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OT/ What would one say to Casper Weinberger if you had a chance to meet him?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by aka_tom_w:

OK thanks

I'm not a student I'm the Sys Admin responsible for the computer hardware he is looking at and I realy don't want to piss anyone off.


See, you say you don't want to piss anyone off. I say you just haven't tried it yet. Imagine telling your kids, "Casper Weinberger took a swing at me when he was 81 years old.". They'll say "who the $@!# is Casper Weinberger", but you'll know who you mean and the pride will trickle down the them as they tell thier friends that some old dude tried to kill thier father with a meat cleaver(kids tend to embelish a bit).

Be creative. Make a screen saver that flashes "Iran Contra" repeatedly. Or, if his guide asks you to explain some computer function or part say, "I have no recollection of that at this moment."

It's all about having fun and looking for new work to support your proud kids.

Let us know if he hits you or just tries.

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Guest Michael emrys

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Pham911:

See, you say you don't want to piss anyone off. I say you just haven't tried it yet. Imagine telling your kids, "Casper Weinberger took a swing at me when he was 81 years old.". They'll say "who the $@!# is Casper Weinberger", but you'll know who you mean and the pride will trickle down the them as they tell thier friends that some old dude tried to kill thier father with a meat cleaver(kids tend to embelish a bit).

Be creative. Make a screen saver that flashes "Iran Contra" repeatedly. Or, if his guide asks you to explain some computer function or part say, "I have no recollection of that at this moment."

It's all about having fun and looking for new work to support your proud kids.

Let us know if he hits you or just tries.



Actually, I can't tell you what I think of Caspar Weinberger on this board; it would violate the usage agreement.


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Guest Big Time Software

Pham, that is just TOO funny smile.gif The image of an aged CW (he is REALLY short IIRC) taking a swing at some Canadian SysOps (in full hockey gear of course) was totally worth leaving this very OT thread open biggrin.gif


P.S. nice to have the "old" Pham back in action wink.gif Thanks

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I'd ask him if it was true that Reagan used cue-cards during the .. START II (I think) talks with Gorbachev, apparently if Gorbie strayed off the agenda slightly Reagan got all flustered and started shuffling through his cards looking for the answers or stuff to say =)

(from an interview with Clive James and Gorbie.. where Clive brought it up.. and Gorbie looked meek and wouldn't commit to a YES THAT's TRUE! hehe smile.gif )


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Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger's finest contribution was the production of a clear and simple guide to the use of U.S. military force - unfortunately now largely ignored.

In 1984 Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger listed six preconditions to be met before committing U.S. military forces to combat.

1. The United States should not commit forces to combat unless its national interests are at stake.

2. The commitment must be made with sufficient numbers and sufficient support to win.

3. It must be carried out with clearly defined political and military objectives.

4. The relationship between our objectives and the forces must be continually reassessed and adjusted as necessary.

5. It should have the support of the American people and their elected representatives in Congress.

6. It should be a last resort.

General Colin Powell as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff added more guidance - in particular the use of overwhelming force to guarantee that objectives would be reached at minimum cost in American lives.

The Clinton administration and particularly Secretary of Defense Les Aspin later objected to what they called the "all or nothing" guidelines of the Weinberger-Powell Doctrine and we begain a return to the Vietnam era strategy of "signaling".


Best regards, Major H


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Damn... Major H beat me to the punch. I was going to mention that Weinberger will probably be best remembered for his list of criteria, his "going to war" checklist that the US should consider before committing troops anywhere. My question to Major H is: is the list you menitoned hierarchal, i.e., is #1 more important than #6?

As I do more research, it seems that US public support is becoming one of the most vital considerations in any US endeavour. Which is troublesome, since after the smashing success of the Gulf War (low # of US casualties), I think we have a really really low tolerance for pain. Any extended warfighting operation is going to be difficult.

KwazyDog also hit it right on the head. I saw Weinberger at a lecture in 1994(ish), where he proved to still be head-over-heels in love with the notion of a Reagan Star Wars Peace Shield. As a consummate Reagan-naut, I doubt if his views on this have changed.

KwazyD's question is very well put: how do you define a "sucessful intercept" of a SCUD during the Gulf War. Because we now know that the Patriot system, contrary to propaganda, was incredibly ineffective. The Israelis told us that right away, but we shushed them up quickly, lest our people get all upset and lose confidence in our technological prowess.

This is speculation, but I would bet that Weinberger is still heavy into GOP and defense politiking. I ran into Ed Meese (frmr. Attny Gen'l & fellow reaganut) at a bed&breakfast in Maine, where he was doing GOP fundraising & lobbying.

What's scary is that I bet Weinberger is probably involoved with lobbying Congress to further a StarWars - type missle defense system, something that will be of very questionable effectiveness, but certainly cost us a looooooooooooot of $$$.

But that's for a different OT Post.

Tell Cap I said "hi", & be sure to ask him some Iran/Contra questions!


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joshik:

What's scary is that I bet Weinberger is probably involoved with lobbying Congress to further a StarWars - type missle defense system, something that will be of very questionable effectiveness, but certainly cost us a looooooooooooot of $$$.


Not to mention against the ABM Treaty and a source of constant annoyance to Russia and China (and rightly so, IMO)


“Fortune favors the brave" - Terence

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Guest *Captain Foobar*

Nah, we can make S.D.I work. So it wasn't polished when we tried to shoot down scuds with it.....big deal!

Did they succeed the first time they tried to make a moon landing? Um wait, well the point is......

We are probably the only country with the resources to build a Star Wars system that works, and it is WAY more necessary now than it was during the Cold War.

And besides, I pay my taxes, and I want it. I am tired of them spending all my HARD earned money on homeless people. We can afford it, and we should do it.

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Foobar said....


"And besides, I pay my taxes, and I want it. I am tired of them spending all my HARD earned money on homeless people. We can afford it, and we should do it".


Yes I can see how defence spending is more important that quality of life.

All I can say is thank god I live where I do and not where you do.

Foobar - no offence but comments like that really piss me off.


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I think foobar forgot to let us know he pressed the (sarcasm) button!

But seriously, I think all that Tom should say when he meets this guy is...

"..heh heh heh, he, heh heh, he said, heh, wiener, heh heh heh.."

Where is this meeting taking place? Maybe I'll hop on one of our few remaining trains and take a gander at the fancy American!

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Hey Foobar -- if you ever start selling for someone, let me know so I can buy stock. That their hook went in pretty deep.

BTW- Very few thinking people (note: I said very few -- not none) really think Star Wars will lift. Its original purpose was to funnel money into California aerospace to pay off politcial debts, with no hardware plans until recently.

Now you have a new set of politicos with a new set of political debts, but Star Wars remains the same boondoggle.

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