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Out of the Dust III - Official tread

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Sceanrio #1 - St Saulon

Allied vs German

Crow Warrior - Neal aka Major Tum

Bert Hamoen - Redbear

Mntineer - MichaelWittman

K.A. Miles - Mccobbler

Shellshocksye - 12th man

Mikado - Dinga44

Scenario #2 - Mackays Fortress

Allied vs German

Crow Warrior - Redbear

Bert Hamoen - MichaelWittman

Mntineer - Mccobbler

K.A. Miles - 12th man

Shellshocksye - Dinga44

Mikado - Neal aka Major Tum

Scenario #3 - Devils & Dragons

Crow Warrior - MichaelWittman

Bert Hamoen - Mccobbler

Mntineer - 12th man

K.A. Miles - Dinga44

Shellshocksye - Neal aka Major Tum

Mikado - Redbear

[ February 25, 2008, 08:46 PM: Message edited by: slysniper ]

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A reminder on scoring

Scoring for round one is

3 points for best score

2 points for second best score

1 point for third best score

(for each side of battle)

Weak side Battle victory

2 points if you are the only winner playing the weak side out of the 6 matches (51% or better score)

1 point for ea. player if two win playing the weak side out of the 6 matches

So as a reminder - its how well you play compared to the others playing the same side, not if you win or lose the scenario - every percentage point matters.

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What is the secret to doing well, Good question.

For each player that answer might be different.

but you cannot sit back and just play for a battle win, you must try to find ways to win with the best margin as possible, not just play it safe, to do it without putting yourself at risk of being the guy that gets slaughtered, though your opponant will appreciate that as you see him score well in the tournament.

In might mean to lose a battle, but to make the other guy pay more for his victory than anyone else did. In otherwords, just try to perform to your best, whatever works for you, do it the best way you know how, then hope for some luck and maybe some poor play from whomever you are facing. It is Time to Lock and load and Forward onto Victory

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Originally posted by slysniper:

I have set up the game files, incorrectly. All of them.

Everyone needs to stop until I can send out new files with it set up so both players get to have a set up phase, sorry guys.

What was I thinking

Or we could forward briefings AND let everybody start with units where they are? We would all have the same advantages/disadvantages? Would be easier than you having to stop the tourney and start again?

Or factor something into the scores?

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All files have been resent, everything should be a go now. Sorry about the mess up.

Please start the battles over so both players can set up unless you agree otherwise.

If you have the 12th man, remember to send the files to me, If I get the 12th man I will forward them on to him, if not, I will play as the smart AI until something else is worked out.

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Time to log in, it appears all matches are somewhat going smoothly now and that everyone is in the mist of battle. Remember to keep me informed as to any issues and try to work them out yourselves if possible. I like to stay informed of slow play, but I also do not expect fast play even though some of you do manage to do a good job of moving the games along quickly.

The goal should be to be completed about the middle of April for round One.

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Feedback would be greatly appreciated, especially if it pertains to the size of the scenarios. Too small, Too big (doubtful), or just right?

I plan on having 6 scenarios ready for round 2, even though only 3 are needed. A couple will be similar in size to those currently in play, and they get progressively larger from there, with the biggest at 4x the points total. All will be 35 turns or less, and yes you will have variety in terms of mission, forces, terrain and weather.

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Kingfish - thanks for the great work.

The sight lines (or lack of them) take the action in close, more of a manouverability / short range support capability required. There should be some good movies around.

McKay's Fortress is imposing - planning an assault ain't easy because you know you have to take the risks.

St Saulon looks like it'd be nearly as good played single player vs the AI - there're some wicked natural features coming into play.

I'm having to keep an eye on the clock in Devil's and Dragon's but it seems to present the defender with the challenge of covering the whole front with a low quality paucity of infantry - I hope.

Having huge fun, hope you continue to enjoy making these scenarios.

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Does anyone in the group have the setup to post photos here at this site, it would be fun to maybe post a few shots as we get close to wraping up round one. I know I have never bothered with getting it to work.

Bert has a Hero story he would like to post, there might be a few others.

Major Tum tried another page last time, I do not think that went far, but I never did check to see where it finished at.

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Originally posted by slysniper:

Does anyone in the group have the setup to post photos here at this site, it would be fun to maybe post a few shots as we get close to wraping up round one. I know I have never bothered with getting it to work.

Bert has a Hero story he would like to post, there might be a few others.

Major Tum tried another page last time, I do not think that went far, but I never did check to see where it finished at.

Yep sure did but didn't get anywhere - I would love to post the picture of me taking out a AFV at 196yards with a panzerfaust! against crow :D
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