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Squad leader continues to get pounded. What a shame.

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The Adrenaline vault has released it's review of Hasbros Squad leader.

It didn't do very well.


You know whats really funny is, CGO doesn't even list it's review of sqaud leader under the "WAR" category.

It's listed under "stradegy".

Now thats a real blow.

To bad, really.



The counter-revolution,

people smilling through their tears.

Who can give them back their lives, and all those wasted years.

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I have been saying all along that all the ASL fans out there outta flood Hasbro with some serious hate mail. If everyone voiced together they just might sit up and listen.

It still angers me that Hasbro takes a lucrative and respected liscense and churns out puke with it. I'm no great ASL fan, nor have I ever played it, but I know the weight that the name carries in the Wargamming community, and now it's marred.

It's been said many, many times on here, but I don't think it can be said enough,there are very few companies like BTS...companies who are willing to listen to the gamers, get their feedback and when found to be sound and sensible apply those requests. what better relationship could you have with your customers?!! What better way to insure a loyal fan base?!! It's so damn simple I just don't get why other companies are so stupid. Hasbro could learn a lesson from some of the smaller guys out there.

Long Live BTS!


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Wrote Hasbro hate mail congratulating them on single-handedly destroying the board wargame hobby after they took over Avalon Hill and fired all the staff. They tossed me back some flippant response thanking me for my interest and telling me that the quality of games released by Avalon Hill would be the same.

I also wrote them hate mail after they fired all the staff and shutdown the studio that produced Falcon 4.0 congratulating them on seriously damaging the future of good combat flight sims. They tossed me back a similar response.

After studying them for awhile, I've come to the conclusion that a letter writing campaign would be pretty useless. Because they are so large and diverse, they really don't care about their customers or employees. The only things they care about is their bottomline and their stockholders. So, unless you can threaten their Pokemon, Magic the Gathering, Mr. Potatohead, or Furby profits, your chances of getting their attention are pretty slim.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Pattison (edited 12-01-2000).]

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SL was one game I played a lot of in the seventies, focusing mostly on the Russian front scenarios (Iron Cross). It was such a fine tactical game that incorporated many innovative features at the time, like morale, leadership, weapon breakdowns. No tactical wargame of WWII even came close to SL back then.

Now, the title has been prostituted to this 'Johnny-writes-home-to-Betty-Boop-in-between-killing-Germans' fiasco. What a shame to the name of Avalon Hill as well.

And to think, that once, way back in the sixties and seventies, Hasbro made a real fine G.I. Joe ... rolleyes.gif


Best regards,

Greg Leon Guerrero

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The best way people can fight back against the Hasborg is simply not to buy their products. Once no-one is buying their computer games, hopefully they'll sell off the "unprofitable" properties like ASL, etc. There is hope, as that very same thing happened to Mattel, who are bailing out of the computer game biz. The bottom line is that kiddie toy companies are clueless about making products for adults, and should stick with Barbie and Chutes -n- Ladders..


Ob's stürmt oder schneit, ob die Sonne uns lacht, der Tag glühend heiß oder eiskalt die Nacht, bestaubt sind die Gesichter, doch froh ist unser sinn, ja unser sinn, es braust unser Panzer im Sturmwind dahin

-- Panzerlied

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There are millions of kids brainwashed onthis Pokeman crap ... (I refuse to purchase mine anything to do with it or wrestling (WWF ECW whathaveyou))

But our community boycotting hasbro will no more get there attention than losing .01% of their brainwashed pokeman crowd.



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The future lies in the markte, the customers and the company.... little, independent companies like BTS - aaaaaand, the produst.

Hasbro does like they want to do - it´s our decision to buy or not to buy.

I´m happy, that Falcon 4.0 still lives - without Hasbro.

Greetings from Germany


P.S. The bigger the company, the less good is service and individuel consulting for the customer - this is my experience.

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Okay....I gotta stop you guys.

I got a beta of this game to review before I left The Wargamer and it was terrible. So much so, that my system (a fairly new Dell) couldn't run the game long enough for me to get through one scenario. So, yes the game stinks on ice.

However, it's uninformed morons, like the people at Adrenaline Vault, and elsewhere that think this is the official computer port of ASL. As a fan of ASL I was originally really ticked about the prospect because ASL is so good as a board game. Besides, any code to model the massive rulebook would take 20 years to code....not to mention an AI that can understand the rules...

I e-mailed the developers and asked them during my review if it was in fact an ASL port. I got an emphatic no. To which I replied, "how come almost every site on the internet mentions that this game is related to the board game in some way." They told me that they had no idea people where posting that information and that it simply isn't true.

So, long story short, it isn't the developer's fault. Hasbro made the call on the name, and that was their stupid call and their deceptive advertising, not the developers of the game.

Believe me, I was mad too, but after talking to them for a bit, I found out that the online reviewing people made more of the game than there actually was.

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