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Gamey or Not?

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I would love to have an option to enforce "historical force selection" because I do not have knowledge to do this myself, nor the time to investigate it.

Would it be a practical to have a "historical force selection" option in the QB situation?

How would such an option work for both Computer and Human selection of forces?


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I don't see a problem mixing para's with the heavy armor in a land battle since airborne troops marched into battle more often than they flew. It was the 101st that held onto Bastogne, after all, and not a Dakota in sight.

Heavies and Para's in what is supposed to be a recreation of an airborne landing is 'gamey'. There wasn't a heavy lift VSTOL capability during the war. There really isn't one even now. The best you'll get are some light tanks dumped out the back of a Hercules.

However to make Chupa feel a little better I am now fighting an Ami infantry force backed by piats and Fireflies. I gnash my teeth everytime I see the green bases spotted with brown ones but to my opponents credit he's not being gamey, he just doesn't know any better.

(btw, I'm only pretty sure it was the 101st at Bastogne. I have a nagging thought that it was the 82nd. I wish this forum had a 'Fact Check' button next to the 'Spell Check' one. It would save running for books and embarassment)

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um whenever i play, i mix my forces up to what i think is the best combo. i have played more or less 8 games, with 2 being unfinished *ahem*. and whenever i play as germans, i mix my forces up, like say 3 platoons of fallschrimjager and 1 platoon of gerbisjager. and ill usually buy whatever kind of tank i can afford that will be useful. would this be considered gamey? and also, one time, i mixed american armour (greyhound and scout cars) with british paratroops, is this gamey?


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Guest AbnAirCav

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CaSCa:

(btw, I'm only pretty sure it was the 101st at Bastogne. I have a nagging thought that it was the 82nd.)<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Yep, the 101st was at Bastogne. The 101st & 82d Airborne Divisions were among Eisenhower's last reserves, with the 101st ending up at Bastogne and the 82d on the northern shoulder, around Werbomont where Peiper was believed to be headed. (I've read that both the 101st & 82d were headed originally toward Bastogne, but since the 82d had moved out first they were diverted to Werbomont since it was farther away.) The 82d ended up fighting with the 1st SS, 2nd SS, and the 9th SS Panzer, to include the battle at Baraque de Fraiture.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Splinty:

As far as mixing Fallschirmjager with heavy Panzers goes, what the about the Ardennes?


Yes, the Germans were gamey in the Ardennes. I believe some yank commander said "Nuts, these germans are gamey. We are not gpoing to fight them anymore" or words to that effect

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CaSCa:

I Heavies and Para's in what is supposed to be a recreation of an airborne landing is 'gamey'. There wasn't a heavy lift VSTOL capability during the war.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Fallschirmjägers supported by glider landed PzKw IV might be alright for a "what if" scenario though, since the Me231 glider could transport a 20 ton panzer (or a full FJ company). Just make sure they've taken losses en route, since these planes were large slow targets.

It was never used for that in combat though, but only for strategic movements within controlled airspace.



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I think the whole "gamey" thing is a bit rediculous. To me its is a whiners way out when a player can't figure out how to defeat that "edge creep" of can't stop the "assembled" force of the day in a quick battle.

For those that want realism there are TUNS of realistic scenarios out there, and alot of them are REALLY well done.

There is nothing wrong with that and I myself have enjoyed several of them, but many seem to forget that this IS a game, and that not everyone has a PHD in WW2 HIstory.

Not everyone has this burning desire to recreate history exactly as it was with the exact force on the exact day etc. etc. ad nauseum.

Alot of players play to compete and have a good time QB's are a good way to test skill of opponents in a pretty evenly matched fight.

I have seen all kinds of tactics used: crews attacking, heavy use of edges, mixed forces etc etc. I myself don't attack with crews and keep them stationary... but they will defend if threatened. I use what works best for the terrain.. if the edge is the best route of attack for my force, I'd be a bloody idiot to go up the middle.

To me the most important thing is to compete while having fun! biggrin.gif

If my opponent does something that is unorthadox and "unrealistic" I remind my self that this "IS" a game and I am not "perfect" either and that Gaminess is a relative thing to the person you are playing, therefore one can never be right.

If you play comptetitively and you try and dance around all these versions of what is "gamey" and what isn't your will find yourself on the losing end of the stick. IF someone does something you feel is gamey, think about what they're doing and prove yourself as an opponent and find a way to defeat the tactic -- when you can defeat all ploys "gamey" or not then you are truely a goood player.

this wasn't intended to upset anyone but to enlighten those that can't seem to see anything but "realism" smile.gif

Remember discuss things with your opponent before the match to avoid hard feelings. If he says anything goes and then whines the problem isn't yours smile.gif

This is a game not real life so try to enjoy it for what it is; not a recreation of what was. We tend to forget that in reality there was nothing fun about WW2 despite our tenacity to learn. smile.gif



[This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 12-21-2000).]

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Thanks everyone for all the opinions, sounds like the best thing to do is to ask the person you are playing if they prefer a more historical mix of forces in Quick Battles or anything goes, after all we are all doing this for fun.

Does playing PBEM Games remind anyone else of being married? You have to respect the other persons opinion or they won't play with you any more. wink.gif

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There are many instances where, there were mix of corps and nationalities, supporting each other throughout conflicts of 20th century. If you expect your enemies to abide by the silly little TO&Es and play by the rules, CM battles will quickly become very predictable.

[This message has been edited by goodwood (edited 12-21-2000).]

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I'd completely forgotton about that plane. The 'Gigante' I think it was. I believe they started out life as a glider and then had engines grafted on to them at some point. They were big and slow and wood and fabric. I remember reading about three or four of them getting bounced over the Med and going down in short order.

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CaSCa:


I'd completely forgotton about that plane. The 'Gigante' I think it was. I believe they started out life as a glider and then had engines grafted on to them at some point.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>Yes, it's the motorised version (Me 323) that's called Gigant. It can only take 16 tons or 130 combat equipped soldiers. The glider version has a load capacity of 25 tons or 200 soldiers.



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And also with the 101st in Bastogne were several companies of tank destroyers, a company of shermans and elements of (VII?) corps artillery. Unfortunately I am at work and can't give the unit designations, but they definitely were not alone.

Personally, I don't believe in the word 'gamey.' Do you think the Brits called it gamey when the American colonists shot them from the forest?


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