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Not So Superbowl thread no.2

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Thumpre here-

Next turns will be late- kid's in the hospital- however...

Hendrix, aka 'shreck hunter- It's not sneaking, it's "a tactical redeployment". If you catch this on there just might be more...As for the rest of our troops we both seem to be reduced to pointed sticks and harsh words, I wonder how long I can last...

Jester, aka The King of all Arty- How much arty DID you buy? It seems like it has been raining shells for the whole game. Damn shame about your Mortar Carriers, now if only the TD will come to plaaaayyyyaa...

And yeah I surrendered to Ted but he still sends me turns just to rub it in smile.gif


When one goes tear-assing around, one often ends up with a torn ass.

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Alex, hope your child is okay and all things work out.

I STILL think the schreck behind the stone wall is wondering just WHAT IN THE HECK AM I DOING HERE since they are looking at the bodies of the last schreck - at the same spot. But I guess that's a sideline to our scrabble game in the woods with the flag.

John and Frank will be joining Franz and Fritz very soon now. They have their scrabble dictionary and 1 clip. If Franz spells "captured", they'll not use the clip.

The rest of my guys are down the large mounded hill with rubber bands just in case.

Brandon, King of Arty. I think we've all experienced it. This makes me want to check point values when I get home tonight.

TED is pushing my weary troops and they'll soon break. He had a great opening move when he decimated an entire platoon at the second victory flag. I've been falling back ever since. However, as he said, when the armor lights up (could be mine or his), that will determine the end game.

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You know it was the AI that fired that smoke not me. That’s a good second in command. It makes me nervous standing in one spot with my armor for more than a minute or two. You never know who’s going to pop up. Those schreck guys sure are “sneaky” wink.gif I came up that slope thinking I was going to slug it out with the Panther and you backed him into the woods. Trying to lure me into an ambush perhaps?

Jester sure is the artillery master. It feels like I’ve been rained on the whole game, first over here then over there. Now it’s real quite. He has to come to me as I have the flags and the last movie, nothing at all happened, just the birds peacefully chirping away. I’ll bet the next turn they’ll be some serious incoming.

I gotta take Alex off of my email list. Every now and then I send him Hendrix’s turn. What are the odds of playing two people with an x at the end of their name. I think Von Shrad set up that way just to play with my head. I’m surprised Brandon wasn’t a Max or something. (ok, I’m done making excuses).

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Actually, I was backing off to get hull down. But you didn't move him far enough up the hill to get a shot even with me in the woods (no LOS).

But it doesn't matter. That was the most humbling turn I've ever encountered. Other groups, watch out. I think Master Ted will be advancing. I'll be lucky to get 1 point out of this game after his last manuever. Suffice it to say that it was extremely well timed and you now have perfect position for cross fire on my only remaining platoon.

My situation is dire, and auto-surrender looms, but I'll do my best the rest of the way.

My only regret is my 81mm arty has not fallen after 4 minutes. Now, I've encountered a delay before, but this one was truly critical. And I'm almost positive it'll be past 5 minutes after the end of next turn. Alas, too little too late.

Bravo Ted. That was a LESSON.


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You know when I moved up that slope to get a shot at your Panther, I plotted the hunt command, moved the camera up and I swear I could see over that hill. I have a hard time getting armor into a hull down position.

Oh stop it with the dire position. LoL. You’re the one sitting on the largest victory flag. I feel I’ll be lucky to pull this out. And as far as timing goes we only had 10 min left so I had to do something. Balls to the walls and all that. I still have to kick the platoon out of the house in the middle before there’s any cross fire going on against the woods and you’re talking about more incoming artillery (of which I’m getting very sick of by the way). It sure would have made the difference if that 81mm was falling while I was advancing.

Brandon and I have only 9min left and for the last two turns nothing has moved, the only sounds are birds chirping. Any second I’m sure all hell is going to start raining down on me (more artillery mad.gif ).

How about a time check on your other two games.

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Don't sell yourself so short. You've creamed 2 entire platoons with nary a loss and have 1 platoon at the hedges with the pincer coming in from the hill position.

Your only tenuous position is the squads in the scattered trees on the hill as they are slightly exposed (remember, I went over that same hill the other direction when I tried for the other flag).

You may not think much of it, but when I watched it I just sat there and said to myself, "amazing".

My troops are not long for this game. Alex and I are almost done and I am in the 16th minute (I think) with Jester.


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uh.. Sledge is going to canada.. for like 5 weeks.. dude does this mean you going after you finished the game? you mentioned you'll be not be able to play for five weeks.. uh does that mean you surrender? we got about four or three minutes of our battle left.. wuz up?

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Final update:

Hendrix whupped my butt.

Ted Whupped my butt.

Had to surrender to Brandon(Jester) due to a death in the family. He was gonna whup my butt too, probably.

It is official, I am the suckiest CM player around, all bow down to my ineptitude. I would like to thank all of my opponents for great games, good luck guys. Von Shrad thanks for the tourney. Hope you do another, it was fun.


When one goes tear-assing around, one often ends up with a torn ass.

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I still can't figure how I "Whupped your butt". There was nothing left on the map when we were done.

But hey, Ted's eliminating me quite well. I'm hoping the AI decides my troops have had enough and auto-surrender. If only my schreck had not been distracted...

Brandon and I are starting up again after a pause. It'll be a challenge to get done in time. I'd send out patrols to find your other platoon Jester but if I did that I wouldn't have anybody left.

One thing is for sure. Ted has a good grasp of terrain use and timing.


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Yeah rolleyes.gif I know where to hide and when to run.

Alex, I'm sorry to hear aout your family I hope things are getting better for you. I'm looking forward to playing again someday. Your emails were good for a grin. To be fair with the map we played on I had a distinct advantage. You really didn't have an avenue of approach.

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To everyone who was annoyed that I didnt send a turn for a couple weeks, sorry my ISP

died and in the end I was forced to go to another provider. All new turns should be in the mail now...


As the victors define history, so does the majority define sanity...

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Ted, sorry I am so late at replying to your post. I wrecked my dirt bike last night and had to get 49 stitches to close up one nasty looking wound.

Anyway to answer your question here is a list of completed games so far that I have received scores on. If there is any games I missed please re-send the results because they were lost in cyber-space.

Group A

A1, A2, A4, A5

Group B

B2, B3, B6

Group C

C4, C5, C6

Group D is finished

Group E

E5, E6.....com'on group E

Group F

F3, F5, F6

That is all I have right now but I have the feeling some are missing.


I am very happy to see you are back and that your absence was not intentional. Please accept my apologies for jumping to conclusions.

Has anyone heard from sledge?

E-mail me if you have any questions or just post them. Again, sorry Basil.


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could you do a quick tally to see how Axis fared against allies in the games already in?

I noticed immediately that, the two games I played germans went (are going) very well from the outset. Whereas I'm having a bit of trouble as allies. I was wondering if this was prevalent throughout our tournament, seeing as we are a self-admittedly sorry lot of CMers and the allies generally need a bit more finesse than the Germans to gain victory.


"I'm the Quarterback. I make the plays. You back the plays I make." -Harvey Keitel to his adopted son in the movie "Dusk til Dawn" (about 3 hours before they're both ripped apart and eaten alive by vampires)

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Jadayne so far the Germans and Allies have an equal amount of wins at 10 each.(with 1 tie being awarded as a win for each)

A couple players have won big with both sides which appears to be better play and certain in-game circumstances that attributed to the success of the player.

I for one thought it would be weighted towards the axis. I am glad to see things aren't as 'cut and dry' as one would be led to believe.


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von shrad,

I'm doing poorly with the Axis, but that is because all my AI training was with the Allies. The one game I did well in was with the allies.

And yes, I think the luck of the maps has something to do with it.

BTW, E4 is done but I haven't heard from Ted what the final impalement is...er how much he beat me by. Hey Ted, send the score in, but don't forget to let me know what it is too!

I think I'm going to be 1-2. Following Alex's lead for the worst of group E.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by von shrad:

......... Has anyone heard from sledge?


I've heard from me biggrin.gif

All of my games......

C3 Mensch vs Sledge ....... Big Loss

C5 Stuka vs Sledge ........ Bigger Loss

C6 von Lucke vs Sledge .... Big Win

.......... are finished and the results should be in yer mail VS.

It was fun but I now have a serious dislike for the Allies in this game wink.gif

Through a small mistake, I played as Allied in all 3 games and as luck would have it the one game I should have been Axis is the only one I won ...... so no tears here on the goof up.

Good luck to the winners


[This message has been edited by Sledge (edited 10-20-2000).]

[This message has been edited by Sledge (edited 10-20-2000).]

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Sneaky I didn't receive a score for your game against Ted yet. Maybe you should re-send the last turn to him and ask in the e-mail for the final file. I would. I like to view the AAR and map to see how much the FOW influenced my decisions.

I have also yet to receive any scores from Jester.

Lorak, did you have any more scores to report. I only have the 1 from you, against me.

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Jadayne wrote:

Whereas I'm having a bit of trouble as allies.

To tell the truth, I got much better side of the map in our game: A nice hill to put all my vehicles on with good LOS and a covered approach for infantry.

For my other two games, both were major victories for the Allies. Too bad I was German in one of those.

In case you wonder where the next turn is, I once again saved it in a defective floppy this morning.

- Tommi

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I just sent the last turn back to Sneaky last night. He should have the final AAR or maybe it’s waiting for me at home. I certainly will send the file to sneaky to view the map. It’s always good to see where everybody’s at and what condition the other guy was in at the end. I’ll mail you the results tonight too.

Jester and I have but a few minutes left in our game. He told me THumper surrendered to him the other day. I’ll ask him tonight to be sure to send you the final score.

Jadayne, I was the Axis once and the Allies twice and I seemed to do well with both sides. I would say the map in my favor made a big difference in one game (Axis)., my armor got the 1st hit/kill in another (Allied) and an extra long delay of artillery (Allied) saved my neck in the third.

And I bet now you fit the profile for Halloween smile.gif

( I meant Von Shrad not Jadayne wink.gif )

[This message has been edited by Ted (edited 10-20-2000).]

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von shrad/Ted,

Hmmm...I'll check my sent log. I sent turn 25 movie to Ted but didn't receive anything back from him yet (he needed to view the last minute before the AAR report would come up). I'll check when I get home.

Jester and I are in minute 22/23 and he is attacking with everything (smoke, 2in mortar rounds and 2 platoons - glider and airbourne). I have two beat up Wehr platoons on the defensive. He'll either take the flag shortly and it'll be over, or we'll draw. And here's my luck this tournament: Alex pings my moving TD with a schreck from 210m - no problem! I line up a schreck on Jesters immobile TD and I miss twice and am out of ammo for all my anti-tank guys. Sometimes I hate this game...

Ted, the arty was late. But it would not have made that much difference.


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Sneak, the last file I got from you my men just finished reaching the small flag. I think you had to view that and the game was over. I’m sure if there’s a file waiting for me it’s the AAR, I’ll send it back to you about 6pm EST.

If Alex has an M10 maybe you could throw grenades in the open top. That should shake things up a bit.

If the artillery had come on time it may have delayed me a couple of few minutes and seeing as the game went the distance it could have made the difference all right.

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That's a good idea Ted. I was wise to NOT do that as his attacking platoons came from about 120 degrees of difference. In between that arc sat his TD about 190m away. If I cross the field to make an approach, they die horrible deaths. As it is, they'll die horrible deaths against his infantry.

I really WANTED to do that to the TD (close assault with a squad) but decided to protect the flag with what I had and not commit my reserve platoon (which is now engaging his attack).

Hind sight is always 20-20 isn't it!?


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