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Thing new on release date?(BTS)

Guest Rob/1

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

That is my question.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

It should be going out in a coupla weeks.

Some kind of a foul up with no Cd's or manuals got to the warehouse. I also heard they're a little short of .30 caliber ammo

and are waiting for bandoliers to git there

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Rob/1:

That is my question.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Well if I read correctly, The CD's and manuals should be arriving at the warehouse early next week. Actual shipping of orders should follow closely.


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Guest Big Time Software

Hopefully we will be shipping by mid next week. But nothing is certain until the manuals get back into our warehouse. CDs arrived yesterday, and provided they didn't dupe someone else's Gold Master, they should be good to go (samples should show up here tomorrow).


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I believe the "warehouse" is Steve's garage in actuality. Recon from various partols reports movement of heavy supplies in and out of there recently. In addition intel reports a drop of boxes from a truck there yesterday. Name on the side of the truck was ACME CD Copying Service Inc. The weasel is parked in the front driveway and has been modified with the addition of a 50cal MG and a sentry manning it 24 hours a day.

I say we should form into two squads. We will assault the garage and free the little CM disks at night. First squad will sneak into positions to make a frontal assualt and then wait. The second squad will infiltrate to the enemies rear through some woods at the back of the house and begin attacking the back of the garage at 01:30 hours attempting to gain entrance to the garage via the rear and creating a diversion. When the sentry is distracted by this and goes to investigate the team waiting in the front will charge forward. Satchel charge will blow up the weasel and 50cal (sorry Steve, it had to die sometime smile.gif ) and then they will gain entrance to the garage and free the imprisoned disks.

I just hope there are no snipers on the roof or a flamethrower team hidden in the back of the garage. Ouch. wink.gif

So, uh, Steve, you might want to send the wife and kids over to the mother-in-laws place for a few days or something. Wouldn't want to have any collateral damage or anything like that. Err, well, except for the weasel that is. biggrin.gif

Mikester out.

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I never knew Steve had a weasel. I just did a search and read some of the discussions on it. What a fun toy! When I was a kid there was an old M29 and a DUKW rusting away out in the woods near where we lived and me and my pals used to sneak in onto that guys property and play in 'em. Despite some oxidation, they were both in great shape. Needless to say, he sold them off to some lucky SOB long before I grew up to cash wielding age.

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I'll keep you all covered with the M1919, but I warn you. I've got an itchy trigger finger. I might just let one of you have it for all the snide and tongue-in-cheek remarks some of you have made against OBGimus. tongue.giftongue.gif


"The greatest risk...is not taking one."

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Guest Big Time Software

Mikester, the garrage is heavily fortified to protect the precious household garbage and old tires that are stored in there. The warehouse is burried in the side of a mountain in Vermont. We actually had to wait until Spring to ship because the snow needed to melt to allow entry wink.gif

Zamo, cool smile.gif Yeah, there was a place near here that apparently had M29Cs, DUKWs, and amphib jeeps lined up track to tire back in the late 1950s. All gone now I am afraid!


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Guest Madmatt

Madmatt Daily Field Journal***

OP/LP: Delta X-Ray ZULU

AO: Somewhere deep in the jungle enshrouded mountains of Vermont...

Day 12:

Well rations have run low and the weekly supply run by Steve via Weasel insertion are now over 5 days late! I have taken to setting some rudimentary snares and have feasted on tree bark and pebbles for nutrition.

I am on guard constantly and even the merest rustling of leaves often results in a quick 'recon by fire' of my MG-42. In case of armed incursion I have boresited my 105 on a spot of hard pavement some 300 meters to my front and if my calculations are correct the HE shell should just skip off the road and explode about 15 feet in the air when fired...

Strings of Moylan Augmented concertina wire have also been strung out around my position and I believe my position is secure, no it MUST be secure, I will go about improving my defensive ring as soon as I finish this report and apply another layer of cake camo to my face...

My thoughts drift back to the slumber awakening call I received just two weeks ago from Steve...


"It's time..."

"It's is? Now?"

"Yes, get ready to move out..the Weasel is gassed and primed."

"But I have to work in the morning and what do I tell my girl..."

"Just make it happen!"

"Yes, sir!"

And with that the connection was broken and my life took a dramatic turn.

Steve and Charles's Counter-Intelligence agents had detected a possible armed infiltration to try and apprehend the Gold Master and CD'd from their warehouse hence this plan was born. Secret away the CD's into this mountain fortress while the logistics and planning staff got their act together. Enter my role... Perimeter security! With my experiences at crowd control and intoxicated customer relations I was the perfect candidate to guard with my very life this most prized of treasures.

I just hope Steve returns with some food soon, my belt is nutritious but it's a little too chewy...




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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 06-08-2000).]

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Ah Ha, now we know that it really is Steve's garage!!

This ruse of a mountain retreat will not work on us BTS / MadMatt! We will storm the house anyways. The CD's must be there, we saw the truck (or was this yet another ruse to make us believe that they were there??? eek.gif ) We will move out tonight. If we find nothing then we will at least have had the satisfaction blowing something up (i.e. the weasel). This may sound needless, but then we are the same bunch that sat at our computers on the CM webpage continuously hitting the refresh/reload buttons on our web browsers like "a bunch of monkey's" awaiting the announcment of where to download the Gold Demo, right? tongue.gif After that we will search out and find this mountain retreat!

Just in case we need to storm the mountain we will need more help. Volunteers take one step forward. It will take at least a platoon and HQ to storm this mountain stronghold. And anyone with ties to the Confederate airforce let me know. We could use some support from some P-47's and 51's to soften up MadDogMatt and his friends before we attack! We will need demo charges to blow the wire and probably the mines that his Madness has laid out to welcome us as well. Get ready men. Onwards with our most holy quest to find the holy grail of wargames.

Mikester out.

PS: We'll need beer too, someone please bring some. wink.gif

[This message has been edited by Mikester (edited 06-08-2000).]

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All right Mikey!!!!!

This will provide a good softening up of MadDogMatt and his pals prior to our assault on the mountain.

Go ahead and just send those guys on up to Vermont right now. It's a small state after all. Just have them start bombing all of the mountainous areas up there. They're bound to hit his MadNess sooner or later. wink.gif

Mikester out

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Guest Madmatt

Madmatt Daily Field Journal***

OP/LP: Delta X-Ray ZULU

AO: Somewhere deep in the jungle enshrouded mountains of Vermont...

Late evening of Day 12:

CONTACT! The woods around my forward most position have come alive with the drunken belches and slurring of commands from this latest assault force. The bloated and decaying bodies of the first attack lend a morass smell to the area and my nostrils flare at the stench of cordite and sulpher. Above my CP, mounted on a pike, is my newest war trophy, recently obtained.. The severed and oozing head of a fallen enemy on who's riddled dogtag could be made out the word "..ername:".

The devilish attack from the skies continues though. The constant droning of prop engines is broken only with an occasional sputter and loud mechanical "PRANG" sound followed by a tirade of Southern drawl accented curses. Occasional my command bunker is pelted with empty Top Hat and Busch Bear cans although casualties were light.

The ammo situation is dire however. Someone back at ordinance decided to only equip my supporting MG elements with 50 round assault drums and those loaded with BLANKS at that! I am still not sure what they are to do with the Nike running shoes and shorts they received either...

Damn, I can now hear the rustling of yet another attack! This time I believe the Canadians are leading the foray as I can just discern the crackling sound of immaculately clean uniforms and hockey sticks..

God loved the Aircorp but he dumps huge gobs of POO on me!

My task is clear though...


Madmatt out...



If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

Combat Mission HQ


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[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 06-08-2000).]

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ONWARD men!!!

I've got intel that in addition to the game disks being in MadMatt's hideout that he's got a keg of beer in there too. (Mmmmmm, beer).

Fix bayonets, ready grenades, get your tankards out, let's rock and roll. Time to get us some disks and brewski's mates.

Mikester out.

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