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Road to Odessa DAR


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1 hour ago, HerrTom said:

I'd love to upgrade myself. The improvements seem pretty cool, but I don't want to force my opponent to upgrade and I'm not sure what will happen if we upgrade in the middle of a game.

When my opponent and I upgraded to 4.0 in a PBEM, we got two turns of weird smoke that looked like explosions then everything straightened itself out. All other features worked fine.

Your opponent doesn't seem to be making much use of area fire, which is probably the BMP-3's greatest strength. Does he have any dismounts spotting?

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1 minute ago, Chudacabra said:

When my opponent and I upgraded to 4.0 in a PBEM, we got two turns of weird smoke that looked like explosions then everything straightened itself out. All other features worked fine.

Your opponent doesn't seem to be making much use of area fire, which is probably the BMP-3's greatest strength. Does he have any dismounts spotting?

May be worth trying, then.

I haven't seen any dismounts, even from the vehicles I've knocked out.  They may be well hidden or disrupted by the artillery fire I'm dropping on the orchard.  I have one battery on harassing HE fire, and just ordered my other battery to fire in a short, heavy airburst barrage in the forward edge of the orchard.  Any squishies accompanying the BMP-3s are going to have a bad day in a few minutes.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Things just got real.  My forward units have spotted parts of the Russian follow-on force.  And it's not good.


The view from the last Ukranian tank's position on the southern side of the crossing.  You're gonna need a bigger boat.


The brave tanker fires a shell that impacts harmlessly on a T-72's ERA.  Time to get the hell out of Dodge.


It's menacing.


Even more so from the air...

And now for the situation:


I've detached the Shturms from 4th platoon and moved them to some ditches north of the crossing.  They should have a nice commanding view of anything crossing the bridges or attempting to reach the town.  My remaining troops south of the canal will interdict the incoming Russian assault and give me some time to orientate myself to meet their attack.  It may mean moving 3rd platoon out of their trenches, letting the incoming companies take those positions as they come in.  The final brave tank on the south side of the canal is going to move into cover of the trees along the main canal, hopefully able to take some Russian forces by surprise.

The Russian estimated battalion is moving into the orchard, which is good for me.  In two minutes, I'm dropping a full battery of 152mm shells on it as fast as they can load them.  Russian artillery is landing air bursts over the bridge, catching the last element of the retreating Razvedka in the open.  So far 3 are dead.  Russian direct fire has also taken its toll, knocking out an ATGM site and injuring the men defending the ford.

For now, it seems we must make like an anvil and wait for the hammer.  This is going to be a long 15 minutes before 2nd company arrives...

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On 1/7/2017 at 7:58 PM, VladimirTarasov said:

2nd company might get caught on the open field, you need to make sure he doesn't destroy your defensive line across the bride. Those Shturms will cause some damage. 

Indeed.  The bridge really is the weak point, but I'm not sure if my opponent sees this yet.  It is not very defensible, so I am stuck with a dug-in tank and what remains of the recon squad in trenches across the bridge, and another tank and BMP in the woods, hopefully able to provide some defilade on any would-be crossing.  My real ammunition is going to be the artillery and TRPs on the bridge, and that I mined one lane, which should interdict any Russian elements attempting to cross the bridge.



My Shturms overlook the open field, ready to engage any tanks that attempt to come over the bridge.


One of 3rd platoon's BMPs covers the canal ford while remains of 1st platoon retreat into the village.


4th platoon's last tank south of the canal takes position to flank Russian forces advancing into Malooleksandrivka.


Another view of the gigantic Russian force advancing on my positions.


Overall, not a super eventful minute.  My men took some injuries from HE fire, but that's about it.  The Russian commander appears to be moving much more deliberately.  I'm assuming this is because of the losses I inflicted using my ATGM teams.  So that bit worked.  Hopefully my brave "volunteers" left in Malooleksandrivka can further interdict the Russian forces and slow them down to the point I can lock down the crossings with what I have left of 1st company.

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22 hours ago, HerrTom said:

Indeed.  The bridge really is the weak point, but I'm not sure if my opponent sees this yet.  It is not very defensible...


Perhaps you're made of sterner stuff than me, but I'd be trying to pull back those remaining forward units out and across the water obstacle already, preferably behind a smokescreen. Even if its tempting to keep them forward to track the enemy and act as a speed bump, every rifle counts on your side of the river at this point.

You mentioned you have a TRP on the bridge if I read that correctly, I'd put it under fire immediately and on a harassing rate of fire - the BMP-3s might be amphibious but his MBTs are not, so that defile is easy to interdict. At this point seperating his infantry mounts from his tanks would be really ideal for you, because you could just pull back into the town and frustrate attempts to fire cross-river.

I'm probably reading the situation wrong. Loving this AAR though.

Edited by Rinaldi
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2 minutes ago, Rinaldi said:

Perhaps you're made of sterner stuff than me, but I'd be trying to pull back those remaining forward units out and across the water obstacle already, preferably behind a smokescreen.

You mentioned you have a TRP on the bridge if I read that correctly, I'd put it under fire immediately and on a harassing rate of fire - the BMP-3s might be amphibious but his MBTs are not, so that defile is easy to interdict. At this point seperating his infantry mounts from his tanks would be really ideal for you, because you could just pull back into the town and frustrate attempts to fire cross-river.

I'm probably reading the situation wrong. Loving this AAR though.

Maybe, maybe not.  Haha.  I'm not sure if I'm making a terrible mistake or not by staying across the canal.  I know for sure that the Russian MRB is more than capable of dislodging my depleted company from the river, so I'm hedging on my brave "volunteers" to distract the Russian force long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

There is also a ford crossing just south of Pryvitnoe that offers a more covered approach across the canal, but offers a risk of bogging and close-range ambushes.  The Russian forces aren't in danger of crossing the bridge yet, but if they make a push in earnest that I don't think I can repel I'm going to blow it with artillery and move to focus my defence on the ford.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi everyone, sorry for the big fat delay! My buddy went on a trip and I just got hired (finally)!

On 1/11/2017 at 2:22 PM, Chudacabra said:

When do your reinforcements arrive? They are all BMP-2's and T-64's, correct?

Yup, all BMP-2s and T-64s.  2nd company should be coming sometime around 0820, and 3rd company around 0840... if we last that long.  I'm down to a (fairly heavily) reinforced platoon in the town at the ford, more or less.



Russian forces continue to advance on the tattered remains of 1st and 2nd platoons.


An ATGM team creeps onto a woodline, ready to bring some hurt to the Russian invaders!


All of the scout platoon is now entrenched across the bridge, except for 2 of the BRM-1s, which are stuck hiding behind buildings in Maloolekasndrivka.


A Russian T-72 fires on some dismounted crew hiding in the woods.


The creeping ATGM team manages to land a Konkurs on a T-72's flank, knocking it out!  The trench team manages to fire an RPG at a T-72 at close range which is eaten by ERA and is subsequently raked with 125- and 30 mm cannon fire.


One of the BRMs fires a round at a BMP-3, which goes high and smashes harmlessly into the ground.  Thankfully, the crew doesn't seem to notice.  Must be the stealthy low-pressure guns.


The crew doesn't make the same mistake twice.  The second shot slams into the BMP, detonating its ammo stores, leaving an impressive crater below the vehicle.


The volunteers left in Malooleksandrivka fire an RPG-26 at a passing T-72.  It, too, is eaten by ERA.  Thankfully, it seems they've gone unnoticed by the platoon of armoured vehicles surrounding them.


Finally, the map.  I've taken the recon platoon's command BMP, as well as the BMP from the company command team and one from 3rd platoon and moved them to cover the ford crossing.  The third tank from 4th platoon is also on its way to help cover that avenue of approach, since it seems the Russians are already at the canal there.  I'm hoping I can delay them the 10 minutes I need at the chokepoints, but I'm getting doubtful.

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2 minutes ago, Rinaldi said:

A kill with the 73mm is a moral victory in and of itself, if its any consolation. Very glad to see this AAR hasn't died.

Indeed.  I had done some research on the 73mm, and it turns out it scared the pants off US planners when they figured out how effective the HEAT round was.  Until better armour turned up, it was a game of keep BMP-1s more than 500 meters away, or you're in trouble.  Thankfully, they can't hit anything further away than that anyway!

Thanks, I'm also glad it hasn't died.  I'm determined to fight this through to the bitter (I'm sure of it) end!

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Glad you're back! Things look like they're really heating up! I'm very excited/curious to see how the Russians execute the river crossing. Even with all of that firepower, its going to be a tough maneuver. Also curious to see how well the Ukrainians do at defending both the river crossing itself, and how long they can hold if/when the Russians force the crossing. 

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I'm hoping I can force him to commit his forces piecemeal across the bridge (which is easier) and also on the ford (much, much harder).  He may pull up on the opposite bank and just slaughter me at the ford.  If it gets too hot, I'm pulling my troops back so I can hit him with artillery.  I've been saving up my fire support so I can really rain it down on him when I need it.

"Artillery brings dignity to what would otherwise be a vulgar brawl."

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Apologies for the delay!  I'm still getting used to not being unemployed :P 



One of 4th platoon's tanks drives along the forested road leading to the ford crossing.  Hopefully he can get there in time for the impending Russian crossing.


Echoes of gunfire reach the T-64 commander.  One of the BMPs defending the canal crossing gets nailed by a hidden BMP-3.


Further explosions echo from behind him as the remaining T-64 at the bridge eliminates a BMP-3.  A second one appears to the right at the close of the minute. Hopefully our brave commander will spot it and destroy it, too.


As promised, the hidden T-64 next to the north/south canal catches a T-72 unawares.  The shot enters straight under the turret, igniting the carousel and sympathetically detonating the stored ammunition in the carousel.  There are no survivors.


Another group of vehicles crosses the field in front of the tank.  He takes aim at a T-72, saving the thin-skinned BMP-3s for later.  Hopefully his shooting is as good as the last tank.  We'll see in the next minute.


A PG-7VR flies over one of the T-72s.  They remain hidden for a few seconds, before an accompanying BMP lays into the house they're hiding in.  2nd platoon is pretty much ineffective now, so I've removed them from the map.


My primary concern right now is the ford.  It's not nearly as defensible as the bridge.  I've some mines along the footpath leading to the crossing, but I doubt they're enough.  That T-64 is probably going to be the biggest obstacle I can place there.  Range is also relatively short - 50 meters.  I have almost 3 squads from a couple of different platoons in place on the crossing.  They're armed with RPG-7s and some disposable -22s and -26s.  I doubt they're going to be particularly effective, but the close range engagement could be the advantage I need.  BMP-2s have some serious spotting problems, so I doubt the remaining one on the crossing will prove much help - I plan on relying on area fire with it to suppress enemy infantry.

I have an artillery barrage en route for the forest around the crossing off of a TRP.  Hopefully it won't land on my troops, and if it does, hopefully it lands more on the enemy!

I'm not too concerned about the bridge right now.  The two tanks and dug-in infantry have been doing a pretty good job at holding it down so far, and if they get in trouble, they can pull back and let the Shturms cover the area while I blow the bridge with artillery.  There's also a fairly heavy minefield around the bridge which may block or slow the Russian advance.

(As a side note - I really wish I could move some of the post-processing shaders I'm running back in the rendering order!  I'm content with how they look (for the most part) except for the damned ambient occlusion pass.  Anything transparent - smoke, windows, and trees(!?) at close range get the AO rendered through them - since they're not in the depth buffer (because they're transparent and get rendered over everything).  Perhaps that's my wish for any CM update - a native AO shader, or opening up the shaders in-game so we can tinker with them...

And as a second side note - anyone have any advice?  I have almost ten minutes until another paltry company arrives.  Can anyone think of any dirty tricks I can pull to slow the Russians down?

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First the BRM gets a kill now the T-64 manages to do something without turning into a Burning Man. I'm impressed. Keep it up. I think at the knife fighting range around the ford you'll nullify the vast majority of the Russian's advantadges. They'll have to stop for artillery - and even that short pause plays into your hand, as you're buying time.

What do you intend to do when reinforcements arrive, move to counterattack penetrations or reinforce the line and occupy the town? 

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7 hours ago, Rinaldi said:

First the BRM gets a kill now the T-64 manages to do something without turning into a Burning Man. I'm impressed. Keep it up. I think at the knife fighting range around the ford you'll nullify the vast majority of the Russian's advantadges. They'll have to stop for artillery - and even that short pause plays into your hand, as you're buying time.

What do you intend to do when reinforcements arrive, move to counterattack penetrations or reinforce the line and occupy the town? 

I think the trick with T-64s is to turn out the commander. He seems to get a better view from outside than through the periscope. I also have a feeling he gets a close range spotting advantage over vehicles with better optics die to the higher field of view, but I can't be sure.

The BRM on the other hand was probably just lucky!

2 Company will be moving to occupy the town primarily. The tanks will form a QRF to stymie any clever Russian activity.

I have a sinking feeling that 3rd company will arrive too late and might be only capable of contesting the crossing. They will move into the trenches that the Shturms are currently occupying.

In other news, a pair of Su-24s call sign "Grach" have taken off from near Kiev. Seems extant AA has kept Russian interceptors at bay... For now. At this rate their primary task will be to blow the bridge and get the hell out of Dodge.

Edited by HerrTom
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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, HerrTom said:

It's been 2 weeks and I haven't really heard anything about this game from my buddy.  I'm afraid it may be dead.  Plus side is that I'll finally get to upgrade to v4...

Sorry everyone, I was just as excited to see how it plays out!

Ah shucks. Do you plan on releasing this as a scenario?

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