Hz, but I'm still playing with STB's (remember them?) Velocity4400 TNT, which also maxes out at 1024 x 768, I can't complain. I like having to scan the screen to see it all. Reduces fatigue... maybe that's why I can undergo my marathon multi-day sessions, and don't notice that Tiger "sneaking" up on my flank?... biggrin.gif Only downfall I have found in it is that in games that are programmed at 800X600 or, worse yet, 640 x 480 can appear grainy (i.e. Baldur's Gate and Diablo...). Since this is mostly found in older games, I don't suppose that's a problem... Everything else is just beautiful... Halflife, Quake III, Soldier of Fortune, Unreal Tourney, WWII Fighters, EAW, Panzer Commander.... OOPS, sorry, I'm sure I'm committing some kind of CM sacriledge by mentioning these "other" games. Can I get absolution by mentioning that I haven't played them in almost two months? BTW, got a great deal at a local computer show about a year ago on a refurb. It was only $560! This was when they were retailing for $1100.

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I can confirm the P110 21" as a great monitor and especially if you get it refurbed. I have a Viper II card (great card, horrible drivers) that allows me to run it at the max res. if i want. The mon also has one of the largest viewable areas and a pitch of .25 which really helps the eyes (used for CAD apps).


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21"! 21" is for pussies. What you need is a 50" plasma screen. But you will have to invest in a wireless mouse and keyboard in order to take full advantage of it.



Ave, Caesar! Morituri te salatamus.

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I did a fun test I borrowed the company beamer and hooked it up to my G4.. then poof... i had a full wall with CM!!! that was around 3.5meters wide.. was..was... *drool* fun almost a 1:1 tiger on the wall LOL.


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