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Suggestion -- Pbem pregame info screen

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I suggest we have an automatic text file or in-game briefing describing the parameters of a quick battle for pbem games.

For example, information such as tree density, map type, month, year, force types, and so on.

Let's not turn this into a 100 page debate.

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That is a great idea. I had a PBEM where all I was told was that it was a 1500 point QB even though I asked for details. I picked forces for a standard meeting engagement only to find I was assaulting a village with very hilly terrain. My VT artillery isn't much good against infantry hiding in buildings.

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Everyone seems to support my idea.

It makes sense in the interest of fairness, that both parties have a solid measure of what the conditions are.

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In my oh so humble opinion...I would like to see this new feature too as it would give people an added sense of security when playing a total stranger. Not only that but it would be nice to save as a text file so when writing your AAR's, you could cut and paste onto that as your intro to the battle.

Of course, this is just my oh so humble opinion...And may I just conclude by saying that this is one hell of a game.


Youth is wasted on the young.

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