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Guest Big Time Software

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Trooper you can't always see the diffreance.

Good work BTS! Every Beta is better!


Game master of Robs CMC

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Colin:

Your second firing position picture is showing a different tank then the first. Why?


Because I looked at it with a variety of tanks. Sorry should have kept all the pics the same. But all the Tigers (from Elite down to Regular; I didn't try Green or Conscript) stop at the same place for their first shot. How much further they get rotated around before stopping to shoot again depends on their experience level (reloading speed). Here's an Elite Tiger:

Elite first shooting position

as compared to the Reg Tiger:

Regular first shooting position

BTW, as much as I would like to see the tank *not* rotate its hull when it's in an advantageous (obliqued) position, CM also stops rotating the tank's hull even when it may be to the detriment of the tank. This Tiger is oriented away from its target, and so it begins rotating its hull along with the turret to try to draw a bead. Unfortunately, when it finally acquires the Sherman in its sights, this Tiger now stops when its side armor is almost perpendicular to its target, aims, and fires. It may be better off to keep the Tiger's hull turning in this case. Once it's laid the gun, the ~5 seconds it takes for the Tiger to elevate the barrel, fire its round, and then begin turning again seems like an eternity (atleast if you're the German player). smile.gif


You may need to right-click to save to your hard drive. This file goes in the Saved Games directory.

- Chris

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Guest Madmatt

I disagree Wolf. I say take the earliest shot you can. I trust that 88mm tube extending out from my turret more than accuracy of the enemy.

Its the difference between a defensive and offensive mentality. Either you can rotate around and try to get the best armor in line with a threat or you can take a shot with a high degree of killing the enemy (for a Tiger at least).

I would always prefer to get that first shot off and what you are asking for WAS the way it used to be and trust me, the German tanks were getting slaughtered as the time to engage was much too long, due their slow turrets. As it is, you are only showing a situation that a good tank commander shouldn't put himself in, that being a threat to the rear aspect. I would rather have my side facing a threat and get off a shot then leave me ass out in the open or worse,have my side turret armor exposed as the hull rotates which will happen as the turrets are sometimes slower than the hull rotation speed.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Madmatt:

I disagree Wolf. I say take the earliest shot you can. I trust that 88mm tube extending out from my turret more than accuracy of the enemy.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Hmmm. That's a good point. And I *had* taken away the 76's tungsten, so getting a shot off as quickly as possible would be a better choice than turning the armor since tungsten isn't going to be too much affected by a Tiger's frontal armor as opposed to its sides. Still it's a bit harrowing sitting there with your big ole side armor facing the enemy screaming hit me! hit me! smile.gif

I assume that once a tank fires and then rotates its hull, this messes up the aim for the next shot? So it's essentially like firing the first time at a target?

- Chris

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I did that...belive be...i've tried almost everything at this point...thanx though <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tiger:

Do not open the executable in the public beta folder that was created for the 122 patch inside your CMBO folder. Instead open the beta executable inside your CMBO folder. It should have todays date on the executable 12-20.


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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Blitzkrieg:

I did that...belive be...i've tried almost everything at this point...thanx though <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

The icon on your desktop is likely pointing to the old executable. Change its properties so it points to the new EXE file.

- Chris

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I have deleted every Public Beta Version exe. and reinstalled the new version, crating new exe.'s. After opening the new exe. it still says "b22".......? <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Wolfe:

The icon on your desktop is likely pointing to the old executable. Change its properties so it points to the new EXE file.


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HAHA! fixed it!....it was because i har renamed the file...weird.....anyhow...thnx fellas.....im off to play <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by The Blitzkrieg:

I have deleted every Public Beta Version exe. and reinstalled the new version, crating new exe.'s. After opening the new exe. it still says "b22".......? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Houston, do we have a problem? The .exe-file in the Windows zip is dated for 20th of December as it should be. But other files are much older, the next latest is the "How To Guide" (December 15th), which doesn't say anything about b22 or b23. I noticed when extracting the packet, that many of the files I had from b22 patch were more recent than the ones in b23, so... is something wicked here?

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Hey Madmatt, if I go to this next beta, using a PBEM that I have going from the previous Beta, will my sharpshooters and flamethrowers be "ok". I don't want to find out the hard way that suddenly they've lost their ammo.

Im betting it's ok, but was just wondering.

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Guest Madmatt

One thing to understand with the forthcoming b24 patch. If you have a saved game where you have no ammo for you sharpshooters or flamethrowers, b24 WON'T magically give them their ammo back. You will have to restart your games with b24.

If you never saved a game in b23 then you should be ok but we still reccomend that you use the beta patches AT YOUR OWN RISK.

If you have an important game that is for tourny play or just bragging rights then just play it with v1.05 to be safe.


[This message has been edited by Madmatt (edited 12-21-2000).]

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Madmatt, you are recycling your post in that other thread.. I agree fully and have no problem with that, people were warned that the betas were not to be final products and meant to be taken at own risk entirely...I was just wondering whether the 24 will be here before I'm gone from here (for xmas)...so, any chance to see it soon or rather not harbor any hopes? (not trying to push, just inquiring really)

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Guest KwazyDog

Keep your fingures crossed M Hofbauer!

I would hazard a guess that we arent *too* far away from another beta for you guys...no promises though! smile.gif


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