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AWNT blog going from strength to strength.


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Just a reminder for you to check out the blog if you have a spare min or two. Just recently two war board game reviews, a PC wargame review and a book review have been published. Plus we have three PC games and another board game in the process of being reviewed. Also next week I get hold of the first selection of minifigs for review as United Bricks and Little Legends have sent out some gems for review, so finally can get that section of the blog off the ground. I have five of the major military minifig companies signed up. Regarding book reviews along with Pen and Sword I've just had confirmation Leaping Horseman and Casemate publishing will be letting us review their books. Plus I hope to be able to start up a model kit section in the very near future. Also don't forget all future Combat Mission games will be reviewed.

Oh and look out for some long promised interviews. Have four currently in the pipeline.

Check the "Incoming" section to get a taste of what's coming soon.


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  • 2 weeks later...


Went over there, did and just got back! Read reviews on computer Napoleonics and 30 Years War, Thomas Gunn goodies (first several of impressive Roman legionary figure pics don't expand, which was frustrating),  MiniFig (not the lead miniatures I recall) SWAT review, and, after devouring the first rate David Heath of LnLP interview, immediately reached out to my longtime friend/game designer/business partner to let him know how valuable that article was. I also plan on passing the word about your site among my gaming relations and close friends who aren't CM types.

Yours is a very well done site which is full of wargamer delights. The downside? Now I have to think about the scads of other games and related things you just had to tell me about!


John Kettler


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  • 1 year later...


Have played BA a number of times, and it's driving me crazy with its numerous issues, not least of which is troop mobility relative to reach of MMGs. Pretty bad when a single turn of running is enough to close to rifle range! This creates a simply dreadful crippling effect on the tactical utility of MMGs, since there is so little time in which to engage.

Recently, brother George started talking to me about CoCommand, and it's fair to say I've devoured the training videos. Pretty impressed with the system, but have yet to play it. Intrigued, though, I decided to investigate reviews comparing the two games. That's how I found this well done and balanced review. It further occurs to me TrailApe's wargame blog might be a good addition to your links, if it's not already there. So far, the only times my lovingly painted by him 28 mm Germans have been in battle were those rare occasions in which I got to fight Ed and his frontoviki. Lost four in a row over Christmas but learned much in the process--starting with that it's all in vain when your brother rolls really hot through most of the game. Hard to defend when the MG teams get pulverized. Mind, my entire force was in hard cover and in commnad. When I inquired as to whether he'd sold his soul to get such devastating die rolls over and over again, he came back with a classic lightning quick Ed response: "No. I sold yours. Twice!" 



John Kettler

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  • 1 month later...

Was watching an excellent video from huge in content and quality The Terrain Tutor Channel (sample below) when I found this NSFW gem (language and huge video frames of same, hence no vid posted) in the sidebar. It's a hilarious, clever and thoroughly discussed and shown how-to for making your own gaming table with built-in 32" LCD.

The Terrain Tutor how-to of hedges. SAN loss possible! Ignore keyframe. Brother Ed alerted me to these, and he's now got his wife involved!


John Kettler

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Hadn't been to AWNT in quite some time, and man, is it impressive. The Battle of Skaggerak book was so significant that I notified all three of the principals behind The Admiralty Trilogy's "Fear God and Dread Naught," on of whom happens to be brother Ed another the Larry Bond. That said, I don't understand why the various product reviews (games, books, etc.) include no pricing. Seems to me that would fall under the rubric of "needful" if anything would.


John Kettler

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  • 1 month later...


Here's a FB group you may find of interest. All sorts of interesting battles on land and various water bodies. Don't know the scale, but the buildings sure look nice, and these people are fighting economically, too.

The Paperboys Page



John Kettler

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  • 3 weeks later...


Recently learned a friend of mine, Jim Murphy, who I met shortly after graduating from high school, now has a YT channel devoted to gaming. This is the man who got me into playing original D&D (still plays it on occasion), who played Fast Rules and Tractics, was the maven of Richthofen's War and Circus Maximus (who can forget Flavius Badsportius?). He taught me to play Up Front, played Nuclear War into the wee hours, waged war on the Ogre and was a demon at the board game Formula 1. He crawled around on the carpet with us playing Alien Space. He was a hoplomachus in Gladiator and delighted in playing as the Dwarves or Orcs in various FRPs. Was heartbroken he couldn't get to be an Orc in LOTR. If somebody thought a given group couldn't be won with, he'd jump in, figure out how to use it and then pulverize you with it! He was a veritable god in Masters of Orion (was his weapon development czar), the Star Trek campaign game, and it was through his involving me in PE, that I got sucked into the CMBO Beta Demo and have been a CMer since January 2000. To date, he's painted thousands of figures, won a number of figure painting contests, and is an expert at speed painting figures. There is hardly a FRP system he hasn't played. I could go on and on, but you owe it yourself to watch his video and understand he is the very incarnation of a devoted gamer who is know putting his vast experience and enthusiasm for gaming out there to the world. Well worth a link on your game site!


John Kettler

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Thanks for the kind words.

I made a choice not to mention prices in my reviews on AWNT because they vary so much. I have picked up games on Amazon, NWS, and Ebay with the prices for books and games all over the place. Then the actual company might have sales. I know that Casemate Publishers does all the time.

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  • 4 months later...

Wodin (and anyone who does FRP with minis),

You should be aware there's a KS for something called Caverns Deep! by Dwarven Forge. If you wish to go underground, this is for you and is mind-boggling, amazing, etc. No exaggeration whatsoever. Would post a URL, but that might get me into trouble with the Mods. Suffice it to say you NEED to go look at this for yourself, starting with the very well done promo video used to showcase what this KS is all about.


John Kettler

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Here's a wargame blog you may wish to include in your links. As it happens, the most recent article is about a CoC Mini-Campaign called 29 Let's Roll, something I got to see the first battle of only a few hours ago! Playing Germans in it is something that requires a lot of mental toughness, resilience and perseverance. This particular outing ran some four hours, during which the German player lived in a state of almost continuous martial frustration. The blog name is simple and cute: rollaone.com


John Kettler


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I think it's '29 Let's Go!' one of the stock Lardy Campaigns:  https://toofatlardies.co.uk/product/29-lets-go-pint-sized-campaign/

My favourite is 'Kampfgruppe Von Luck' (I like the oddball German vehicles & insane deployment):  https://toofatlardies.co.uk/product/kampfgruppe-von-luck/  I did start trying to convert it to CM, but the mapping was beyond me back then (still not 100% on overlays now TBH), maybe one day.  ;)

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  • 2 weeks later...


Alas! No CoC this weekend (CM brain still offline), so shall be playing Napoleonics (Le Baton) with some of the same people at the now dried out usual location. Flooded last Friday amid torrential rain. Also, nothing arrived from overseas to grace my library, so am calling off the vigil. Please make whatever arrangements are needed. 


John Kettler

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  • 3 weeks later...

Wodin, etc.,

A charming gentleman named Daniel Borris has joined the CoC fold. He is a big time miniature soldier collector and has spent half a century doing it. Talking 9000 figures, part of which was the Donald Featherstone Collection. Featherstone was my first exposure to warfare in miniature via Desert War in Miniature, which was war in the Western Desert. He authored a pile of wargaming books, and Mr. Borris also has the original manuscripts for many. He generously decided to share his collection by video on YT, and here is the first--of 21!


John Kettler

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