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I've seen 3 platoon HQs, 1 company HQ, and then another platoon HQ, one after another, all come up to about 5 meters of one of my Shermans on CE, all trying to knock out that tank, and all getting mowed down. Forward, the Light Brigade! The AI sure blundered.


There is nothing certain about war except that one side won't win.

-Ian Hamilton 1920

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Guest GriffinCheng

S P I O L E R - A L E R T!!!

I have seen a Sheran 105 registers a Panther kill without firing any shaped-charge (still have 5c) Appearently, a HE shell manage to hit a weak point in the front hull (turret ring?).

Griffin @ work.

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A little itsy-bitsy explosion that could only have been a 60mm mortar shell disable the gun on my Tiger. Ever since, my philosophy on the proper use of artillery vs. armor is to just shell 'em and see what happens.

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(VoT spoiler)

1. Watching the third shell of a 105 barrage hit dead center on my 75mm bunker frown.gif

2. Watching 4 cocky Shermans suddenly pop smoke and slam into reverse when a lone Panther crests the ridge smile.gif

3. Watching a squad of US infantry rush a badly beaten squad of mine - only to step on the AP mines directly in front of the foxhole. By the time they got it sorted out, the mines and MG crossfire converted the full squad to 3 broken survivors (took about 5-6 seconds!) ALL without direct orders from me...Amazing!

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I had a Sherman 105 become immobilized by the AT pillbox at the very end of the turn. I figured that it would be toast at the beginning of the next turn, but it had rolled downhill after being struck. It was out of LOS to the AT pillbox, but was lined up for a perfect shot against one of the concrete MG pillboxes. No other game could ever model anything like that.

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Guest Madmatt

<BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by KwazyDog:

Ive seen a greyhound kill a Pz IV and 2 stugs within 20 secs wink.gif<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Umm, for the record The Mark IV got taken out by a Hull Down Sherman! wink.gif

Excerpt taken from Current Ongoing Operation

Codename: BLOODLUST (Specific details have been changed to maintain FOW)

I have seen a duet of trucks towing AT guns setup on a small gully beside a road and wait for an obnoxious Stuart off on the flank to edge forward. A direct fired HE round spooked the first crew and they ran off to cower into the woods. As the second gun came forward it's transport truck was riddled with MG bullets and the driver abandoned. Facing a maelstrom of direct HE and MG fire the gun crew ignored the flying steel and shrapnel and took their time to unlimber their piece and bring it about. The Stuart, sensing imminent victory perhaps, edged just forward enough to be greeted by an Armor Piercing shell as it slammed through the Stuarts tiny turret decapitating the Tank Commander and setting the stricken beast ablaze. The frenzied screams of the trapped crew could be heard across the chaos of the battlefield and served as a sweet lullaby to the Gun crewed who returned to their grim task.

This Operation was only just beginning and the Butcher had yet to have his fill....


Best thread in a LONG TIME! biggrin.gif


If it's in Combat Mission, it's on Combat Mission HQ!

CMHQ-Annex, The Alternative side of Combat Mission

Combat Mission HQ


Proud members of the Combat Mission WebRing

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In CE the Axis smoked the area at the two farmhouses, all my 4 remaining Shermans were firing like maddogs into the forests, to stop the approaching german infantery. In the scattered tree line in front of the two wheatfields were an US Infantry-Platoon in cover. Suddenly, the german arty stopped shooting smoke, but begann shooting HE_shells to the covered Platoon, that they were forced to run into the smoke!!!! - Wow!!

In VOT the Panther came down the hill, i tried to make a trap with two Sherms (one with 76mm) and a bazooka. The Panther took out the 76 Sherm in a dictance of 20m (the Sherman immediatly began to withdraw and using his smoke-mortar, the second Sherm lost LOS - oh, my good, what to do now???

I forgotten a third Sherman standing infront of the church, he shot at the Panther, damaging the Panthers gun - the Panther rotated his frontarmor to this "forgotten Sherman" and was killed by the bazooka.

I´m really impressed by the AI, by this great game!!!!

Greetings to all


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I played VoT again as Germans last night, looking forward to another easy victory. I setup my deployment almost identical to my last game, and planned the same ambushes that worked so well before.

Lo and behold! This time the US attack works significantly better! I watch as my ambush kicks off without a hitch, but falters as the US pulls back and starts in from an entirely different direction. To add insult to injury, the US brings down a massive artillery attack on the now exposed platoon. My bunker kills off the two 105 Shermans, and one reinforcing Sherman before biting the dust. Many long minutes pass as the Shermans pound the living heck out of my positions.

My Panther G only kills one more before taking a flank shot (LOS fluke, but I reviewed multiple times and it was legitimate) and getting knocked out. A brave Panzershreck team kills another, stalling the armored thrust (not that I told them to fire or anything!). I end up with an Axis Minor victory and a greater appreciation for the game.


John Wright

… by the way, just because that Sherman just looks like a big US symbol does NOT mean they can’t see you!

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I've seen three men of a German Platoon HQ ambush and wipe out 2 full-strength US squads in three turns.

War has never been this much fun! smile.gif


"Grab your weapons, get up and fight!"

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Here's my favorite that - literally - kicked me off my chair: I locked view to a Sherman advancing downhill through a road in the Normandy, dense "bocage" hedgerows on both sides. Ahead was a sharp curve, so I had ordered the Sherman to stop a few meters before and provide cover to allow my infantry to dismount from their trucks and take the lead. Still locked to the Sherman view, I suddenly heard the WWWWHHHOOOPPP of an incoming artillery round. Uh oh... just as I wanted to go to a different view level, the Sherman burst into flames in an unbelievably loud CRASH and the screen was shaking so much, I thought the monitor would follow me onto the floor. It was the very first round of an artillery barrage some German FO must have directed at me while hiding in the hedgerows. What a lucky shot, but I really felt like having been knocked out of the turret. Oh... by the way - no survivors in the Sherman... frown.gif

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"Beastly Beastly Luck!"

a. Germany

First shot from a Sherman 105 plonks straight through the AT bunker slit - "Goodnight all"

Panther selection (played 3 lost 3):

1. main gun damaged by first shot - "Au revoir et bon chance mes amis"

2. abandoned during arty bombardment - "You rang?"

3. shot trap kill by first shot - "Right lads let's kick some ... whaddahfuh!"

The wonderful products of Assorted Artillery Annihilations Inc., "what happened ?"

b. US

Bunker Blues including

Uberbunker - 6 tanks for no wickets. "There's something wrong with our bloody tanks today!"

Marmelized by Machine Guns - "OK everyone arrange yourselves on the barbed wire before I count to 10"

Infantry Gun apocalypses - "How did Pete get up there?"


- Get your lucky rabbits foot here

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While the Panther in VOT was engaging my armour in the valley, I had an infantry platoon sneak up the hill through the woods and knock out the Panther with a RIFLE GRENADE. When the crew bailed out an adjacent flamthrower unit light them up. smile.gif

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Guest GriffinCheng

Last nite that Pather was scared by smoke so badly that it ran into my field of 105 oba bombardment. Got immobilised first and then killed by a top penetration. All my Sherman 75 flanking uphill in order to find they have nothing to do.

Griffin @ work

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A veteran US rifle squad reaches the bottom of a small gully NW of Plomville and suddenly receives flanking fire down the gully from a dug-in MG42 at a range of 42m. 2 men are scythed down at once. The others don't even flinch. They immediately return fire, charge, and pelt the MG with at least 8 grenades. The sole surviving German then surrenders, all in less than 20 seconds.

Moral: Momma's wussy babies don't live to be veterans....




WW2 AFV Photos: people.delphi.com/jtweller/tanks/tanks.htm

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You know, this aspect is one of the things that I WANT this game for. I keep reading messages about truly weird/cool things, and I want to see them for myself!


After witnessing exceptional bravery from his Celtic mercenaries, Alexander the Great called them to him and asked if there was anything they feared. They told him nothing, except that the sky might fall on their heads.

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VoT spoilers below




Played my first VoT game as amis against AI. My troops were merrily blazing through the valley with artillery mowing down any opposition. Then the panther appeared on the horizon. My 76mm sherman has just been disabled by the minefield (engineers walked right past the AT-field without noticing it..) and all the other tanks we supporting infantry, so it would take at least a couple of minutes before I could deploy any effective AT measures against the big cat -- I decided to distract it with my 105 arty so infantry at left flank could get to cover. (I was lucky as artillery could be shifted to that point with only little delay.) The barrage had lasted only half a minute as one shell fell right on the turret top of the panther, immediately destroying it with no survivors. I even managed to pause the movie on the frame where the 105 shell is just above the turret -- only to find that my voodoo2 likes to take screenshots only of desktop frown.gif

Another glorious moment was in my second game, this time hotseat as axis. (amis got +25% bonus to compensate my greater knowledge) The battle was not going well as my strongpoints had been destroyed and those extra points meant that amis had quite a few extra infantry squads. My front at the village had crumbled, only a lone 'schreck was hiding by the central crosroads as 2 platoons of fresh enemy infantry and 3 shermans pursued my fleeing troops all around the village. 3 shots from that lone team knocked out those 3 shermans in a pace of 45 seconds, range being well above 100 meters on 2 cases! At that point my reinforcements arrived, so seeing that my opponent was momentarily quite spooked I offered him cease fire, which he accepted.

15 minutes after the end, my minor victory, we both agreed that my opponent would have easily won had he just recovered from the psycological shock -- I was still outnumbered something like 1:3. The FOW is really great thing when you are losing badly and arrogant enough =)


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While fighting Allied troops in the Tall Pines to left in VoT. The Allies Call in artilery. For two rounds 81mm moters rain mostly on ALLIED TROOPS smile.gif

In a different game As Germs again in

Vot The US is kicking my butt... Until the Panther shows up. The Panther totally saves the day. Taking out Three Shermans and ten infantry.

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I remember the lone survivor of a Schreck team in CE. I ordered him to the little rise on the left of the church (from a german POV). A Sherman was positioned behind the church and supported an infantry assault on the wooded hill on my right.

The Obergefreite crawls exactly into a position with his head and arms above the rise, so that he could target the Sherman.

But he was alone and frightened...reloading seemed to never end and suddenly the Sherman got aware of him...

Slowly the turret turns to the unsupported soldier, who really got nervous with the reloading action. Then the first HE shell was fired; 3-4 meters directly over his head!

But he did not hit the ground...he "knews" that he will be dead meat if he does nothing...it's he or me...and he shoots his Schreck (last round).

One second later the Sherman was history...side hull penetration and knocked out!

BTW, the Obergefreite survived this battle against the AI (draw)...and qualified himself for EK1!


[This message has been edited by Fred (edited 05-23-2000).]

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14-Grunt units moving fast over a mine field and taking two loses from VISIBLE explosions.

15-Engineer squad runs up to a mine field in the road and tosses satchels into the minefield, removing the threat. Seconds later the brave engineers were tore up by an MG pillbox. Still the tanks were able to access the town.

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