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Updated Kampfgruppe Engel campaign on Repository

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Have just gotten to the 5th mission (Crossing the Dives) and have found a problem.  In the previous mission (Hunters in the mist), the PaK40 came in as a reinforement and was missing.  I tried the the "unload, save & restore" method and that didn't bring it back, but I didn't worry too much about it since it wasn't really needed.  The problem came in the next mission. 

Here's what I had on the last turn of Hunters Screen%20shot%202015-08-03%20at%207.48.2


The first turn or Crossing Screen%20shot%202015-08-03%20at%207.49.4


Somehow the Pak & its support team became a single squad and also "lost" the gun".




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'Nother little niggle with KG-E. Second mission, the row of shopfronts forming the south side of the square is slightly raised above ground level, sufficient that troops will not enter via their front doors. Or maybe it's a problem with door location in those buildings, but either way, it leads to entering troops heading round the sides of a building that you didn't tell 'em to. Could eviscerate a platoon at no fault of the player if you had three A teams performing entry drills on the three frontages in the early part of a minute.

I have tried to get back into CMx2. Was thinking of starting by using Bill's exercises.


But this is the stuff that drives me nuts. Supposedly every bullet is tracked but we have stuff go missing or not be at the right level. And the whole LOF/LOS issue from setup to first turn!

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I have tried to get back into CMx2. Was thinking of starting by using Bill's exercises.


But this is the stuff that drives me nuts. Supposedly every bullet is tracked but we have stuff go missing or not be at the right level. And the whole LOF/LOS issue from setup to first turn!

Maybe if you actually played the game rather than jumping at every little niggle ferretted out by people who've put hundreds or thousands of hours into playing the game to even notice the flaws, you'd see that the problems are outweighed by a factor of thousands to one by the excellence.



[emphatic expletive]




And remember to leave your (detailed) preconceptions at the door: this is not an iteration of CMx1, it's a whole new (ball) game.

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OK, time to lock this one. It was an announcement that an updated campaign file was on the Repository, and it has served that purpose. If people see another problem, or have some grievance they wish to air, there are other places on the forum to do that.


Regarding the invisible AT gun in the campaign. This problem has already been identified and fixed. However, the fix requires the patch (which has not been released yet), so you won't see this resolved until the patch is out.



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