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Regarding "BAD NEWS"

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To me, CM is one of those things that I can't wait to pay for. CM is both brilliant and revolutionary and will have tremendous replay value -- so much sothat I can't see ever buying another game in any genre, except CM2, CM3, etc.

So it's worth every penny to me, and I suspect most of us feel the same way. Of course BTS should pursue this, but I hope they won't let this distract them too much...

So, BTS, can I please pay for it now? smile.gif

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*unbolting license plates*

Im on my way. But first I need to stop by Kwiki-Mart to fill up on squishies and microwave burritos. I fear the old van is going to log on many miles before this game comes out. Nothing worse on re-sale than excessive miles and blood stains.

[This message has been edited by von shrad (edited 01-19-2000).]

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Yes, CM is truly fantastic. In fact, as far as wargames

covering this scale and subject, I don't intend to

buy *anything* but future versions of CM. Why bother?

They will almost certainly be inferior in one or more

important areas in comparison to CM. Why would I want

something inferior when I can have the best? I can't

think of a good reason, either. wink.gif

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When the beta demo came out I packed up my 486 PC and found a 500Mgz P3. Last week I got internet cable installed. $45.00? Not the price a a meal for two at an average resturant. Now to find that some perfect **** is messing with this game! Damn them to hell

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Lee said:


Yes, CM is truly fantastic. In fact, as far as wargames

covering this scale and subject, I don't intend to

buy *anything* but future versions of CM. Why bother?

They will almost certainly be inferior in one or more

important areas in comparison to CM. Why would I want

something inferior when I can have the best? I can't

think of a good reason, either.


Heh heh... Couldn't have said it better myself!

As for all these revenge plans I am seeing, consider this torture. One of my coworkers has succeeded in getting the theme music to the old TV show Green Acres stuck in my head.

dum dum da-DUM DUM

Fresh Air!

dum dum da DUM DUM

Times Square!


what could be worse???

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Guest Captain Foobar

OK, here lies exposed the conspiracy theorist in me...

Isn't it a little odd that within @ 24 hrs of a Fake Big_Time_Software prank on this forum, we hear news that there is a possible hacked copy in circulation? There's a traitor in our midst... CONFESS AND GIVES NAMES!!!! (Foobar scrambling for twigs and kindling....)


"when in doubt, run in circles"

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ohhh wow, I never thought of that, BTS can you figure out who the person who imitated Steve is? Maybe thats him! It is kind of ironic that someone makes up a name just to play a prank and then a few days later someone finds out that the game "maybe" hacked. You guys should check into this person.


Come see my CM page!!


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Guest Stabsfeldwebel

Makes me sick to hear this kind of news, hackers stealing games are just thiefs who think they are special. Was this done threw your server, mainframe? or was it from a beta tester? Hopefully you guys included a serial number in each beta game you gave out so you can track down whomever did this and let the marshal service do the rest.

If any of you beta testers made copies of your games, you should be ashamed of yourselfs, shows what a ingrateful bastard you really are.

Steve pls share any info you guys get on this. I for one will be buying it nomatter what.

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At the risk of sounding the Heretic, I must confess I am a little perturbed by the self-rightious indignation many of you are posting. Come on, listen to yourselves! There is not one of you who wouldn't LOVE to get your hands on a bootleged pre-release of this game. Myself included. I am not endorsing piracy, nor trying to promote or encourage it. I have never downloaded WAREZ and am really not too sure of how to do it. But I can tell you honestly, that if I happened to find a link, I'd download it. And so would all of you! My respect and admiration for the guys at BTS would nonetheless STILL get me to buy the final version and I would hope that every mothers son on the this board would do the same. For months now you guys have been asking for a "Gold" demo. Don't tell me you wouldn't like to peek at what's been going on. You'd be lying. And no, I do not have it, nor am I likely to find it, but I AM going to search for it...As I suspect many of you already have.

Being honest with himself,


who LOVES playing the devils advocate...

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Sorry to burst your bubble here Zamo but your statement is a rediculous one. How can you profess to know how each of us feel about this situation?

My position regarding BTs is clear, without them telling me I could download it - I wouldnt. As I said in my other thread these guys have been very kool, I think it would upset them to know we were dling it, so I simply wouldnt be a part of it. So put a little thoguht behind it before you call everyone a liar smile.gif

I dont profess to be self-ritcheous either I treat others as they treat me- BTS has treated me well I feel so why should I do anything other than that to them, in the same token that you summed us all up as being liars about wanting a bootleg version , I could inturn sum up all of those that downloaded a bootleg beta, as people that wouldnt buy it, both statements are rediculous. It's not a matter of whether they would or not IMHO, its a matter of the question would be in the back of Steve and Charles mind, as to how many sales they had lost over this BS.

not trying to offend ya but some clarity was needed i think smile.gif



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Guest Capt_Manieri

At the risk of being disliked and annoying to a futher extent, I agree with Zamo. I would definetly download the pre-release version, and, I too will also try and find it. Although, I still want the final copy of CM. I'm not a priest. But the again I'm not making deals with the devil here.

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Damn it Cap'n Im-not-a-man-ieri just shut up! You had that reference to SPR in that other thread when they were talking about Monty Python. It's just getting really annoying.

I really loved that crap you wrote in my guestbook on my webpage about my mom. That was really classy. And if I get anymore...

Making deals with the devil has nothing to do with someone being stupid and making the full beta demo available.


Visit my Combat Mission for Mac page! With absolutly nothing new


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Guest Scott Clinton

Theft is theft and lack of morals is lack of morals.

I think one might excuse a starving man the theft of a loaf of bread (to use an old cliche). But in today's modern world there is no difference between stealing a stereo, cash or software. And as much as I like BTS's attitude and games (well demo) I think this goes for all software developers equally…yes even Talonsoft and Atomic. smile.gif

But then again I'm a software developer so maybe I'm biased.


The Grumbling Grognard

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