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ASL D-> CM Scenarios

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Hi all.

One of the things i am doing is converting some ASl scenarios to CM. I know this is popular with other gamers, too, as i have seen a number of good ones.

I had a few questions for those of you who are doing this:

1 How do you set up the units? For instance, for 8 squads and three squad leaders, do you set up 3 platoons, and simply eliminate one of the squads? What about an attached HMG: do you just add a HMG and crew, even though in ASL it is operated by a squad as an additional weapon, not additional men? Ditto for Panzerschreck, bazooka, etc.

2 Also if there a lot of squads for only a couple of leaders, do you just eliminate a few leaders, and let tha squads wander around leaderless? Or can they be attached to a different squad leader?

3 How closely do you guys check every LOS? I make a good representation of the ASL map, but do not look at every single LOS (which would, admittedly, make it more an exact copy).

4 Exit VP and Casualty VP are easy enough to copy, as are those of controlling certain locations. How do you duplicate Vic Conditions of "No good-order squads remaining on board 24"?

5 Is there any way to duplicate an artillery barrage that hits right on turn 1?

When I have a few scenarios converted (I have only one right now: "Scouts Out!"), if anyone wants to test them, I would be willing to email them to anyone interested in taking a look. Working on "Death at Carentan", and "Morgan's Stand". Will start on "Lehr Sanction" soon, too.

Thanks in advance smile.gif


Capt. Byron Crank, US Army

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Crank and others,

Good to hear that you are trying your hand at converting ASL scenarios. It really is fun and it forces you to explore the units capabilities, limitations, etc. when converting. This is of great benefit when playing all scenarios as well.

A couple of things th consider:

1) Read ASL Veterans How To list. I differ on some points but we all do on this forum. It is an excellent primer on converting scenarios.

2) Before you fire up the scenario editor check the victory conditions and special rules carefully. Some can really throw a wrench in your plans and make it tough to convert. No need wasting a weekend only to find out that it won't work.

3) It helps but is not a requirement if you have played the ASL version. It gives you a feel for what occurs and can assist in conversion. For example I converted Tiger Route. The reinforcing 6 squads of Germans really need the flexibility of three 2 squad platoons with HQ rather than 2 squads of three.

Hope this helps and good luck.


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Remember the most important step in scenario design is TESTING. This is especially true for converting scenarios from one game system to another. I recommend playing the scenario against the AI several times from both sides. Then ask for volunteers on this forum (in the Scenario Center) to play test your scenario. What might look good on paper may be a complete bust in the CM game system with out some major tweaking.

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Keith brings up THE most important point here; I agree completely. When I did "Scouts Out!" it was heavily in favor of the US side. A lot of tweaking is in order for almost every one, I am sure. Rather than a direct copy of what a scenario does, I look more for capturing the flavor of what the scenario designer was trying for.

Thanks for the pointers, all. I will read the ASL Vet article.



Capt. Byron Crank, US Army

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  • 6 months later...

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Schrullenhaft:

Col. Klotz has an ASL to CM site that has many conversions (for NW Europe and Italy) of SL/ASL scenarios and maps.

ASL Maps for Combat Mission:

http://w1.312.telia.com/~u31213280/index.htm <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

:( What has happened to this site? I have tried it lately and all I get is a blank page. Has his site move? If the site is down, are all the maps and battles moved to a new site (I hope)?

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<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Ellros:

IIRC he just didn't have the time to keep the site up and running. I believe the DFDR site does have most of the mapboards for ASL converted over to CM though.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Do a search in this forum, at first it seemed like Col.Kotz didn't have enough time, but I remember someone posting part of the warning that the ASL people sent him.

This was around the time that Squad Leader (the computer game) was released. I don't know if it's still selling, I know I didn't buy it.


I should add: If you have any converted SL or ASL scenarios, please let me know so I can pester you until you send me a copy.


[ 06-10-2001: Message edited by: patboivin ]

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ASL Veteran has done some good work; I've added a couple of conversions of my own to the two sites listed in my sig.

I agree testing is essential.

As for the original question of force mix - it depends on the scenario and the sort of feel you are going for. If it is specifically described as a company, then I use a company order of battle; if it is a hastily thrown together defence consisting of 9 or 10 squads, then I use 3 platoons and don't bother with the company headquarters, etc.

ASL Veteran rarely adds LMGs to the force mix, and I have followed his cue, since the LMGs in CM are inherent.

I never check LOS - I don't see why you would. You cannot simulate an ASL board so that every sightline is accurate, since the tiles are square and 20 metres across, whereas the tiles in SL are 40 metres and hexagonal (and LOS is checked from the centre of the hex). Not to mention the woods in SL are not square - you can also see through woods to a degree in CM whereas all LOS is blocked entirely even by nicking the corner of a woods mass.

Jeff makes a good point about the limited victory conditions in CM. Add to that no artillery on turn 1 (that answers that question), no offboard set up as in ASL, no setting up wrecks or rubbled buildings, no third level hexes, no vehicle fords, no demolishing roadblocks, etc. You have to be very careful in how you balance the scenarios. Even small things like smoke grenade usage in ASL, and its alternate treatment in CM, can change the balance of a scenario dramatically.

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You can find a big batch of converted ASL map boards at the DFDR site right HERE.

They are blank, direct conversions from the old 11x17 ASL map leaves and are provided sans units. There are roughly 30 map leaves in the pack.

Col. Klotz's fine site was indeed axed by an aggressively worded, corporate-type missive from Hasbro. We also recieved the infamous Hasbro "cease and desist or find yourselves under our bloated, greedy thumb" letter.

We thought, as did the Col. at the time, that since MMP had allowed us to not only use ASL maps but also refer to the game by name, that we were in clear water. We were wrong and Hasbro set us straight. Klotz was hit hardest as his site was popular, and contained Hasbro's trademark (ASL) in it's title. And whoever stated that this development came as a result of the pending release of their unbelievably turd-like Squad Leader PC game was absolutely correct.

Anyway, good luck with those conversions!

[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

[ 06-11-2001: Message edited by: Clubfoot ]

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