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Chance Encounter, as Germans vs. AI


Apparently 1 US rifle company in the woods on German left with the objective. 1 platoon by the objective laying down fire on the church, 2 massing in the reentrant treeline for a dash to the patch of woods to the left front of the church. My StuGs were busy elsewhere, and few infantry weapons were able to bear on the US assault force. Even worse, the church itself was held by a platoon of doubtful quality. It looked like the church was about to fall, unhinging my entire line.

However, the Veteran SMG squads and their leader were also in the objective woods, hidden just off the US right flank. I'd rushed them there early to be a nasty surprise if I counterattacked towards the objective later. Now they were my best hope of stopping the US assault.


The German FO was in the church. He kept the US maneuver platoons pinned down with 2 minutes of treebursts while the 2 SMG squads crawled up within spitting distance. As soon as the last mortar rounds exploded, they leapt up and stormed into the US flank.

It was incredible. In a point-blank schlachtfest lasting less than 2 minutes, an entire US platoon, about half of a second, and some attached teams had been annihilated for no German casualties. But as the 2 SMG squads continued left-right along the treeline pursuing fugitives, they were hit in their own left flank by yet another US platoon from deeper in the woods, this one including veterans itself. Instantly, the German platoon HQ was destroyed and the heavy SMG squad took heavy casualties.

And then the real nut cutting began. When the grenade smoke cleared about 1 minute later, the new US platoon, with each squad reduced to 3-4 men, was fleeing back into the woods from which it had come. But still standing amidst the heaps of slain were 3 members of the light SMG squad. They were low on ammo, deaf, covered with blood and soot, but still in good order. cool.gif

Unfortunately, Hitler offed himself before he could approve their Knight's Crosses. But their fallen commrades now serve with Woden in Valhalla.

SMG squads kick ass biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 01-07-2000).]

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Maj. Tom said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Let me guess, you had Wagner blaring on some Hi-fi speakers all the while, eh?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Opera??? eek.gif You can't fight to opera music except in movies. In real life, that just puts the troops to sleep wink.gif.

Nah, for fighting, you want real FIGHTIN' music. Music specifically written and performed for combat. Music that's been perfected over untold centuries to fire your troops up to battle frenzy and strike terror into the hearts of the enemy. In short, BAGPIPES! Don't leave base without them biggrin.gif .

BTW, did you eat your protein pills? smile.gif


[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 01-07-2000).]

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Bagpipes totally work. But, Wagner isn't just "opera music" either. Crank the Overture to Tannhauser (damn, no umlauts) next time you rush a treeline, or pop over the rise with your StuGs. Dim the lights and play Siegfried's Funeral as you run the movie for turn 28 (give it time, it's a slow starter).

No fat lady singin', just War, Death, Victory, and the gods. Rock on.

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Guest Gunnerdream

For Combat Mission, you need music with attitude. I usually play both discs from Guns-n Roses "Use yer Illusion". The staccato beats go great with the sounds of machine guns!

Gunnerdream...floating down through the clouds...

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Guest Big Time Software

Try using standard keyboard strokes. Can't remember what it is on a PC, but on a Mac it is Opt-U + letter.

You guys are all wussies when it comes to picking out music! I go for speed metal, Laibach (it is its own thang), or some good old fashioned Led Zepplin smile.gif Hehe... I'm also probably one of the few that can say he has played CM to Tool, Pink Floyd, and Philip Glass with a staight face smile.gif But seriously, I usually keep the music off as the sounds in CM are their own music.


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Steve said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You guys are all wussies when it comes to picking out music!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

[bullethead is suddenly surrounded by a ghostly army of Highland shades, all waving bloody claymores in fury, all intent on chopping Steve to bits to the glorious accompaniment of the warsong of the pipes]

Stand easy, lads! Spare this Campbell until he gets Combat Mission finished. After that, you can teach him to appreciate killin' music smile.gif.

[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 01-09-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Aye, I dinit mean to be disrrrrrespectin the pipes, mahn! smile.gif

Hey, since I am in the minority in regards to bagpipes (meaning I like them smile.gif), do you think the laddies could go easy on me after CM ships? biggrin.gif


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One nice thing about being in Ireland is that sometimes we get to see some of the Highland regiments doing military tattoos etc.

It's easy to imagine those bagpipes putting the fear of god into ye a hundred years ago on the field of battle.

In Ireland long ago killing a piper in battle was deemed of the same quality as killing one of the enemy's commanders. Shows the respect pipers had.



Fionn Kelly

Manager of Historical Research,

The Gamers Net - Gaming for Gamers

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Steve said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Hey, since I am in the minority in regards to bagpipes (meaning I like them ), do you think the laddies could go easy on me after CM ships? Steve-who-bought-scottish-beer-this-very-morn<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well, in that case, just have that beer and some of the Creature laid out as libations when the lads show up and I'm sure you'll be fine. biggrin.gif But I wouldn't have any pipe music playing, it might have unpredictable results smile.gif. We gotta keep you around long enough to make the PTO/CBI version of CM wink.gif


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Fionn said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>One nice thing about being in Ireland is that sometimes we get to see some of the Highland regiments doing military tattoos etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm going to the tatoo in Edinburgh this summer smile.gif.

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>In Ireland long ago killing a piper in battle was deemed of the same quality as killing one of the enemy's commanders. Shows the respect pipers had.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

After Culloden, the Brits rounded up everybody they thought was involved. One guy they caught was a piper, who was charged with "taking up arms against the King." He testified that he didn't own any arms, he was just a piper. But the court ruled that the bagpipes was a weapon and hanged him anyway.

And IIRC, it's in the Geneva Convention that bagpipes are weapons--psyche weapons, but still weapons. Thus, it's OK to shoot pipers on the battlefield because they are not unarmed.

It's easy to assume these decisions were made by sassenach pipes-haters of low character and no taste, but OTOH they accurately reflect reality biggrin.gif


[This message has been edited by Bullethead (edited 01-09-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>How did you do the umlauts? Is that a UBB/HTML thing, or a character set?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I'm on a Mac, so I use the Option-U + method. On a PC, there is a different ALT+#### for each letter, and I can't remember any of them. You can find them in the Character Map (I think its called that)

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Steve sayeth:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>You guys are all wussies when it comes to picking out music! I go for speed metal, Laibach (it is its own thang).<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Laibach?! Steve, you RULE!! Laibach, Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Foetus, Front Line Assembly, Front 242, KMFDM.

Music to get that killer instinct flowing. My last PBEM opponent said I kept my cool while playing him, but really the music was my secret weapon. Nothing like listening to 'Enter the Exterminator' by Foetus to keep the focus on what is really important. The extermination of your enemy.

Oh, and Benny Goodman is pretty cool, too.


[This message has been edited by guachi (edited 01-09-2000).]

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Guest Big Time Software

Bullethead, ooops... I read your suggestion just as I am about to polish of said Scottish beer (it is an ale seasoned with heather).

Jason, have all but Foetus. 'been listening to Laibach since 1988 and it was a motivating factor in my one week stay in Lubliana. Funny, nobody there liked them at all smile.gif

Das Boot, I heard about that a while ago but couldn't find a copy. Seemed to be too soon. Thanks for the reminder, I'll have to check that out.

Actually, one of the best pieces to play CM to is Muszorki's (sp?) Pictures at an Exibition. Best music to make tank models to is Danzig or Helmet smile.gif Best music to design scenarios to, classic stuff like old B-52s.

Man, but did this thread get OT smile.gif


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>One nice thing about being in Ireland is that sometimes we get to see some of the Highland regiments doing military tattoos etc.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

. . . not to mention the close proximity to dark-haired lasses and fresh Guiness

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Try ACDC's Thunderstruck. I don't like ACDC but that song get you pumped... WE used it for football.

And you can't go wrong with the bagpipes!

So you drink in the morning eh Steve? Ah well, anything to help production right?


Visit my Combat Mission for Mac page! Soon to have some exclusive screenshots courtesy of Madmatt!


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Guest Captain Foobar

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Laibach?! Steve, you RULE!! Laibach, Skinny Puppy, Ministry, Foetus, Front Line Assembly, Front 242, KMFDM.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Right on! But you forgot Wumpscut,guachi. biggrin.gif

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