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Axis AAR: The Road to Eindhoven (CMPzC)

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Very nice description of the action Carl!!


Your setup is looking very good. I hope it can hold against the Tommies armour assault.


Thanks Bil! The Allied commander is taking a very methodical approach. I'm guessing the next battle will see them bring in more infantry and well have a very bloody battle, house by house and street by street. I hope I can bloody their nose good once they start to move into the first rows of buildings. 




The enemy probe towards the ATG position is hit by interlocking MG fire. Two men dead, by the looks of it, a sniper team.




A stream of 7,62 mm bullets comes the Tommie's way. 






Interlocking MGs stop the enemy probe. 


The Tommies are still maneuvering closer towards Valkenswaard as the artillery keep falling on my positions. We are keeping our heads down, ready to spring deadly ambushes once the enemy takes the step into the first houses.  


Orders from Oberst Kerner are to stay put and delay the Allied advance into Valkenswaard proper. 

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16 minutes to go..


The enemy advance is very close now. Panzerfausts and MP40s ready!




Another Bren carrier bites the dust. No opportunity to put a Pzfaust in a Sherman yet, they stay out of range for now.  




Rookie mistake to park that vehicle right by the wall entrance. The driver will never get the chance to learn from that mistake. 




Tommies get picked off at range. The Shermans cant really aid them as my teams are on ground level and re-positioning between strikes.



Same tank as in the pic above. How is it still driving around after two clean PAK40 penetrations to the upper hull? 




The enemy is deploying smoke, and are about to charge. Its about to get messy...

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Thanks Heinrich505!




Central assault breaks up under LMG fire. Short cover arcs make sure the ambushes are sprung at lethal range. 




After a few casualties the Tommies break off their attack and retreat into the smoke screen. The FJ reposition to hit them again and avoid retaliation fire. 




Flanking enfilade fire takes out yet more of the enemy infantry in the center. They need to take the compound on my right to avoid fire from two directions. 




The assault on the compound on my right is however also stalled. This Jäger quickly reloads after the ambush, hoping to get off a few more rounds on the enemy crawling towards safety.  




The main road into Valkenswaard. LMGs and rifles cover the heavily barbed wire entrance. 




Overview with 14 minutes to go. The smoke screen works both ways. We are allowed to withdraw in four minutes but are ordered to stay put. 




On my far left the reminder of the enemy probe is destroyed by light mortars of Fliegerhorst Gruppe Weiss.

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Um....er...Herr Oberst Kerner...ya, I zink I meant...Ah, Hold as long as you can und zen...skedaddle beck up to zee vront...


He vas behind me zee whole time and youse guys didn't even blink me a varning....Ach du Lieber, mein Gott!!!  :(


Zo, Herr Oberst, Laundry und Morale Offizier zounds like a very gut assignment after all...but chust not on zee Eastern Vront!!!




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Thanks guys! :)




On the main road into Valkenswaard the Tommies keep up their advance. They seem to be running low on infantry.




Tankers forced into combat on foot.


And on my right..




After conducting two successful ambushes the Fallschirmjägers blow a hole in the compound wall and exit to take up new positions. Its very satisfying to deal some damage and then get these men out before they can be encircled.  


In the center..




The enemy attack again. The lose several men but are able to get a toehold in the trench covering the entrance. Will they be in any condition to continue their advance?




Dead and cowering men occupying the trench.


In the interior parts of the city the last artillery shells fall..




A squad can only look on in horror as a direct hit in their trench annihilates their platoon commander (And have a look at those gorgeous helmets from Saferights German helmet mega mod!!!).






We have 11 minutes remaining.


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Fizou: I took a mouseketeer roll call back a turn or 2 ago and it is of course subject to final calculations/processing but FJ Schule Kompanie started at around 98 and now are at around 78. Fliegerhorst numbers are 122 and 102. +/-.


I haven't counted myself but that sounds correct (give or take a few).

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  • 2 weeks later...

Only one minute to go. The battle has slowed down. Its obvious that the Tommie's don't have enough men to assault the town and they are now licking their wounds in the outskirts. Kohlenklaus casualties report is still fairly accurate, but we have taken a few more casualties (most notably a three man FJ team wiped out with a single 75 mm shell from a Sherman, key hole angle). The enemy has also taken a few more casualties. During this change of pace we have also been able to tend to our wounded and dead (hopefully this will secure us some more battle worthy men for the fighting to come, as well as retrieving the all important LMGs). 




We are still holding the town, but to only kill off two Shermans and losing all our four PAKs is a very bad grade. I have exited the reminder of the crews. Troops that held our left flank has also been withdrawn from the wooded area to the south as we expect heavy enemy forces to be moved up this route in the coming hour of operations. It was a very bad idea to deploy the gun in the open with so many enemy tanks in opposition. Together with direct lay mortars the guns where soon toast, even though they had TRPs to guide their fire. I should have listened to Bil! 




The enemy has not been able to use the main road into Valkenswaard. Its crossed with several lines of barbed wire and a few rifle men have been able to casue a few casualties and break of the few advances attempted by the Tommie's. A HMG has also been able to set up and take this area under fire from about 800 meters out causing panic among the men still held up there. To make matters worse there is an incident of Blue on Blue as shown in the pic above. A Sherman fires into a tree and kills two men taking cover close by (those poor tankers forced into infantry service).   


In the center, the enemy has been able to push us back from the first line of buildings. Its just not possible to stay there with the many Sherman's providing over-watch. The enemy's attempt to advance further in, without the cover of the tanks have been halted dead in its tracks and they have suffered every time they tried this.  




They managed to take the trench covering the entrance of town but in the last minute a veteran fire team (one of the very few) of Fliegerhorst Gruppe Weiss counterattacks and makes use of a small opening in the wall to clear out the trench, gunning down another four men. 




The trench is cleared without a single friendly casualty.  






Blue arrows show the withdrawal of gun crews and troops covering our left flank. The enemy probe towards this area was hit twice by a 50 mm mortar that set up, fired of a few rounds before it hurried back to cover. The area then hit by enemy 81 mm mortars. Later repeated in the same manner. No friendly casualties but three confirmed to the enemy. Fliegerhorst Gruppe Weiss has done a good job during this engagement keeping fairly even steps with the elit men of Fallschirm-Schule Valkenswaard


Yellow cone is HMG fire zone against enemy troop concentration on the main road into Valkenswaard. 


Red arrows show last minute enemy dashes with Shermans. 

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  Those are some really great screenshots.  Thanks for posting them.  You've kept us right in the thick of things with your pics and narrative.


  The tankers probably knew their fellow dismounted tank crewmen they accidentally killed with their errant shot into the tree.  It is the little details that personalize this game so much.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Turn 3 is now in progress. The battle of Dommelen will soon commence. It is 1000, 18 September 1944.


The Irish Guards led by IanL are assaulting from hex (1,7) into hex (1,6) with tanks and infantry no doubt lavishly supported by artillery.


mjkerner as Oberst Kerner has personally arrived on the battlefield to bolster the morale of the Schiffstamm company assigned there!


The first use of my "leader unit" concept as often seen in other games, a named leader can be moved into a hex and raises the morale of the units there.


Mark has the file for his defensive setup and I will let him take his time and hopefully he will post some screenshots and tell us all about his forces and his strategy...

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  • 1 month later...

Almost 2 months later and no SkreenGeshotzen?



oh well...maybe those reinforcements will take a wrong turn at Albuquerque!


When the Dommelen battle comes to a close in about 8 minutes, we will await the post battle analysis and then on to Turn 3B with the usual....


Some of dis stuff....




And maybe some of dis stuff?




If I would have written that new op layer game it would have probably had one of those warning labels on the cover for parents!!!!    :lol:

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Almost 2 months later and no SkreenGeshotzen?



Yeah, stand the stupid commander up against the wall and...wait a minute...strike all after "Yeah".


You said there would be no requirement for an AAR.  And frankly, things started so slow I just got out of the mood to do one.  I have been toying with the idea of a relatively short video summary, but the problem is it takes ages to reload every turn and search for pics/video at this late stage.  But, I may do so yet, now that all summer activities and home projects are winding down.  Maybe...just some pics or video of the hits on his tanks and carriers, and and overview of my positions, etc. Except for jostling sections around here and there for better LOS or avoiding enemy fire, things haven't changed much from the beginning.  One platoon in the little village on the left, and the other 2 in the main town centered on the church. 


Stay tuned, I just talked myself into a doing quick summary since the battle only seriously started about 10 or so minutes ago.

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No AAR is required. You are absolutely correct.


Hey, the next battle could be a real action packed baby! So, maybe with the summer over and Marta hung up her bikini for the season you have more time and can do a teensy bit of AARing? Please!

I assume you are the commander of the next battle? Or who?


EDIT: Save your energy for next battle's AAR.

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  • 2 weeks later...

OK, this is the view from the axis side. The allies have pushed you out of Dommelen.

The naval infantry took 50% casualties and are disrupted and pulled north into that empty hex.

Oberst Kerner was able to exit and pulled off to Valkenswaard.

The Pak 40 zug was destroyed.


Mark, tell me what moves you want and if you have any assaults planned.


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