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First ever PBEM & AAR


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My first ever PBEM and AAR, versus Abbasid111.


I'm RUS, he's NATO.



Large QB city, full MOUT, dawn call, light rain, medium forces.

APS, opening barrages allowed.


I've never played this map, unaware of BLUFOR setup zones.



Left hook, MAIN EFFORT, crossing the diagonal bisecting road further north into the center.

Center advances to attrition/opportunity positions on south edge of open ground.

Right flank advances as opportune - if a breakthough chance detected then reinforce from center or reserve and attack simultaneous with Main Effort on left flank.



1 x Slightly understrength BMP Battalion

2 x Coy T90AM

6 x 152mm SP Arty

1 x 81mm Mortar

Bunch of ATGMs, Snipers




NO Drones


2 ZSUs, - I'd have bought more, intend to use for heavy inf support, when house to house.

Going to rely on the urban environment, dust from my hvy arty and close contact with the enemy to provide cover from US CAS.


Very heavy arty initially.

Front units advance through arty, casualties irrelevant.


T90s avoid 1v1 on abrams - retreat, bring up ATGMs and gang up.


Arty immediately on cathedral, ZSU to spire for turn 1 suppression then scoot away.


- KP -


Edited by kinophile
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Arty's up!

152mm firewall now slamming down on Fire Support Line 1.

The cathedral spire freaks me out,  getting special attention. The last thing I need is high accuracy direct spotting by buggers with binos and LRFs. Dropping smoke in the Open Ground to disrupt LOS and prevent any lucky long shots.

Left  hook charging forward, halfway to OBJ Housing Row.  Left Hook armor will support the Row assault then pivot right and pop-shoot-scoot along my side of the Open Ground. The trick will be to use Inf and Arty to secure the other side of the Row, allowing my armor through - that right gable end is a keyhole deathtrap.

QUESTION: has anyone tried driving a tank over a collapsed building? If I can blast my way through this city, then Ho BOY...

Right Flank is trickling forward, seeking contact. Intention here is to entice an enemy advance,  then nail him with Arty and counter-attack with my two Coy of BMP.

If he doesn't bite and/or proves too entrenched then I'll be happy to observe and snipe until Left Hook is ready to second stage attack, then Right Flank will pile in.

Center is advancing, tanks rolling in pairs along parallel streets.

QUESTION: If I set a path with specific multiple targets targeted, and smoke subsequently obscures as the turn progresses, will a tank still fire? ie I want to suppress/cover fire through the smoke.

NOTE: This map has a bug. A tree line directly parallel to my setup zone has bogged down a T90. As in, right in front, right on the edge of my zone. It's immobilized now. Gonna try using a BMP to BuMP it (geddit?).

Overall, Basically, attack is in motion and everything is about to explode.

Pics to follow later.

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QUESTION: has anyone tried driving a tank over a collapsed building? If I can blast my way through this city, then Ho BOY...


You cannot - because basements.  And it is more a case of tank commanders do not want to risk that there might be a basement (how could they really know with out getting out and poking around).


QUESTION: If I set a path with specific multiple targets targeted, and smoke subsequently obscures as the turn progresses, will a tank still fire? ie I want to suppress/cover fire through the smoke.

Yes.  Make sure they have some pause time at the way points so they can actually line up the shot and get a round or two away.


NOTE: This map has a bug. A tree line directly parallel to my setup zone has bogged down a T90. As in, right in front, right on the edge of my zone. It's immobilized now. Gonna try using a BMP to BuMP it (geddit?).

Nope not a bug.  Your vehicles can become bogged and subsequently immobilized in various hazardous terrain, forest, mud ope field even.  What are the ground conditions (Menu | Conditions) it is always possible to loose a vehicle to immobilization but the chances go up if the ground is muddy or it is raining.

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Sorry IanL, you mean in real life or in game?

If possible in game, then by golly I'm going for it.

Rationale here is my total focus on objective - Advance to Win.

This is mirrored in my standing orders to advance through my own Arty bombardment (albeit as it is lifting).

"Advance, I say! Damn the artillery!"

Using thin skinned bumps is risky, but by God I'm not sitting out in the Open to be picked off by US precision assets.

Advance to danger close, attack in.

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Sorry IanL, you mean in real life or in game?

If possible in game, then by golly I'm going for it.


(Re the tanks through buildings question).


Ah, both actually.  TC's don't just drive across dangerous ground or crash through obstacles.  You said it yourself, if you could do it in game you would.  So, BFC have decided not to allow it because if they did we would all be doing it frequently and as some actual former TC's have said they would not do that in real life as part of SOP. 


So no driving over destroyed buildings - because basements - and because BFC want to prevent us from commonly doing very uncommon things.


Sorry man you are going to have to pick you way around in the city.

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Lost a T90 to a deep sited Abrams, about 1-2km away down a street.

Holy sheeeet...


Learning some rookie mistakes with arty placement.


Absolutely gorgeous screen shots. 


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Edited by IanL
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Thanks IanL.


Advance continues, sporadic sightings/hearings of M1s on the move.


Took the inevitable friendly fire hit, from a 152mm salvo still in the air when the cease fire order came down the wire.

A salvo of shells caught a forward platoon in the complete open between two houses.

Incredibly, 2 men survive, the two fastest at the front.

The nearby T90 has blood and parts scattered all over its front glacis.


Left Hook Infantry keep pushing into the Housing row.

I'm leery of ambushes on the other side.

Personally I'd place 2-3 MGs on the facing row on the far side, hide 'em, and then pin down the entire row.


Center are maneuvering into overwatch positions, T90s creep forward, light but constant coaxial/remote MG fire on every house that has an eyeline to the center.

ATGMs pushing forward into upper stories.

I already have a team watching north along the diagonal boulevard... there's an M1 down there, somewhere.


Right Flank is working forward steadily, I'm being careful here with MG/sniper overwatch. There are a LOT of blank windows looking at me. 

FO is about to hop out of his BMP and race up the cathedral spire.

I suspect HATO drone watching the cathedral - i dont expect my FO to last long, but all he needs is one turn. I plan a massed arty (4-5 batteries of 152) on the urban build up facing my left flank. A steady, constant, massive, prolong bombardment. 


I'm gonna shake him out of his hidey holes!


Btw, why can I only upload 14.3KB???






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Absolutely gripping stuff!  I fear c3k has now been deposed from his bloodymindedness throne. Your account fairly seethes with naked aggression. You clearly have figured out the combat task and are executing the Komandir's intent exactly. Taking hits from friendly artillery fire while hugging the barrage is very Russian and was done during the GPW and likely since. The fate of your two platoons is conclusive proof of the time tested observation: "Friendly fire isn't." The screenshots look like some version of Dante's Inferno! What's the point size for your force? Finally, in light of your handle, what's your favorite film?




John Kettler

Edited by John Kettler
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I've learned a lot about Arty placement from these few turns. Especially about timing...

My Arty layout was a bit too close - no resistance meant I cancelled the FS much earlier than expected.

Basically, I suspected a forward defence - it's not a big map, and not as much space for those long range shots beloved of US commanders. Abbassid is getting pushed/sitting tight in a relatively narrow zone... I don't think realizes just how much Arty I have (4 batts x152, 2Plats x152, 2x81 mortars, maybe more).

Once I have a lock on his main force (casualties are irrelevant) it'll be Rain of Hell time.

Tbh,I'm very concerned at the lack of contact. I droveSsome eome Inf out of an excellent building in the centre, but absolutely no sightings otherwise. I've kept my BHQ on the move each turn, random directions but close to his men.

The ZSUs are also not static,moving with 20-30 second pauses to scan. Generally keeping right flank ZSU close to the smoke bank. The left hook ZSU is going to drift closer to the centre. This one took down two "aircraft" in the second turn - is this a general term, covering drones and air support? Or did I really decimate an early CAS strike...? Missiles were fired, but I didn't count how many.

Although I expect BMPs to start popcorning very soon, I'm not concerned. I have the numbers to take a lot of hits, I have almost a full company in reserve and my armor is still available and being very, very careful.

Next time I'll take more FOs, more on site mortars and more, wayyyy more breach teams.

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Pics later this eve.

LEFT FLANK advance continues. Infantry with Snipers and an ATGM team are about to take the full housing row. BMPs are hooking around the end of the Row, pounding every single building with an eye line on them.

This  is a highly dangerous moment - a well timed Arty strike, or well placed minefield,  could cause serious damage. I have the reserves to push through but I don't want to burn out my strength here. 

I expect a heavy fight here. If not,  then that will help me deduce his actual defence zone. 

Still no fix on the US mainforce. My impression so far is that he's gathered behind my intended 2nd FSL (see first post map). 

What if  he's waiting to counter attack? I'm not over extended, my centre has taken a beating but I have the reserves to fall back without breaking my line. My right flank is not terribly strong but can still hold up any attack long enough. 

CENTER lost another T90, precision Arty strike. I've brought my left flank ZSU closer to cover the airspace better. There's a drone or two up there,  I want it down,  now 

RIGHT  FLANK has made definite contact with some form of US defence,  lost a BMP to an AT4. I've a company pushing forward here,  with strong ATGM support on the flank. 

I've pushed my right flank reserve Coy forward into the slowly dissipating cloud bank. It's a good trick to use, lay a cloud bank and use to stage/hide reserves. 

My FO in the cathedral spire is still unmolested. He's slowly id'ing US armour,  but too goddamn slow. 

My 152mm are all back online, hot and ready. 

Continuously pounding any building with good eyeliner to my forces. This reveals my vehicles but better than unfettered javelin strikes! 

Basically,  advance continues,  contacts growing, lost another precious T90, no firm I'd on US mainforce yet. 

Tense.... moments... While... Advancing... 

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