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AA Vehicles

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I didn't have much time to play last night after installing MG, but I did do a quick scenario to try out some of the new AA vehicles.

Anyone familiar with these from FI have any tips for those of us who are new to them?

I can see I will need to experiment a bit to get the positioning right, and had a bit of trouble getting the M15A1 to rotate carriage to fire at a designated target. I don't know if it is a bug, as I haven't had time to work with it and see what is going on for sure. I was not trying to fire over the cab, I know that limitation, but the carriage was facing forward left, and refused to traverse back over to the right. I had to use a face command to turn the vehicle around 180 to get it to fire on the new target.

From what I have seen so far, these things are scary! Words like "meat chopper" and "shredder" come to mind :) They seem very good at ripping through bocage, I noticed a lot of pass through and bits of hedge flying everywhere. The suppressive effects on the (few) survivors was pretty good too! :)

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And that's precisely why, when dug in, these vehicles are faced with the rear toward the enemy. This also has the advantage of being able to get out fast while still pouring fire on the foe! The "no go" area to the front is caused by picky picky drivers not wanting to be shot in the back of the head, hence, the hard depression limiter. Against AA targets, though, the limiter has no effect, since the barrels are elevated well past that small subtended arc. Thus, in an AA role, the guns should have 360 degree coverage.


John Kettler

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I didn't have much time to play last night after installing MG, but I did do a quick scenario to try out some of the new AA vehicles.

Anyone familiar with these from FI have any tips for those of us who are new to them?

I can see I will need to experiment a bit to get the positioning right, and had a bit of trouble getting the M15A1 to rotate carriage to fire at a designated target. I don't know if it is a bug, as I haven't had time to work with it and see what is going on for sure. I was not trying to fire over the cab, I know that limitation, but the carriage was facing forward left, and refused to traverse back over to the right. I had to use a face command to turn the vehicle around 180 to get it to fire on the new target.

From what I have seen so far, these things are scary! Words like "meat chopper" and "shredder" come to mind :) They seem very good at ripping through bocage, I noticed a lot of pass through and bits of hedge flying everywhere. The suppressive effects on the (few) survivors was pretty good too! :)

In GL, I usually had them in reverse the whole game.

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OK, so if I understand it, because of the angle needed, the shortest traverse was over the cab, so the turret didn't turn, rather than go back the long way around (AI limitation). Now that I know it is such a hard limit, I will avoid that situation in the future.

My second run through, I caught on to the reverse facing, and all was well :)

I did find out this morning to my frustration/amusement, the AA will not engage a strafing aircraft. I can understand the reason as aircraft don't have a physical presence in the game, but it was hard to watch my pixeltruppen get strafed mercilessly while the AA stood by and did nothing even as it starting taking hits itself. :P I had a small hope the AA would help me defend against the AI's habit of strafing my set up zone on turn 1.

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AA units where able to engage aircraft in cmx1.. I believe BFC are planing to make it happen for cmx2 some time but other things have higher priority. I for one is just happy we have AA to play around with even if its only in the ground role (how often does one face aircraft anyways).

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I find they do not rotate gun to cover arcs all the time making them difficult to use on trucks or halfttracks. Sometimes I give the arc to the rear, and the gun stays forward to the side. So far I haven't had much luck using them, and would never buy any for a QB. I have tried going in reverse all the time, but they don't seem to spot well, and get killed first. Machine guns make short work of them killing crews easy. I am sure I will like the AA tanks much better since rotation is not as much a problem. On trucks, or HT's they are my least favorite unit.

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+n to the posts before, the rear arc of AA trucks is where stuff happens.

They are fun, but a huge gamble especially QB-pointswise. It is quite something to watch a 37mm flak truck shoot laterally at 3 Challengers traveling down a road. That thin turret side armour...

Lately I've found satisfaction in chaining movement orders to AA units with short pauses and a Target Briefly command from each waypoint. This means it's moving, so it's a harder target and it stops to empty the magazines and reloads while it is scooting to another location.

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