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Semper Fi Campaign First Mission


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3 minutes ago, db_zero said:

Playing the first mission. Question-wouldn't a Force Recon team on a night recon mission be equipped with suppressors on their assault rifles?

I saw a Syrian soldier surrender. He had his hands up. Next turn he picks up his AK-47 and gets shot. Never seen that before.

Not to my knowledge. As I understand it, two Recon companies (each Delta company from the 1st and 2nd Recon battalions) are assigned to the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF) as "Force" Recon. Some operate with SOCOM, and might be equipped with suppressors same as SEALs, or other SOCOM units, but not "run-of-the-mill Recon Scout/Snipers. But then again, I was never in Recon, and I've only worked with a few, so I'm not really qualified to speak to their TO&E. Perhaps suppressors decrease range or accuracy, or have some other detrimental effect on the rifle. IIRC, they are already carrying M-4s (but I'm old, and don't always remember correctly).

I've had only one Syrian surrender, and he never went for his weapon. IRL, since there is no means to egress a prisoner, and unless the Recon had orders to bring back a live prisoner for interrogation, I can't imagine there would be any surrendering. Sounds like a "throw-down" like some Cops have been known to employ.

I'm really enjoying the first mission. I'm most of the way through and have only two objectives left to take, but I've lost two Marines. One to an MMG in a building next to a "touch" objective, so I'm calling in Naval Gunfire to "rubblize" the building. I've already leveled two "Occupy" objectives with F/A-18 Hornet strikes. Might use them again to take out a building I saw a MMG and others run into.

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18 minutes ago, Vet 0369 said:

I've had only one Syrian surrender, and he never went for his weapon.

Sounds like a "throw-down" like some Cops have been known to employ.

In the game it is possible for a surrendering troop to change their mind.  This basically happens when the ratio of BluFor vs RedFor presence in the area of the surrendering troop changes.  It is also possible to rescue friendly troops who are surrendering.     

I don't follow the reference about police officers.  I don't think you're saying RL police throw down their guns like the in game pixeltroopen?  I'm just not sure what the "throw-down" means......... 

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If a squad or team throws the towel in, getting their Platoon HQ to the vicinity seems to bring them back on mission quite quickly.....Recently with rather amusing results for two Allah-Ackbars who suddenly found themselves in a building, with a GI holding a M249 SAW, who wasn't surrendering any more!  :D

Edited by Sgt.Squarehead
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2 hours ago, MOS:96B2P said:

 I don't follow the reference about police officers.  I don't think you're saying RL police throw down their guns like the in game pixeltroopen?  I'm just not sure what the "throw-down" means......... 

In some major cities in the U.S., some police officers were charged with and convicted  of shooting unarmed men. They all claimed that the men were armed and pointed to the presence of firearms as their proof. In these particular cases, the weapons were subsequently proven to be "throw-downs", small easily concealed pistoles (usually "Saturday night specials) that the officer threw down after the shooting. It was found that some officers carried a throw-down "just in case." In one major east coast city(cough NYC cough) a case unraveled when the throw-down was tracked back to having been turned in during a police "buy-back" program.

A weapon planted at a crime scene in order to mislead investigation, especially in situations where deadly force would only have been justified if the victim were armed. Also an untraceable weapon kept in readiness for such use.

Sorry for using the term. I thought it was pretty commonly known. Don't get me wrong, Police Officers are dedicated, honest hard working men and women doing a very dangerous job. Unfortunately, as in all society, there are a small percentage of bad apples.

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7 minutes ago, db_zero said:

IIRC-I read a while back the Marine Corps did a test equipping a battalion or similar sized unit with sound suppressors and the feedback was positive. Cost was a consideration though.

you have a link or somehign to a report on that? if its public offcourse jaajja. I dont know...what are the positives? I understand the use of suppresors for covert actions but for a full on infantry confrontation? The only positives i can think out of the top of my head are maybe the abiliy to hear orders better but....

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4 hours ago, boche said:

you have a link or somehign to a report on that? if its public offcourse jaajja. I dont know...what are the positives? I understand the use of suppresors for covert actions but for a full on infantry confrontation? The only positives i can think out of the top of my head are maybe the abiliy to hear orders better but....


Apparently its already being done and "never want to go back"


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In this game (SF2) if an enemy unit surrenders, in your proximity, and doesn't get removed (white surrender flags icons) within the next turn or two then there is another enemy squad nearby hidden from view. The enemy won't surrender, completely, until you remove their comrades from witnessing their shameless deed.

I've experienced 1 occasion where my squad heavily suppressed a 3 man squad into throwing up their hands in surrender, the error on my part was thinking they were a 3 man squad because two extra members of their squad were hidden from view behind the stone wall (makes me wonder if those two were really surrendering as nobody knew they were there), as my squad approached the area, all of the enemy squad came into view, (5 men), immediately the surrendered dropped their hands those 5 men killed 2 of my squad before they could react and eliminate the enemy squad. (after the attack I checked the enemy's dead and they were, indeed, all from the same squad)

This kind of sucks, the A.I. has been given an advantage over the human player, its allowed to play dirty by allowing its troops to raise their hands in surrender w/o ever being cleared from the game automatically. The A.I. suckers you to close in on the surrendered unit, by making you assume that your proximity to them is the key for them to be automatically removed from the game, therefore, you must not be close enough yet, so you push on. It's a deadly assumption that can get you massacred very quickly. During your approach, the surrendered can, without warning, drop their hands and open fire on you before you know your squad has been decimated.

Your squad doesn't consider the surrendered as a viable target anymore, because, the surrendered can't be targeted or shot. That being said, your squad approaches the surrendered without a care in the world, they have no need to be cautious or suspicious, because, they haven't been coded to be "Situation-ally Aware" to lookout for the possibility of an enemy deception. So..., while taking their "eyes off the prize" they start scanning the battlefield for active target's to engage during their travel time, as they near the leg of their journey the computer A.I. throws down the "Fire the First Shot at the Close and Unsuspecting" card on the Battlefield Map game table. Later on, In the barracks, I have to change the "This many __ casualty free days" chart to a "Zero".

In the real world, you command the surrendered to drop their weapons, to come out into the open with their hands up, no one, in their right mind, would ever break cover and expose themselves to a direct line of fire from an unseen enemy or enemy's waving a "White Flag of Surrender" flag.

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