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Was german gun usefull at all? VoT Spoiler

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I've often found that the best thing to do with it is to keep a VERY low profile.

And unhide it at the latest possible time.

Every time I had or had been fire upon on Turn 1 it was as good as fried.


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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Yes, be patient with this gun. Against the AI i used it quite late ( turn 19 or even 20), when the Panther rumbles into action. It lives on for a couple of turns as the AI persisted in calling smoke missions on my Panther and the gun remained unmolested. Against a human player ( it was his first game with the GD) it killed an 105er with an ambush. He played the game blind per Hotseat against me, so he didn't know that i have such a weapon. When he moved his tank close to Plomville and set up the ambush i saw the shock in his face when the thing made *Karboom!* and toasted his tank ( that was very satisfying biggrin.gif )

Make sure you put the gun out of LOS from the Hill were the US FOs were lurking, so their Artillery is less effective.


Es gibt Tage da verliert man und Tage da gewinnen die anderen.

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Well Killmore if you're interrested I'll post a screen shot which is easier than a description since there's no x-y coordinates in CM which might help BTW.

Fact is:



Lashing at the last possible time

Far from the dreaded US FOs


Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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It depends on how the enemy is playing. If his tanks or artillery can't see the gun, you can have some real fun with it. smile.gif Sure, it's a nice weapon against the shermans, but it's more fun against infantry.

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Sure show me a pic or two...

(I tried to keep it hidden - but is was spotted from 200 meters...)

Of course I had no idea it was spotted until artilerry started to rain on it.

[This message has been edited by killmore (edited 06-05-2000).]

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If you want to 'kill more' GI's put that earthshaker BEHIND the heavy house near the Victory Objectives to the left of Plomville (looking down on the village from the German side).

Don't fire it until Hill 216 (# ??) is clear because that is in the LOS. Guard it with an infantry platoon.

Then blow any infantry that stumbles into view to bits!!! Almost immune to Shermans anyway but on that Ridge, in Plomville or on Hill 216. Make sure you don't fire the thing to early... have plenty of soft targets in view. Sit back and enjoy the sound effects.


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Correction: the inf gun will USUALLY blow the crap out of a sherman. Very first VoT game I played (against one of my roommates) one of my shermans survived two "front hull penetration" hits from the thing - without any damage at all. He was a little bit pissed. (Of course, his pillbox 75 absorbed almost every single 105 arty round I had... the next-to-last volley from the second FO took it out, finally - ignited the entire square, in fact)


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Guest grunto

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka:

Are we talking about the anti-tank gun or the infantry gun?

Is the infantry gun suitable for use on tanks or best kept for soft targets?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

yes anything shooting high explosive which is 150mm will be good against just about any target. i had a tag-team with my 75mm pillbox in one scenario where the 150 and the pillbox each took out a sherman 105 with the first shot.

i like to open up early with the 150 against probable avenues of american advance. i just shoot it into tall pines somewhere where the american stars are showing. it usually only lasts a turn or two but usually it does some early damage. i figure i want to try to get off as many shots as possible and who knows, one of these times it might last 5 or 10 turns.


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I usually try to get it to fire enfilde on the allied lines, waiting until both sherms (I shoot early) are well out of sight. It usually works.


There is nothing certain about war except that one side won't win.

-Ian Hamilton

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I usually HIDE it on the left flank.

There is some kind of wood parallel to the wall and in it you can find a small patch of open ground.

If you carefully check your LOS you could almost hit anywhere.

The trick is to resist the urge to shell that F****G hill since it will always call the Wrath of God unto you.

Check it and you'll see that you could both have nice side shots into the Shermans and put some sense into those thick headed GIs down in the valley while they are trodding on barbwire.



Either he's dead or my watch has stopped

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Ok. I managed to keep the gun alive for 3.8 turns.

I opened from 300 meters at sherman - kept missing for 2 turns. Then it finally killed it.

Total score for the 150mm: 2 mortars, 4 fantry, 1 sherman.

So far this gun has the worst accuracy of any gun in CM. (At least for me)

Well Stugs are sometimes as bad.

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who needs accuracy when ur explosion takes out half a city block???

I have kept the gun alive throughout the whole game and shot up all its ammo. The key is the put it in a place where it has los to only one spot you want to suppress... then have it shoot there. Anyone in the spot sure aint going to be firing back, and its stays safe.

I find that the biggest problem is that the IG re-targest too easily... that much firepower needs to go ONLY where I tell it too... especially when I'm using to supress the FO's that are trying to kill it (that pissed me off... it retarged to a flamethrower on the otherside of the map, and the F0's had the chance they needed to unbreak and kill it.


oh well


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See for me the accuracy mattered because Shermans were firing at it. So I was firing at shermans with 150mm from one side and panter from the other.

When it comes to infantry accuracy is not as important. But sometimes one might want to hit broad side of the sherman

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In a PBEM game, I had the IG essentially take out a sherman while it was hiding behind the two story house on the American left flank. I was actually hoping that I could knock down the house with the first shot and then aquire a LOS to the sherman. Didn't quit work out since the first shot didn't knock down the house and then the IG retargeted on something else. My opponent later told me that the IG blast on the house behind which the Sherman 105 was hiding killed the tank commander, knocked out the main gun and apparantly disabled all of the MGs. Dats some gun. To bad it only can fire about once every two hours.

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A few things to keep in mind regarding those guns:

1.) Those guns basically are stuck for the duration wherever you place them.

2.) They are soft targets vulnerable to all kinds of fire.

3.) Their AT and HE capabilities make them high-priority targets.

4.) The more they can see, the more they can be seen.

Try to position them where they have narrow fields of fire on areas you expect the enemy to traverse. Don't expose them on a hill where your opponent can hit them with everything he's got.

If they can stay out of sight of the bulk of the enemy's forces, they may get off several shots at units that cross their LOS piecemeal. Then, when your opponent does find the gun, he only has a narrow front to engage it frontally. And if he decides to flank it, well, hopefully your other gun is covering that route!


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