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Underwater running


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I'm currently playing the "Cry Havoc!" battle in CMBS, which pits U.S. vs. RUS. 

To my surprise and disappointment, I was able to order one of my squads to cross a section of river that was about 25 feet deep. The squad traversed the river section by running at full speed at the bottom of the river. They were submerged for about 45 seconds. This looked terrible. 

Any plans for Battlefront to fix this? Options are to remove the ability for infantry men to traverse bodies of water greater than ~5 feet deep (so that characters' heads aren't submerged), or to add new swimming animations. 

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I can't attach the .brz file because it's too big. But the issue is encountered immediately in the Cry Havoc! mission (for those players who decide to send units across the river). Must have been a mistake by the map developers (putting in a deep water tile at a river crossing point). Oh well, not a huge deal, and definitely not a game breaker. 

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This is a map design issue to some degree, as the TacAI doesn't really have a concept of water depth, just tiles that are go / no-go.  On this map, single tile-wide shallow fords are bounded on either side by deep water tiles and deep fords are just one tile wide, causing issues where the elevation smoothing pulls down the edges of the ford tile toward the deeper water, especially where the ford tiles cross at a diagonal and increase the effect because sometimes more than two edges of the tile need to transition to deep water.  The problem is not totally avoidable, but it is better to transition from shallow ford to deep ford and then to deep water, and to make deep fords more than one tile wide.

Edited by akd
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