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BTS Award Ceremony

Guest Seimerst

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Guest Seimerst

"Forum, Atten-SHUN!!!

"Steve and Charles, Front and Center"

"To all who shall see these presents, greetings. Be it known that Steve and Charles of BTS have distinguished themselves by exceptionally meritorious service in the concept, design, execution, and prodution of the most revolutionary, ultra-realistic, fully 3-D, simulation of tactical combat of World War II. The fact that they have done this without the financial backing of tradional game publishing giants and with the support of their families and friends at considerable sacrifice of their time and treasure only further highlights their unselfish dedication to the legion of gaming fans that have formed the army in attendance. Therefore it is only fitting and right that they be presented with the Grand Order of Design Perfection And The Star of Lost Sleep for their awesome creation of Combat Mission and the timely demonstration of this masterpiece's potentional to enchant, entertain, and educate thousands of gamers with the posting the the gold demo of the soon to be released epic simulation."

<bestowing both with the decorations>

"Forum, Preeeesent-HARMS"


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Guest tom w


Nicely Done

Thats the kind of post that could VERY easily be used as a "reveiw" for promotion purposes.

with the permission of the author we should all feel free to take that Award Presentation Post and send it far and wide to every war game mag and newsgroup we know of on the internet.

Seimerst. do you mind? can we all repost this EVERYWHERE!

ITs truly reflective of a monumental effort and a bold new model in video war gaming. NOW lets TELL the rest of the world!

-tom w


<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>"Remember that no bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country."

G. S. Patton <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

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Why is it that since yesterday I expect every major gaming site to have a really BIG feature on this superb game on their site, yet can't seem to find any? frown.gif

THIS IS A RETHORICAL QUESTION! I KNOW THE ANSWER, so let's not go into that again! It's just a bit (well, a lot really) wishful and highly deserved thinking.

Thanks Steve, Charles and all others who have cooperated in creating this stunning game! smile.gif

[This message has been edited by Juju (edited 05-11-2000).]

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I am sorry abouting shooting the hostage during the Board Riot.

It WAS for a good cause, and the victim will be interred with full military honors. The victim's name is being withheld pending notification of next of kin.

I am VERY pleased with the Gold but have still not finished my first go at the Valley, so I am not reading a lot of the posts. Thanks to all posting spoiler warnings!

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Guest Big Time Software


Actually I think the main reason that game sites aren't buzzing about CM is that the E3 game trade show has just started, and all eyes are on that.

But if you guys start writing on forums across the net, posting to usenet, emailing game editors and reviewers, it will help spread the word. Thanks!


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Guest Big Time Software

Hi Mike,

Isn't it funny that you say that? smile.gif I mean, when the Beta Demo came out, rough edges excepted, it was even then held up as the best wargame ever by the vast majority of posters here and elsewhere. And now... it is like the bastard child smile.gif And we totally agree! The extra time in the oven was not wasted.


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Above and beyond the call of duty, that’s what this game is….. How may years ago did I see this start with the thousands of ideas and suggestions and you seemed to fulfil them all. Steve and Charles you guys did a fantastic job.

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The extra time in the oven has put CM well ahead of anything out there and probably ahead of anything that will come along in the next few years...except CMII! smile.gif

I keep noticing 'little' things in The GD that wouldn't sound like much at first but once you experience it...WOW it adds alot! for example...Some of the new sounds! Men yelling "Hit the dirt!" and "Incoming" during barrages. It feels like I have men giving me feedback when we try and sneak through the woods..."Quiet" and "Yes Sargeant" I found myself ducking down during incoming fire.

The background or ambient sounds are wonderful. I especially like that they keep playing during the orders phase. There is so much to this game that I feel I'll be discovering new aspects of it for some time to come.

There are really no words to express the feeling a well done, fun and exciting game can bring to a person. You at BTS have created something that draws your whole being into a differnt time and reality and you forget where you are while you play. That is the pinnacle of what games should stive to do. YOU have brought us that and I thank you for your time and your attitude towards your listeners and players. Your devotion shows in your product and if other game producers could take even a small portion of what BTS does for it's customers and learns from it the gaming world would be a much better, happier place.

Thanks again

[This message has been edited by Danno (edited 05-11-2000).]

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I agree, outstanding job, guys! And I love the sound of artillery!

Very...uhm...impacting kind of sound, really makes you take notice. smile.gif

I assume the big stuff will have an even more thunderous noise when

it comes crashing down. Looking forward to hearing that in the full

version. smile.gif

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Guest Seimerst

Of course is permission granted-- anything to promote CM into the gaming public. I agree-- I have been contacting as many gaming sites as I know to let their webmasters know about the demo being out.

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