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You whiny morons

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OK, I do not care if I get flamed, but I have to say to all you whiners complaining about gamey tactics and other trivial things... HEY IT'S A GAME DAMMIT!!!!

Real war is not fun, because people and friends/relatives get killed. This is a game that has taken the hex based "bored" games and made them exciting.

Remember, nothing can ever be perfect to EVERYONE.

The silent majority here is immensely pleased with this game.

I can't believe people who complain about a turret speed being too slow, or meeting engagements being unrealistic. My God get a life! Concentrate on the other 3,978 items that are perfect. Please give BTS a break, instead of looking for one stupid tiny thing to complain about.

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Sorry, I am very sick (physically), and am irritated by people who spend all their time in this great game trying to find one little pathetic thing they think is wrong (Hey the muzzle velocity is 5 k/sec too slow! or the armor is 1mm too thin! turret speed is too slow! etc.)

Why can't they just say, it's close enough - let them work on CM2...

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no whats gamey is when I know Im loosing bad, having a bad hair day, my coffee just spilt on my CM Book, I lost track of which pbem I was playing cus I overwrote the wrong one and those pesky Americans just blasted my last Tiger from the battle field and not to mention I put a scratch in my CM CD.. I hit abort mission ... thats gamey! bet the 1st SS LAH could not do that in reality.. tongue.gif

[This message has been edited by mensch (edited 08-28-2000).]

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Guest Mortiis

We all love this game, prolly too much is the opinion of our loved ones. And since bts is the only company who shows that they are listening it is a real chance for people to have their say as to what they would like to see in it. I rarely have seen any posts were people who suggest enhancements follow it with "This game will suck if this is not done"

Its just a matter of people trying to improve the game and make it that much better. Wether or not are suggestions are worthy of implementing is up to bts to decide. I myself am thrilled that there is grogs fighting over little details(armour effectiveness etc) , I dont have the knowledge to add to these arguments and feel that they are doing a service by atttempting to add even more realism to a game that is already the most realistic wargame ever.

I make suggestions myself and feel that bts knows their fans love this game and that we are only trying to add a few enhancements here and there. I know for myself if my idea is not feasible it will not be included and I move on. I understand your frustration in that you may percieve this as bitching over silly details and as a slight against bts, but it's just proof of the devotion these gamers have to this masterpiece in using their time trying to improve the game. Its this devotion and the ability of bts to weed out good ideas from bad ones that will make cm2 even better. I know I'll be one of many who will have cm2 preordered.

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"Sorry, I am very sick (physically)"

so you're double-sick now smile.gif

seriously, jpinard, I beg to disagree with you. Mankind can only evolve through improvement. There is only one thing better than CM: a better CM, and CM2...erm wait let me rephrase that...

There are only two things beter than CM: a better CM, CM2 and CM3....uhm wait....

There are only three things beter than CM: a beter CM, CM2, CM3 and CM4....erm...

well, you get the idea.

We all LOVE CM. Else we ewouldn't be here. But why not try to make it even better by removing the litle flaws we perceive? if a tank should have a fast tureet instead of a slow one, I am all for the historical authenticity! And I am sure BTS is too, since they are dedicated to a game as good and historically authentic as possible, and we grumbling grognards and hamsterlovers are here to contribute our hamster feces.

and, btw, an error ogf the kind of "muzzle velocity is 5 k/sec too slow" is no laughing or ridiculous matter, no matter if you are talking meters or feet. For almost all guns it will result in a negative velocity. Think about that! Sure you wouldn't want to have your 8.8cm FlaK "backfire" - literally! I am sure you would complain, too!

[This message has been edited by nobody in particular (edited 08-28-2000).]

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JP, there's a difference between whining (which there is some of that on here) and improvement suggestions (which there are a lot of on here).

Also, BTS themselves advertise this game as being realistic. If so, then be prepared to stand up to the scrutiny of reality, game or no game. Otherwise, why even take the time to code turret speeds or armor penetration or firepower? Why not just make up some numbers that "feel" correct and leave it at that? Fact is, once you claim it to be realistic, it stops being a game and starts being a simulator.

If you want a good WW2 game, try Panzer General 1 or 2. If you want a good WW2 simulation, then CM is the best but not perfect (nor will it ever be).


Jeff Abbott

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jpinard:

OK, I do not care if I get flamed, but I have to say to all you whiners complaining about gamey tactics and other trivial things... HEY IT'S A GAME DAMMIT!!!!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

People who share their differing opinions do not constitute whining.

I myself do not worry about the minute detail of the weapons systems included in CM. As long as the game captures the flavor of the period well I am pleased and it does. I also am very excited about each and every improvement. Anyone who has spent an amount of time here knows many of them are discussed and researched here first. BTS also finds this helpful with the Grogs. supplying the research data. It saves a great deal of time to be able to go right to the source when conducting your own research.

Again, Combat Mission is the new standard, as most everyone here already knows. Why not let BTS improve it? They obviously care to.

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Personally I love all the improvment requests;I'm only a casual WW2 gamer and because of all those little debates about things like muzzle velocity and armor penatration etc.,I've picked huge amounts of information I probably would have slept through in another environment,so IMO keep it up guys! smile.gif


Nicht Schiessen!!

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