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You know you've played too much Combat Mission when....

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1. You gun your car engine and crawl along looking all around.(Particularly the hedgerows for anti-tank teams)

2.You see a cop with a radar gun and try to call down smoke,to mask your position.

3.Anyone in a smaller lighter car is an easy target(It makes my drive home more fun ,anyway)

4.You can't walk in a straight line..you have to zig-zag

5.If you're under stress, you pray for your 'minute'to end so you can plan your next move.

Over to you guys...

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These are both real:

7. When something cool happens in 'real life,' you have the impulse to replay the last minute from another camera angle.

8. When you see a red exclamation point in your MS Outlook inbox, you assume the sender has previously been broken by heavy enemy fire.

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When you eyes blur and you have to squint when looking at the monitor...

When your fingers hurt and there are sore spots on the palms of your hand from resting them on the keyboard.

When you get to see the sun rise on a regular basis.

When you find the drunken 20ish blond across from you at the bar entirely boring as you visualize your next moves against Berli.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Darwin:

When you eyes blur and you have to squint when looking at the monitor...

When your fingers hurt and there are sore spots on the palms of your hand from resting them on the keyboard.

When you get to see the sun rise on a regular basis.

When you find the drunken 20ish blond across from you at the bar entirely boring as you visualize your next moves against Berli.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Sorry man, the blonde is where I have to draw the line! I mean that's an EASY target biggrin.gif . Time to pop smoke and move on.

"Shoot, communicate, move on out!"

*NOTE: This post was meant in the best possible humor and in no way constitutes the military frame of mind towards blondes.*

Yeah Right! biggrin.gif

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Guest Michael emrys

9. When you are talking with someone and you miss something they say and your first instinct is to hit the rewind button to replay the statement.

(I've also tried to do the scroll the screen by moving the cursor to the edge thing. Amazing how natural that becomes. Only thing is, if I had designed it, I would have had moving it to the side edge move the view laterally instead of panning. Panning I would used the Shift key with the cursor. But I guess we're stuck with it now.)


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10. You constantly look at POTD and AAR submissions and can't understand why the view doesn't rotate when you scroll the mouse left and right.

11. It is 6am and you're still up writing an AAR of your current game with Blackhorse ( evil swine that he is wink.gif ). Your only excuse is that you were watching shark attack ( or whatever the hell that movie was) and are still all hepped up on caffeine and chips.

12. You're severely pissed off that the ladder still isn't working because you've got 18 games waiting to be typed in.

13. You know ALL of the German surnames which appear in CM off by heart.

14. When you get a Panther commanded by Wittmann you confidently expect it to be invulnerable in combat ( unfortunately an M18 had a different idea.. Bastard ! )

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Fionn:

10. You constantly look at POTD and AAR submissions and can't understand why the view doesn't rotate when you scroll the mouse left and right.


Hmmm, you beat me to that one. A related thing though:

15. You constantly click on the POTDs to get the unit stat screens.


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Just today I found myself checking LOS from building to building while in downtown Tacoma WA.

Later I caught myself again checking LOS from a bridge to the beach.

Whoa!! Get a grip BUNGIS!


Better to make the wrong decision than be the sorry son of a bitch to scared to make one at all

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