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Ok. This is a start, to all you lazy sons of your mothers, you can click here https://www.dropbox.com/s/19x1eqh7trp3ld4/Lions of Kandahar.epub?dl=0 - and open it I guess on an iOS device, or maybe covert to pdf ? Let me know. I think, if you love desert, heat, guns and special forces... its a nice read. Can you help me make a couple of scenarios out of this... and MAYBE if worth the while, join the scenarios into a campaign. 


For some online google search and details about the battle(s) see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Panjwaii 


Thanks ladies.



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I won't be able to look at your map until later mate, but welcome to the designer collective. If you want your force mounted in pickups (higher seating than humvees but a single bullet can knock them out) or in GAZ jeeps, go to Mission tab in the editor, select Data and then flip to RED vs RED. That will let you cherry pick from their force set for BLUE: vehicles, friendly civilians etc.

If you get an unwanted unit HQ along with your specialist vehicles, you can label it a Reinforcement "group 7" and set that group arrival time for after the scenario ends. 

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Ok so I've had a skim read ... I can't see enough here to make more than a single mission, which would be the action(s) at Sperwan Ghar between 05 and 10 September.  A campaign wouldn't work because these actions take place over the same piece of ground meaning that your map would either show no damage from mission to mission or you would be forced to guess at the level of damage - neither approach really works.

If I was to do this I would just cram the elements of the 05-10 September battles described from Chapter 15 onwards into a single long mission.  Something like assault the hill and capture the schoolhouse, absorb the counterattacks and then possibly push out to the North.

It is certainly doable but will require some serious thought about how to make it work while retaining the essence of the real life battle.  Potential issues I see are:

Blue casualties - how to manage them and score them.

Vulnerability of vehicles.

Structuring Red VPs and objectives given that Red secure objectives don't work due to a bug.

Creating the map - I reckon you need a 1680m x 2150m map and as I'm currently three months into a map of similar dimensions, I can tell you that will be an epic job (however I do have a kmz I can flick you of the area - see image below).

Sperwan Ghar.jpg

Putting together the AI for the Taliban counterattacks - in particular the sequencing of them.

However I think it would be a fun and challenging mission if you can pull it off.

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Holy S @Combatintman you're really good at this.. thus far - and don't laugh at me - I had a go at the editor and made an extremely simple scenario depicting ODA travel by their ole bettie humvee to Firebase Maholic encountering some small resistance and Harresment along the way. It's a 'tiny' take , but it's for me to get my bearings right and play with it. I'm going to dropbox link it tonight.


its a nice battle eh ? I fell in love with that 'region' and the story gives u a sense of 'being right there' 

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He really is isn't he.  ;)

@borg  Please PM me the DB link too, I'm interested to see where you are going with this.  B)

@Combatintman  Are those terraced fields we're looking at in the .kmz?  Most of the Afghan maps I've seen (other than your own and one or two in CM:A) singularly fail to capture the sheer verticality of large parts of the country.


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I'm looking at the area on GE now, the feature you are describing looks like a very neat oval to me, but according to the measuring tool it's closer to a circular shape, approximately 15.35m in diameter.....Possibly a cistern or similar?

Scrolling right down to ground level reveals the fields are not terraced, rather they lie on a gently undulating plain, overlooked by the circular feature which sits atop a small mound:


Ground level view from the west.

Here's an assosciated photo from an area to the south-west:


If the mound just to the right of centre in this photo is the same feature depicted above, Google need to get the vertical scale sorted sharpish!  ;)

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Combatintman is probably the guy most able to interpret these images, I'm just an interested onlooker really.  I'd guess the entire area is considered a 'Green-Zone' in the sense of a flat-land irrigated agricultural area. 

If you happen to have the (really very inexpensive) CM:A, the manual has a decent overall description of various areas of Afghanistan.  ;)

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@borgand @Sgt.Squareheadwhile I have flown into Kandahar more times than I can care to remember, my knowledge of the ground in this area is not first hand but to answer some questions.

The hole in the top of the mound is not a volcano - it is too small, it is described in the book as possibly a well - whatever it is, for map making purposes it is either going to be a 2 x 2 AS area that is lower by about 1-2m than the tiles around it.

The fields are not terraced, they are not common in Helmand or this part of Kandahar provinces but they are more common towards the East.

The buildings are pretty typical of those that I've seen in Kandahar, Helmand and Uruzgan Provinces (I should get a better travel agent) so yes there is a mix of isolated single storey buildings, isolated compounds and more complex groups of compounds.  If  you want to know how to make them just crack open any of my Afghan scenarios.  The pain with compounds is that generally you have to accept compromises on the area they occupy on the CMSF map versus the real map. The more I make maps the less inclined I am to bang my head on the screen - so I will fudge things quite happily.

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2 minutes ago, Combatintman said:

The pain with compounds is that generally you have to accept compromises on the area they occupy on the CMSF map versus the real map. The more I make maps the less inclined I am to bang my head on the screen - so I will fudge things quite happily.

I'm learning exactly this with my small section of Mosul, I can't make it exact, but reasonably close should do the job from a gaming perspective.

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My general rule is to get the big stuff right and don't sweat the small stuff. So I aim at road junctions being in the right place, the road net looking about right and then I fit the buildings in between.  For this area, I would focus on getting Sperwan Ghar and associated compound rights, get the road/track net about right and the borders of the green zone/desert and then fit everything else around that in as close to the right position as is feasible.

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On 5/10/2017 at 10:38 AM, borg said:

Wilco @Sgt.Squarehead

moreover, is that a crater / volcano I see bang in the middle of sperwan ghar ? It looks like it when I zoom high mag on laptop 

It was a hill the Russians built up when they were there.  The Canadian's occupied it as a FOB as you can see it is the high ground.  The circle, if I remember from my time there was a weapon pit for Artillery or perhaps a tank.  Anything west of that FOB was called the bad lands, if you were looking for a fight just travel west for a bit you would find it, but that was all after OP MEDUSA.  There are several similar mounds the Russians built while they were in the area, we mostly avoided them as they were heavily mined by the Taliban, as well there were/are Russian legacy minefields in the area to the North of the AO but we never took any chances, Engineers were invaluable and were on every patrol, there were never enough of them.

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