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Open Apology to Germanophiles

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hey Steve SETEVO!? I ran out to the local hardware store and bought a lock, can you give me your address so I can send you it i left it open so all you have to do is lock it on this thread, the key? forget it ist somewere at a bottom of a deep lake.


I think the Troll just grew another 50cm... and looking for more food.

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I´m sorry Doctor, but you really don´t have a clue. Nobody in his right mind would have a problem with your opinions on Nazis. OTOH, nobody in his right mind would call people with a certain kind of passport evil either.

FYI, a Germanophile would be a person who is very interested in the country Germany, it´s language, culture, history asf. It has nothing to do with Fascism, Nazism or racism.

You also have no intention of discussing CM here. You just want attention.

Now go away and ponder if my nickname doesn´t offend you. It looks like German, it walks like a German and it sounds like a German. Hence, it is a Nazi war criminal.


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I also would like to add a few points to the post above, because I'm just generally annoyed at the jingoism Mr Brian espouses.

First off, the allies didn't fight to "stop the masacre of the jews" or to "stop the holocost" (sp), or anything like that since people didn't know about the atrocities till well into the war.

- The French were at war because the germans invaded, same with the Poles etc

- The English went to war because of the broken promises, treaties, whatever

- The American's went to war because the Luistania (sp?) was sunk and whatever other complex reasons.

In the end, we can agree it was for the best that they did, and that they won since it ended a regime that revelled in blood and rhetoric on a mass, modern scale never seen before.

As for the germans etc etc. My grandma tells me interesting stories of her childhood in Germany during and after the war. She still talks with amazement at what Germany became in the 30s before the war. Only perhaps Korea changed so much so quickly in the last century, (quicker than japan and germany after ww2, since Korea after its war had almost no industry to even start rebuilding, the other two did to a degree eh?). Suddenly in Germany there were jobs, there was -food- to eat, roads, cars for everyone.

Take all this in the context of the times. Start by forgetting everything that happend after 1938. Up until then Hitler was -widely- admired both by Germans and people outside Germany. Can you blame them? I honestly can't. Until then, the true nature of the nut hadn't really shown itself I don't believe.

After 39, it all went downhill. My Grandma rememebers hushed conversations between her relatives, her father and his brothers, they knew it was only a matter of time once America entered the war and Russia wasn't conquered. Also by 1942ish the rumors of what was happening to the Jews had just started to circulate I think my Grandma felt.

She didn't find out for sure till 1945. She was shocked, amazed, horrified as anyone would be. As a teenager they were told the Jews were offered transport to America if they wanted it, "since that's where all the jews live anyway", as the Nazi party said. She was a naieve schoolgirl brought up in the Hitler Madchen (sp) and so didn't question it. I'm sure her father and relatives thought something else was up however.

I'm not quite sure where I'm going with this now. But it just annoys me to see someone be so black and white in their thinking. YES Nazism is bad, YES the hollocost was terrible and insane, the first mass-production of murder, and penultimate industrial age experience as I've read it described, but did all germans feed the fires and push the jews, homosexuals, deranged, gypsys, enemies of the state in? No. Did they all know about it? No. Can we blame all of Germany for what happened? No.

I think in this age of mass media and mass communication we overestimate how hard it is to cover things up from you own public. Put yourself back in the 1940's or 1930's. You live in a small town, press and the media is state controlled. You hear news they want, read news they want. Your world becomes very isolated.

Ok. I'll end it here.

There's bad stuff on all sides, all the time. I could have a few things to say about the 'drug war' as well, (yeah, lets kill those peasants in colombia good!.. and no, military advisors aren't serving soldiers!).. but this isn't the place or time. Of course, the Nazi period was a -particularly- bad period, a dark terrifying spot in our history. Terriying because it happened and noone seemed able to stop it or even to fully fathom it, both while it happened and after.. Terriying because we all fear it may one day happen again.

This I believe is the real fascination for most people. How did it happen, why, what was going on in people's heads?

War, conflict, mass psychology do very strange things to people. I met an ex-iranian lt. who told me that during war "rape isn't rape, it's just one of those things that happens".. What can i say? Humans are weird. It's a wonder we haven't blown ourselves up.


when is my damn air support going to arrive in those damn pbem's I'm playing! Better go check!


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This is ridiculous.

I've spent a pretty fair chunk of my adult life studying Nazism. I have a couple of pieces of paper which say I'm fairly knowledgable about it. And in every discussion I've ever had about Nazism, this happens sooner or later. People start screaming at each other, and eventually it gets personal.

This is such an emotionally charged topic that any such discussion is bound to degrade into a slanging match. I note with some dismay that that's exactly what happened here.


No one is about to change their views on this. Just drop it.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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Oh, btw, PeterNZer -

The Lusitania was sunk in 1916 wink.gif

The Americans entered WWII after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor, Dec. 7, 1941. Germany declared war two days later.


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dittohead:

Lets not forget the Evils of communism either. Stalin was responsible for far more deaths then Hitler ever dreamed off.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Argh, why throw more fuel into the fire?


Soy super bien, soy super super bien, soy bien bien super bien bien bien super super.

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I'm fairly new to this message board (I signed up about a week ago), and I have generally found many of the threads that actually relate to Combat Mission to be quite interesting and useful. Emotional political rantings like this one, however, need to be locked up ASAP. They really have nothing to do with Combat Mission, now, do they?

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Oh man, i just wanna play CM ask questions about CM, rub the other players they lost in CM, get rubbed by other players I lost in CM and get those enjoyable updates from BTS, also like to hear funny stories from other players what happened in CM, get useful information from players concerning CM and have fun.. this is no fun it can be Steve is not yet in the office to lock this up, Im sure he has better things to do then lock up crappy threads that pop up like crabgrass... please people cool off get up take a walk, enjoy life, grab a drink do something but stop this it build to nothing and carries on to no end... im going to go have a BBQ when I get home enjoy friends and then have a few games of CM and get started in that wonderful Not so Superbowl... Steve for the love of Gaming spirit LOCK THIS UP.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dumbo:

Please lock this one up.

Also BTS consider banning Dr.Brian, I think his posting history pretty much says it all.




Nice try dumbo. But my topics were "game related."

Oh, that's real good. Yeah, silence any dissenting opinion and "ban me." Like I said, my posts were about Major Howard (a great soldier, God bless his soul) and Ham and Jam, and Fuzzy Logic. You took it to the next level. Live with it.

Reading through, Thomm and PeterNZ (plus others) have made some good points, and I can see that this is emotionally charged. You've gone to great lengths explaining yourselves and your beliefs, and I appreciate that. I can see how my comments have upset some Germans. If I've offended any Germans and their ancestry, I apologize. But please understand, if you choose to deal with me, I am strongly anti-Nazi.

However, please understand that some of these screen names are offensive as well, to me. For example, Peiper was a war criminal directly responsible for the death of an uncle. To me, it's like using a screen name like "Jeffry Dahlmer" in a BBS that is for his victims families (for non-US people, he was a crazed killer that ate and froze people).

Regarding the history lesson on Nazi German. Excellent, it is textbook. But many factors are missing. What is the personality of the German people toward the east? From the Teutonic Knights forward…. and I don't know what the "f" I'm talking about. I know more about it than you have in your pinky. But, I guess you know it all, eh?



We kicked those Axis Powers (Germany and Japan, and all those that fought for them) butts in WWII!!!

[This message has been edited by Dr. Brian (edited 08-25-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dr. Brian:

Regarding the history lesson on Nazi German. Excellent, it is textbook. But many factors are missing. What is the personality of the German people toward the east? From the Teutonic Knights forward…. and I don't know what the "f" I'm talking about. I know more about it than you have in your pinky. But, I guess you know it all, eh?


Doc, can I borrow your pinky? Does it know how to programm in "C"? Can it get me a raise? Does it know any good Klingon jokes that I can send my brother? I owe him some.

Oh, forgot, your pinky just knows about history. Forget I asked.

But, just in case it does learn more about the subjects I asked about (especially those Klingon jokes), I'd still like to borrow it at a latter date.

Ops, my mistake. I asked the wrong person for their pinky. Dumbo, can I borrow your pinky.

I don't really want to borrow Doc to get what I want. Chances are he would make my boss mad and I'd get fired. Or my brother wouldn't like his Klingon jokes.

Doc, at first I was irritated at your posts. But, now that I get a second look at them, I really have a hard time thinking they are serious and that you are trying to get peoples goat (by the way, don't touch my goat smile.gif ).

From now on I'm going to try to stay out of threads that you are in. But it may be hard. Because now I find you very funny and can not take you serious.

[This message has been edited by MadDog0606 (edited 08-25-2000).]

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David & Dr. Brian

Yup I was out of line. I have deleted my post. Not my place to go around requesting that.

That will teach me to get involved in flame wars where I dont belong wink.gif

Now back to a thread about the game.


[This message has been edited by dumbo (edited 08-25-2000).]

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MadDog0606:

Doc, can I borrow your pinky? Does it know how to programm in "C"? Can it get me a raise? Does it know any good Klingon jokes that I can send my brother? I owe him some.


Actually, visual C++



We kicked those Axis Powers (Germany and Japan, and all those that fought for them) butts in WWII!!!

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anyone figure if a hulled down rifle squad, has the same benifits as if they were positioned in a airballoon? I tried the Airballoon but they get shot down by the Itallian Mark 10 kitchen sink (model 10BV i think) every time germanboy you have any ideas how to beat that Mark10-BV? damn them crome cannons...

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Could we possibly shut up, get a life and continue playing a game? yes game, herr Doktor (what doctorate,btw?)

Since you list in major interests quote,"teaching the world about the evils of nazism" unquote, I'd say it was probably a P.H.D. in Sh@t stirring, if you want to play lurking troll, if that is your idea of fun, first off it's a free country, but not a free BBs, second off, you might want to look into getting help for that problem of yours, I can recommend a number of good people in that field if you wish.

In closing, BTS really should lock this, as it serves no useful purpose except the self-gratification of one ego, and the annoyance of the grogs.



"Murphy's law of combat #10, never forget your weapon is made by the lowest bidder

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by mensch:

anyone figure if a hulled down rifle squad, has the same benifits as if they were positioned in a airballoon? I tried the Airballoon but they get shot down by the Itallian Mark 10 kitchen sink (model 10BV i think) every time germanboy you have any ideas how to beat that Mark10-BV? damn them crome cannons...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

What!!!! You have the Itallian Mark 10 kitchen sink?. My copy of CM didn't come with that!!!!

Hey, come to think of it. That shouldn't even be in the game. I thought the Germans made the Italians discontinue manufacturing of that at 12:05AM 1 December 1942. And then melted the left overs for the metal. Something about the the hole not being big enough for stuff to drain out. I don't have the German High Command Directive that this is mentioned in right now. But I'll try to find it latter.

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Not all Germans were bad.

My paternal grandmother, god rest her soul, fought with the Fallschirmjager in Crete- gaining an Iron Cross (2nd Class). In her later years she sold the medal to help raise cash to open a refuge for stray cats.

A fine women, and a brave warrior to boot. Certainly not a Nazi.

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