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CMPzC Operation "Bloody Christmas" (Ortona '43)

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There was little to no cover for that advance.  I don't figure the boys were feeling warm and fuzzy charging across the flat football pitch.

Good thing you had the heavy back-up to silence the pockets of resistance. 

Any of the armor have a bead on the AT gun?

Great narrative to go with the screenshots.


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As the 25 pounder artillery dropped around the Pak40, Major Stonecutter hammered his fist on his tank's turret top in grim satisfaction.  The combination of bad luck and outright mistakes that had delayed his squadron's arrival and advance had resulted in the RCR infantry having to pay a heavy price. While only two shermans had been lost to enemy action, another six were mired in the mud and unable to move. That over a dozen of the small and agile carriers were similarly stuck offered little comfort - tankers should know better!

"All stations Tango, this is Tango one. Keep to the roads unless absolutely necessary, the ground is like quicksand. The next call sign that gets stuck is going to spend the next R&R doing track maintenance!!"

"Tango one-one, acknowledged, out..... No, damn it, Tango one-one Charlie stop, do not go there, you stupid donkey!.." Montgomery cursed again and then realized too late that his transmit switch was still on.  He watched helplessly as his newly arrived Charlie commander, Sheppard, drove straight into a mud pit and ground to a stop.  Halting his own tank, he yelled orders as Sheppard popped his hatch and then watched in satisfaction as his instructions were followed and the tank crawled out of the trap and onto firmer ground.

"Tango one-one delta, take your call signs and shift east 500m to cut off the route along the road."

"Tango, one-one Delta, acknowledged, out."

Montgomery signaled to the leader of the following half tracks of one-one Delta, who  quickly skirted the mud pit and roared off to the east. A minute later, the throaty cough of Ma Deuce echoed from the east and Montgomery knew his instincts had been correct. Across the rise to his front, he could spot retreating grenadiers here and there among the vineyards, making their way north to Casa Berardi and safety. The trail ahead of him wove through the vineyards and offered the perfect conditions for ambush. He had a healthy respect for the skill of his enemy and, in particular, for the lethality of their panzerfausts and panzershreks. Self-preservation warred with the potential payoff of a properly exploited pursuit for a moment and then he pressed the radio toggle.  

"All stations Tango one-one except Delta, column of route, on me now!"

"Driver advance, medium speed along the road, keep us on the trail no matter what. Loader, load HE. Operator, continuous spec fire along the path. Gunner, be prepared to engage with coax and then HE."

"HE loaded, coax loaded and ready! Hull loaded and ready, firing now."

Montgomery's tank lurched forward and picked up speed as they coasted downhill, spraying 0.30 bullets wildly into the foliage ahead. With his head out of the turret, Montgomery rapidly scanned left and right in the vineyards, ignoring the enemy trucks disappearing over the far crest. If he could get his troop to the top of the ridge line a mile away, he knew they would cut off many of the retreating grenadiers, thus saving the RCR and his own squadron the task of having to dig them out of Casa Berardi. Muzzle flashes to his eleven o'clock forced him to duck and he closed the hatch just in time as MG42 fire sparked off the turret while the voice of his gunner rang out.

"Contact, infantry in scrub, firing now. Target, firing now."

"Gunner, swtich to main gun, fire when ready."

"Firing now, target." The sherman rocked back with the recoil of the gun and the distinctive clank of the breech slamming shut heralded the next round.

"HE, loaded"

Between the dust and the smoke, Montgomery was uncertain if they had destroyed the grenadiers and a potential tank hunting team that always seemed to be co-located with the MG42s. Looking rearward through his episcopes, he spotted his other two tanks making their way along the path. The timing would be critical and they could not spare even a minute. He needed to buy back some wasted time but could not so he did the only thing he could and pressed his driver to pick up speed as the edge of the vineyard drew closer.


Recce elements from the PLDG are the first to probe the southern edge of San Leonardo. The strange silence is unnerving - has the enemy abandoned a strong defensive position or is it an ambush?


The report of empty buildings from PLDG send Larouche and the remnants of B Coy racing north in "borrowed" lorries and carriers to pursue the enemy before they can re-group. 


Skirting to the west of San Leonardo, bren carriers and elements of support company try to prevent the Germans from escaping north. The mud and slope slow their pursuit, allowing the Opel to race away.


A bren gunner from Recce Platoon cuts down some grenadiers with a burst of fire.


Exhausted and caught in the open, the grenadiers opt to surrender and join dozens of their comrades making their way to the Canadian rear lines as POWs. Watching some of the POWs pass by him and his company, Larouche feels nothing but envy. For the Germans, the war is over. For Larouche and his men, victory means little more than another opportunity to roll the dice again with life and death as table stakes.


The risk versus reward of an aggressive pursuit is about to become apparent to a carrier borne MMG crew by a concealed MG42 that is one of the lay back groups the Germans have left behind to buy time for the bulk of their forces to escape.   


At less than 100m range, the 7.92mm bullets easily penetrate the thin side armour of the carrier, killing two of the crew. The other carriers slow and eventually take out the MG42 but at the price of several precious minutes.


While its main gun is disabled, Tango one three applies "first aid" with coax to another German lay back patrol, cutting them down before they even get a chance to surrender. The entire action takes mere seconds before Tango one three accelerates again along the main road to cut off other retreating enemy soldiers.   

Edited by Stonecutter
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Combat Team Stonecutter breaches the second line of German defence. In the distance, Opels speed north to safety along the roads.


Montgomery orders a pursuit by his troops's tanks but not before his gunner shreds a withdrawing gun crew. For tankers, the gun crews are like snipers and are seldom offered any quarter. 


The half tracks of Tango one-one Delta arrive just in time to cut off two squads of grenadiers fleeing from the vineyards. One squad surrenders while the other requires some convincing via Ma Deuce before throwing down their weapons.


Montgomery's gunner catches the MG42 crew with a 75mm HE round as they try to pull back through the thick vineyard. While neither Montgomery nor his gunner observed the shot, the proximity of the burst was sufficient to send macabre evidence of a hit flying for dozens of yards. To the north, the Germans are visibly retreating en masse. 


With the edge of the vineyards tantalizingly close, the tanks of Combat Team Stonecutter speed up as they race against time to prevent the enemy from escaping to Casa Berardi.    

Edited by Stonecutter
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  Great action.  Following with great interest.

"No, damn it, Tango one-one Charlie stop, do not go there, you stupid donkey!.."  :D  I expect that unit to have a suitable representative painted on the hull, providing they survive the battle.  That mud was giving your lads fits.

  Risky to press the retreating enemy, but the gain in reducing their numbers may well prove cost-effective for the coming battles.


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          EN - The Germans are in full retreat towards Casa Berardi. They have abandoned San Leonardo but may have rear guard elements deployed within the town. All of their armour and ATGs have been eliminated, and they have also experienced heavy losses in HMGs and HQ units. They are not expected to counter-attack in the near future, but instead will try and hold on to Casa Berardi.

          FR - RCR BGp is currently conducting pursuit operations, eliminating fall back strongpoints and bagging POWs. A & B Coys have suffered significant casualties, largely from enemy artillery and mortars. D Coy has been wounded, but not as serious. C Coy is unscathed. Cbt Team Stonecutter has suffered light casualties. Three Rivers Tanks has lost two tanks, while five others are immobilised.

MISSION:      RCR BGp will consolidate on and forward of San Leonardo NLT 11:40 hrs, facing N and NE

Tasks (see map below):

1.  RCR HQ (Chappy) - all BGp HQ elements will consolidate in SL, between A & C Coys;

2.  A Coy (Kuderian) - will clear SL and consolidate in the center of town; A Coy will form the BGp reserve;

3.   B Coy (Stonecutter) - will occupy and defend crossroads as per map. Under command will be half of AT Pl, Mor Pl, and HMGs

4.   C Coy (IanL) - will consolidate in the north end of SL. Be prepared to conduct advance to contact on Casa Berardi

5.   D Coy (snake_eye) - will occupy and defend crossroads as per map. Under command will be half of AT Pl, Mor Pl, and HMGs. FOO under command as well

6.   Cbt Tm Stonecutter (Stonecutter) - will occupy and defend eastern crossroads as per map. Under command will be A Sqn, Three Rivers Tanks and 4PLDG elements. Be prepared to advance with C Coy on Casa Berardi

7.    Engineers (umpire Koh) - free immobilised tanks and carriers from mud. Consolidate with RCR HQ in SL

8.   4 PLDG & Recce/carrier Pl (Kuderian & Stonecutter) - consolidate and observe between leading infantry coys and Casa Berardi as per map




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Here is an up to date look at the overall operational picture:

Note: San Donato axis forces seem to have some ATG's...


Turn 3A is still in progress so the forces near San Leonardo may/will change hex at final completion of the turn.

Up near San Donato we have A Coy of the Hasty P's with a troop from B Squadron /3RR attempting to lance the boil.

mjkerner will defend as CO of a Fallschirmajer unit with ATG support. Chappy assumes role as CO of the Canucks.

When the San Leonardo slugfest ends as well as the San Donato battle, we will be in turn 3B and see what the axis response is...  :D


Edited by kohlenklau
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I used a new dice roll chart and the first 6 of your bogged/immobilized tanks are retracted and can rejoin the next battle.

After that, starting with the 7th bogged Sherman there is a 2 battle wait.

For Brens/etc. one is awaiting 2 battles but the rest (up to 9) are ready for the next battle.

Air availability die rolls....

You hit paydirt and for Turn 4 you have attack sorties! 5 purchased aircraft to divide over any battles for Turns 4A and 4B.

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