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Can Infantry take out tanks by climbing on and dropping grenades?

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Heya guys!

I was just interested - since I am but a humble demo player and did not yet test this out - can infantry squads (when they are out of panzerfausts or bazookas) climb up onto a tank and blow off the hatch with a few grenades? I know this was used in the war, albeit rarely since tanks are not often left by themselves and without backup, but used all the same.

I assume if in CM the tank was buttoned and shrouded in a cloud of smoke grenades, this would theoretically be possible if I am not mistaken.

Do any of you know if this is in the game, and if not, why?

Thanks in advance for all answers!


...Every position, every meter of Soviet soil must be defended to the last drop of blood..."

- Segment from Order 227 "Not a step back"

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CM doesn't show the men climbing all over it but I assume it happens. Just recently I was playing a game with a platoon of infantry with no Fausts. 3 Shermans were moving down a wooded path. 2 got immobilized by a shreck. I then rushed them with my platoon of infantry and killed them all with grenades, so I assume it can happen. Had it happen to my Panther once too

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Infantry can close-assault tanks, which is a simulation of exactly this. It modelled graphically by infantry tossing grenades at the tank in question, but in reality they would be climbing onto the tank. The rule with Combat Mission (this is my mantra these days =) ) is What You See Is NOT What You Get. It's all nicely modelled under the hood, but to produce nice graphical animations for every single little thing would be a nightmare.


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David gives an excellent answer. I do want you to know that close assaults on enemy armor is effective but can be costly. If your like me you'll want to take out your revenge on the tank crew....It does get one's blood boiling!

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Interesting posts... I agree that it's important to remember that CM doesn't model everything graphically.

A couple of questions...

1) Since panzerfausts where so numerous among german infantry, are these considered inherent to most squads?

2) Are buttoned tanks really less aware? They always seem to zone in on my bazookas!


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Infantry really kills tanks, the burning firefly in front of my

men is a proof of that.

Panzerfausts are modeled and shown in the unit info, no abstraction there.

Buttoned tanks are less aware. But I don't know how much less.


Now, would this brilliant plan involve us climbing out of

our trenches and walking slowly towards the enemy sir?

[This message has been edited by Jarmo (edited 08-11-2000).]

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When close assaulting tanks with infantry it is often a good idea to use several units approaching from different directions. It is imperative that these units have a leader nearby. I once took out two Shermans simultaneously with one platoon of Regular infantry. I've failed some times too.

If the tanks have close infantry support, forget it and bug out instead. Don't count on panzerfausts in that situation either.

Just my experience.



"The succesful execution of a well devised plan often looks like luck to saps."

Dashiell Hammett

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If infantry can get in close range to a tank or afv than the crews can't see them.

In most cases that is a range up to 10 meters

some times more.The famous blind angle.

Anyone who has been in armyservice(tanks,IFV) knows that.I saw the paratroops have gammonbombs

What is a gammon bomb and can I use that thing to kill armour?

Are mines used too?

Infantry can place mines on tracks or throw mines on the roof of a tank or under the turret to kill them.

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Infantry can close assault armor but (just like in real life) it's a dicey proposition. Make sure you have a full platoon with few losses and high morale, and have another unit draw the tank's fire. Move them right up next to the tank, don't be shy, and expect to take a few losses, especially as the Americans. The Nahvertesgungswaffe (I think I spelled it right!) can beat up on charging troops.

Offer void in Utah.


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