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AAR "Fester Platz Polozk" RepsolCBR Vs Russian AI

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Further south...

The first russians have advanced into the courtyard infront of 3rd platoons possitions. My defenders behind the wall open fire at them...


and sends a handgrenade their way...


killing the enemy.

This is observed by the enemy assultgun...


That turns to engage my defenders...

More enemy spotting rounds are observed. This time only on the ridge to the north of the river.

My orders for next turn:

I will hide my men from the 3rd platoon being threatened by the assultgun. Hopefully this will prevent it from firering. Atleast it should give my men some degree of cover (even if it might not do much good against that gun !).

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The few remaining russians in the 'far left' building makes one more attempt to advance to the west.

This attack is halted by my he®tzer.


Unfortunatelly some surviving russians further to my left manages to rout my newly arrived halfsquad from 2nd plt/ 2nd Co...


In the center:

My men from the second platoon are starting to earn their pay. The russians have been able to advance some more men into another building across the courtyard infront of 2nd platoon.


Even more russians seems to be advancing forward from further back.


I also see some indications or more russian armour in this area.

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To the south:

The enemy continues to try and advance troops across the street.


but most of them are stopped by my northern infantry gun.

The assultgun that turned towards my troops the last turn did not fire. Instead it decided to advance west along the road. Straith into my killzone !


A panzerfaust-equiped halfsquad from my 3rd platoon engages the advancing ISU but their first shoot goes high.

Let's try that again...


Scratch four !!


More spottingrounds on the ridge...Or are they perhaps a harasment fire-order ?

No new orders for this turn.

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The fighting in the north the last few turns have forced a number of my half-squads to withdraw into Lieninhradski square.


My 2nd squad where the first to withdraw after having a man killed by the last crew-member from the 3rd assultgun destroyed.

This turn my 1st squad is bugging out after taking fire from some russians to the far left.


After routing my 1st squad those russians decided to advance further west.


But where halted by my reserv squad that i had moved forward previously. I don't think the russians got killed but they got pinned down.

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In the center:

My 'corner building' HMG-team continues to make things difficult for the enemy but BAD things are about to happen !!


After failing to make any good progress here the enemy have called for the support of an assultgun...

The result is not pretty for my brave HMG-team !


the result...


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To the south:

Once again more russians try to advance across the street and once again my infantry gun tries to stop them.


Only a few make it across.

The second of the assultguns in the south decides to advance forward along the same street as the previous one. Once again unsupported by infantry.

The reult can only be one...


My panzerschreck-teams in the buildings along the street have no problem dealing with it. The first hit does no damage though but after my second schreck-team hits it with a rocket the enemy gun is destroyed.


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I think that if the enemy should be able to advance any further in the north they will need to be able to get their reinforcements forward from the central part of the map.

Until now they have been effectevly halted by my 'corner building' HMG-team and my CRACK teams in the courtyard.

With my HMG-team knocked out...let's se what happens...

In the south the enemy attack have been to uncoordinated...

Enemy infantry advancing by them self and the assultguns advancing along another path by them self also. Getting destroyed.

I guess that i killed those russian troops that where assigned to support them.

For now the south flank feels very secure but to the north my troops have taken quite a beating and may not be able to withstand any major russian attack in this area if the enemy are able to reinforce their possitions here.

We shall see...

And those assultguns in the center. For now i don't know where they are heading...

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Thanks for the update. In this phase of the battle you can really go tank hunting with your fausts and shrecks. Very exciting! The satisfaction when such a puny rocket sends an ISU 152 to the scrapyard is immense, he he he. Keep these updates coming, they make for a great read!

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Thanks ! more updates will follow...

Yes tankhunting is fun for sure.

This really demonstrates that urban areas where not a very pleasant place for the tanks to operate.

Even a single, very small, very cheap panzerfaust could end the war for a tank crew in even the heaviest of tanks.

I think it also shows off maybe the most significant difference between the two opposing forces when it comes to infantry firepower.

German infantry are very capable to defend themself against enemy armour but i think that if the situation was turned around and german armour where supporting an attack...

The russian forces would have a far more difficult time. Their lack of hand held AT-weapons is a pretty severe shortcomming (i know they have some AT-grenades).

But they could use some weapon with a little more range...

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  • 2 weeks later...

Great AAR. I tune in because I am playing the same battle right now but

I am about 20 minutes further into it.

I had to give up the center VL's (both the Square and the Inn) and pull back to defend around the cemetery VL. My right side is pretty secure after a big fight there. Right now I have the points victory but this is far from over. The Russians come like the tide.

Just a tip: After your mortars are empty (or even before they are empty) get them over that bridge to be your new reserve. It will add about 9 MP-40's to the fight and that can make a big difference. Probably realistic as this is the east front and EVERYONE has to fight!

Good luck! You are doing slightly better than I did at this point. My first Hurtzer (sp) is dead. Second one just arrived though!

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Hello, Lanzfeld

Thanks for the tip with the mortars. I will have to keep that in mind...They will be my final reserv.

I have played a few more turns (not yet posted) and i recognize your description of 'the center'...

It's starting to look 'complicated' and i have been thinking about this for a while. I had a few options on how i should proceed but i have finaly decided for a course of action (i will probably regret it !).

We shall soon se how it plays out...I'm sitting myself down right now to get a few more turn completed.

I don't think that i need to use my mortarteams just yet but my company HQs- and support teams time in the rear are over. They are needed to hold the line !

I can only agree with you...those blody russians just keeps coming and coming. This gives the scenario has a nice eastern front feel to it i think but as a german defender i don't want to se any more fresh ruskies advancing on my depleted guys...

I have a few turns finished with pictures but i will try to get a few more ready before i upload them to the AAR.

I have been very busy during the last couple of days. My brother and i have done the last work on our parents old house to get it ready for sale. This is now finished and i can get the AAR back on track.

This weekend i WILL post a new update.

Good luck with your battle...:)

And by the way...With regards to your armour...listen to Vergeltungswaffe...He knows about these things !! :D

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Outstanding work. I will have to check how many AI plans you have in there as I want to play each one. This battle gives me an overwhelming sense of dread. Few fights with the AI do that. Man I wish I had a fresh platoon to attack with. Everyone is shell shocked!!!

p.s. My Hurtzer was a play on words...get it?

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p.s. My Hurtzer was a play on words...get it?


I hope you did not take this the wrong way...:)

It was in no way an attempt to make us funny over a 'misstake' from you but rather one from me...

Anyone else who's been enjoying this AAR now think of them as "Hertzers"?


Uuuuups ! :)

Well...You see the men defending Polozk where using an updated, experimental version of the old veichle...Very rare

This veichle was called 'the hertzer'

Few people have ever heard of it...

You follow ? :D

I do indeed! ;)

He he he, so funny, if you enter "Hertzer" in google and see what images are found: Hetzers. Seems you are not the only one that misspells the name of this little tank destroyer.

I love the little buggers, very effective!

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Outstanding work. I will have to check how many AI plans you have in there as I want to play each one. This battle gives me an overwhelming sense of dread. Few fights with the AI do that. Man I wish I had a fresh platoon to attack with. Everyone is shell shocked!!!

p.s. My Hurtzer was a play on words...get it?

Thanks Lanzfeld! Nice to hear you are enjoying Polozk :cool:! I tried to make it as immersive as possible. You experienced dread, sounds pretty immersive to me :D. Mission succeeded, he he he.

It was a lot of fun making it, knowing it was going to be different from other scenarios in this game thus far. Bagration is not particularly well known for it's city fights, the next module will probably focus more on that (Budapest, Berlin, Konigsberg, etc.). But I wanted to make a somewhat large urban battle for Red Thunder anyways to see what the current engine can do. And the engine does pretty well IMHO.

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Most of my halfsquads defending the northern part of the map (around the 'far left' building) have depleted their supply of panzerfausts.

To increase my anti tank capability in this area a have decided to move my two trucks loaded with more hand held AT weapons up to my front units to let them resupply.

I have one truck at the cemetery and one at my battalion HQ.



I don't think it makes that much of a difference wich of my units in the north i resupply with some new fausts (mayby i'm wrong about this). They have pretty much all taken casualties and become rattled. I have decided to resupply the two halfsquads from 2nd platoon / 2nd company that previously withdrew into Lieninradki square.

I will move them to the where the trucks will arrive.


The A-team from 2nd squad / 1st platoon that i moved up to the second floor to engage the crewmember will be withdrawn to the bottom floor to be less exposed.


I will move the B-team from the same squad to the second floor of this building to be able to engage enemies moving down the street and out of the 'far left' building.


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The survivors from my HMG team from the 'corner building' have decided to with draw towards Kruzhka Inn.


I will use the last halfsquad from my reservplatoon and move them forward to the building behind the corner building. They will wait here for now but as soon as i think that assultgun in the center has moved away i will move them into the 'corner building' to replace hy HMG-team.


I think that will be my orders for next turn...

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This turn was pretty quiet. My troops where doing some repositioning and the enemy artillery/mortar fired for effect just east of my battalion HQ.

My Hetzer fired a few round with its machinegun into the courtyard of the 'far left' building after seeing some movement there.


After that no more movement where observed there.

My two trucks are on the way and my 'panzerfaust grabbing' guys are moving to meet them at the resupply locations.


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One of the assultguns in the center where seen turning towards the north but after that it did not move any further.


The other assultgun over there remained unspotted. Their plans are still uncertain.

Fortunatelly the enemy did not advance any infantry in the center this turn now that my HMG-team have been forced to withdraw.

Speaking of the assultgun. Not only my HMG team in the cornerbuilding took casualties from that blast but also this halfsquad from my 2nd platoon/ 1st co. They have decided to withdraw from their possition in the building infront of the corner building.


My HMG-team and the reserv squad cross paths as they are repositioning infront of Kruzhka Inn.


In the south everything was quiet to. A lone survivor from a russian squad that had tried to cross the street where seen withdrawing.


The enemy artillery...

This turn they fired for effect just east of my battalion HQ. I must have forgotten to give my guys a hide order.


I'd better do it this turn. No casualties where taken though. GOOD !

I'm fearing that the enemy will also soon fire for effect at my supporting units by the factory across the river. Two spotting round where seen landing here this turn.

My AA-guns here will be given a HIDE order also...

The only additional order i will give this turn will be to order the halfsquad from my 2nd platoon that withdrew towards Kruzhka Inn to return to their previous possition.

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