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Manieri, how'd your exam go?

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Guest Pillar

I'll make sure to post a thread in ALL CAPS as soon as I get my results.


(With lots of exclamation marks too).

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So Manieri, why don't you "complete the journey to the dark side" and download the warez CM? I mean it would just be giving yourself a "leg up." You probably won't want to do this so please explain why cheating is acceptable to you but the piracy is not.

Take the easy way out. Pretend you know math.

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Cheating still speaks of character. Even when you rationalize it to yourself. Your character is one thing that can't be taken away, but you can certainly give it up.

I don't mean to preach, but it would seem cheating is taken so lightly these days.

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Is not piracy just another form of cheating?

You know, this year has been really rough. I deserve a treat. I will download CM because to fork out $50 would be a hardship.

How would you like to be defended in court by the lawyer who cheated his way through lawschool and the bar exam. Or how about get treated by the doctor who cheated his way through medical school?

What other hardships will cause you to cheat?

Physics? Chemistry? Geology? By your definition anything that requires use of brainpower is a hardship.

weren't you talking about joining the military? I suggest you do so. Maybe then you'll get a slightly moire realistic idea of what hardship is....

M: Sergeant, I'm cold.

S: Shut it, manieri.

M: But this presents a real hardship for me.

S: Manieri, I'm tired of your whining. Shut up, now.

M: But sarge, can't we just say that we completed the patrol? can't we just stop and build a fire? who will know? This patrolling thing is a real hardship. I won't need it later when I get out of the Army....

[This message has been edited by RMC (edited 06-28-2000).]

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Originally posted by Capt. Manieri:

I passed them all! smile.gif Even my math regents....(which I cheated on wink.gif !!) I was suprised to find out that I passed everything!

Why is it a suprise that you passed if you cheated? Did you copy the wrong formulas?

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Why is everyone jumping on this bandwagon about cheating in an exam. Isn't it also a form of cheating to have parents who can afford to put you through a good colledge, or a relative/freind/parent use their influence to help you get that job you want? Who has'nt used their buddy who works at an auto shop to get cheaper parts rather than buy directly over the counter like joe average would?

Who has a freind who is a plumber/electrician who does work for you for cash instead of putting it "on the books"? Does Tori Spelling cheat when she gets her dad to cast her in one of his shows?

You see gentlemen, cheating has a million forms and although I don't like it I am honest enough to admit that I am guilty of at least some of them. Who can really say that they don't cheat in some form some time? Coming down on some kid with a few notes in his pocket is kinda petty in the overall scheme of things, compared with say Bill Gates and his software monopoly deal. Live and let live.

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Guest Mirage2k

Stuka said:

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Isn't it also a form of cheating to have parents who can afford to put you through a good colledge<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

I don't quite follow on that one, but the rest of your post was good.


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Originally posted by Stuka:

"Why is everyone jumping on this bandwagon about cheating in an exam."

Hmmm, because cheatings wrong? Just a


"Isn't it also a form of cheating to have parents who can afford to put you through a good colledge,"


"or a relative/freind/parent use their influence to help you get that job you want? "

Yes, but how does that change the fact that Capt. admitted he cheated?

"Who has'nt used their buddy who works at an auto shop to get cheaper parts rather than buy directly over the counter like joe average would?"

If that person owns the shop and he comes to a business agreement for a price of a product, no it's not cheating. He's assuming the financial consequences of his actions. If it's not his business and he has no authority on the part of the owner (who then assumes the financial consequences), it's a crime. How does that change the fact that Capt. admitted to cheating?

"Who has a freind who is a plumber/electrician who does work for you for cash instead of putting it "on the books"? "

See above.

"Does Tori Spelling cheat when she gets her dad to cast her in one of his shows? "

Yes, that's why I despise Tori Spelling. How does that change the fact that Capt. admitted to cheating? How is this even relevant?

"You see gentlemen, cheating has a million forms and although I don't like it I am honest enough to admit that I am guilty of at least some of them. Who can really say that they don't cheat in some form some time? Coming down on some kid with a few notes in his pocket is kinda petty in the overall scheme of things, compared with say Bill Gates and his software monopoly deal. Live and let live. "

Because maybe if people point out the error in his ways now, he won't be a bigger cheater (like you wish to point out about others) later on in his life. All your post seems to suggest is that it's okay to cheat because everyone else does it. I can't help but think you bought that line "It depends on what the definition of 'is' is."

At any rate, you offer evidence to my

original assertion.

[This message has been edited by FutbolHead (edited 06-29-2000).]

PS: Had to edit to clarify quotes. My apologies.

[This message has been edited by FutbolHead (edited 06-29-2000).]

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Now I'm not trying to start an arguement here, but the point I'm trying to make is that essentially, cheating is gaining an unfair advantage over the other guy, correct? Now having parents pay for your colledge education when you aren't smart enough to have earned a scholarship on your own is an unfair advantage, especially as far as the underpriveledged,(but intelligent) guy is concerned.

Paying cash to tradesmen IS a form of cheating, it cheats the government of revenue for which all other taxpayers have to make up. You see,? it's a grey area where every man has to draw his own line.

When you prepare your tax return, do you engage in "tax minimisation" or plain "tax dodging"?

I personally don't care whether capt'n manieri cheats or not as I know that one day a time will come where he cannot cheat and his previous actions will come back and bite him on the arse.

But I will defend his right to make his own decisions without fear or prejudice, be they right or wrong.

This thread is totally off base for CM, but it is a refreshing change from the "where's my CM?" or "woo hoo, I got it" ones.

P.S. Futbolhead, complete your profile a little,it'd be nice to know where and who I'm morally sparring with smile.gif

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Now I'm not trying to start an arguement here, but the point I'm trying to make is that essentially, cheating is gaining an unfair advantage over the other guy, correct?


Not to be pedantic, but I think your definition of cheating is a bit off. I think that rather than focusing on the results--unfair advantage--that cheating should focus on the means used--unfair methods.

Thus, in your two examples--having someone else pay for your college education regardless of your merit (be it rich parents or need-based scholarships) is not cheating, although stealing the money to pay for college would be cheating (as would falsifying your or your parents' financial standing in order to receive more aid).

Similarly, paying cash to a tradesman is not cheating by you. However, the tradesman failing to report the cash payment is cheating.

Just my $.02 in this completely off-topic thread before it gets closed down.


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