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Anyone From Arkham Here?

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Just wondering, of course, because my dog disappeared out by the old Carter place. And my girlfriend went to find old Spot and she hasn't come back either. And I found what seems to be the dessicated corpse of a police officer outside the old Carter Mausoleum and I was kinda wondering, ya know.


Did someone compare this to the Ealing comedies? I've shot people for less.

-David Edelstein

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many people aere unaware of me, being only a minor villain in the batman canon. but do not doubt my powers. only my fiendish plan caused the dark knight's life from changing to one of crimefighting to one of negotiation and diplomacy.


(i try and find resolution between conflicts by acting as a third party)

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Guest Warphead-

My dear Elijah,

I am planning to become a permanent resident of Arkham. But should you and your dumb coven of cultists mess up the celebration at the next full moon again you will feel my wrath!



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The Carter place, eh? That has lain fallow and abandoned since Jebediah's boy matriculated from the Conservatory in Boston, after the strange exsanguination of his uncle Ishmael in the amphibian mire he kept near the house for his "genetical researches", as he used to expound upon on the rare occcasion of his perambulations into the damp, dreary but somehow human and inspiring environs of Arkham Center itself, as he sullenly loaded his strangely old-fashioned conveyance with sundry dry goods and strange devices and appurtances incessantly ordered by telegraph from obscure merchants in distant Providence or bustling, other-worldly New York City, strange with the lines of hand-made glassware and un-named, vaguely hideous outlines distorted to near-madness by the near-rotten canvas and grimey oilcloth shrouds he wrapped them before bringing them out into the sparse, thin light of the Arkham day. Ah, yes, my cogitations unwillingly recover the events of that year well, despite attempts to force them from my unwilling mind in the dark loneliness of the night-bed of memory, and I will no doubt carry certain images which I hesitate to describe to my grave, where I can finally let them fly into the eternal mystery and comforting nothingness of death's sleep - unless, as I fear, my connection to these events renders even the final mystery one of unending and soul-wrenching horror, the likes of which I cannot explain to one who has not experienced what I have, without reference to those seemingly innocent events of that year of our awakening to the true possibilities of ancient evil in the world around us, unsensed, unseen, unsmelled, but omnipresent, and waiting, waiting, with dread tentacled eyes and shuddering limbs...

I find I must compose myself. Was that the place you meant, or should I clarify further?

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There is SUPPOSEDLY a Cthulhu PC game coming out next year sometime. I have not been able to find much info on it however...

Being a freelance writer of horror fiction, I respect Lovecraft a lot. About the only author to ever cause me actual fright while reading his stories.

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For a reasonably large collection of Arkhamites, look no further than the Cesspool. In the noisome, sepulchral dank, the echoing chittering of the 'Pools squamous inhabitants is sure to send a shiver down the most upright of spines. And if some of the debris that oozes in the cloacal mire seems to move with a directed intent not normal in inorganic flotsam, pay it no mind. Worry more about the eldritch eructations expelled from the orifices of things that have learned to walk when they should not even crawl.




Das also war des Pudels Kern! -- Goethe

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