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Sword Beach

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sorry, don't recall one seeing one

best i can do is suggest SD2 (scenario depot 2)


although i must admit i'm pretty underwhelmed by their selection for cmbo - used to be thousands of them at SD

actually come to think of it, i wouldn't waste my time checking SD2 - i just looked, took me all of 2 seconds to confirm there's nothing there for CMBO to speak of - shame

just reminds me how much i miss SD

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I remember some beach landing battles that were made, but don't remember that any were made for Sword.

Beyond Overlord in the game's name is the key here. CMBO offers no D-Day type landing craft, and assualt boats have to be used instead. Also there are no beach terrain tiles. Other things like beach obstacales are not part of the game either. As I recall, they had to modify the wheat tiles to look like sand and used those.

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Originally posted by KG_Jag:

I remember some beach landing battles that were made, but don't remember that any were made for Sword.

Hasting's Howards and Courselles-sur-Mer are two that come to mind, but there were for Gold and Juno beaches respectively.

Regarding the CMBO scenarios that deal with Sword, but not of the landings themselves, these are the ones I can think of off the top of my head:

North of Caen

North of Epron

South of Sword

Ham and Jam

The Merville battery

First clash at Cambes

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